Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2919: Dragging bloody footprints all the way

The second bloody footprint

That voice was completely different from Liu Rushi's usual gentle whisper.

If he hadn't been sure that Liu Rushi was in this ward, Xiao Ning would never have recognized the voice and thought that he was in the wrong place!

She was frightened when she heard that. She glanced at Bai Yeyuan and asked him with her eyes: Do we want to go in now?

Bai Yeyuan's face was as calm as water, and he said calmly: "It's up to you. If you feel uncomfortable, we will wait outside."

Just saying.

The door of the ward suddenly opened from the inside.

A nurse rushed out in a hurry, holding a tray in her hand and shouting on the intercom: "Quickly prepare more absorbent cotton and hemostatic gauze. The patient is bleeding a lot... By the way, here are some strong nurses." She The strength was too great, we couldn't control her, she almost jumped off the building..."

The nurse's words made people's hearts tremble even more.

Especially the tray in her hand, which contained blood-stained absorbent cotton, was shocking at first glance.

Coupled with the bruises and scratches on the nurse's fair arms, one can easily understand at a glance how crazy the patient inside is.

Xiao Ning took a deep breath. She seemed to have underestimated Liu Rushi's condition.

Bai Yeyuan saw that her expression was not very good, and saw that the nurse was serious, so he frowned: "I said don't come, let's go. When her condition becomes more stable, let Ye Yi come to visit on our behalf."

He didn't want to cause his little one any psychological harm due to visiting a doctor or something.

The little thing is still a pregnant woman!

Xiao Ning thought for a while and said softly: "It's here now... Let's put the flowers down."

She was not very holy, and insisted on going in for a visit, thinking of leaving the carnation at the door and leaving.

Who would have thought that in just a few words, Liu Rushi in the room suddenly heard Bai Yeyuan's voice and rushed to the door: "Yeyuan, is it you? Are you here?"

The voice that was wailing a second ago suddenly became gentle and caring.

Of course,

There is still some hoarseness in the voice.

However, this hoarseness added a touch of pity to her tone.

However, when Xiao Ning looked over with pity, she was stunned by Liu Rushi's face.

Liu Rushi was really seriously ill.

She was slim and straight, and she had lost at least five or six kilograms. She was already thin, but now she was like a paper figure that was about to run away in the wind. Xiao Ning seriously doubted whether this woman weighed 80 kilograms.

There were pinch wounds and scratches everywhere on his face, hands, and arms, and the biggest wound came from his feet.

She didn't know what she used to pierce the sole of her foot, and the blood flowed out. It had soaked the absorbent cotton in the nurse's hand. Now because she threw herself at the door, the blood was flowing along her bare foot, dragging bloody footprints all the way on the floor... …!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ning's breath froze and she was speechless.

It turns out that this kind of mental illness is so terrible and tragic, and it is completely different from what is written in the teaching textbooks.

Post-traumatic stress syndrome, it turns out, really is different for each person based on their trauma.

It is said that one of the tortures Liu Rushi suffered when she was raped by men was to have her hands and feet pierced and nailed to the wall for humiliation.

Therefore, now that her old disease has relapsed, she can't help but harm herself and pierce her healed soles and palms again!

Such a ruthless move doesn't seem like an act.

This is really sick...

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