Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2931 The fox-like man

2nd man

Gong Jue's long-lost voice is still so sonorous, powerful, simple and rough.

Bai Yeyuan moved the phone away a little, and after Gong Jue finished shouting, he twitched the corners of his lips speechlessly: "Oh, showing affection, right? Sir, since you know that you are happy, others are still in dire straits. , can’t you have some empathy and take some time to listen to me?”

Gong Jue decisively refused: "No time!"

Bai Yeyuan finally met a man more shameless than him.

At this time, it’s time to compete in the level of sinisterness!

He narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "Oh, I don't have time... Then if Xiao Ning encounters difficulties and talks to your family Gu Qiqi, and this matter requires Gu Qiqi to return to China to help her solve it... you Do you think Gu Qiqi will come back?"

Based on the friendship between Gu Qiqi and Xiao Ning, there is no doubt that Gu Qiqi will definitely abandon her men and come back to help her woman handle things first, and then go back to smooth the stupid man's hair.

Bai Yeyuan didn't need to explain this truth, Gong Jue also knew it very well.

Gong Jue's voice became darker: "Don't let Xiao Ning make phone calls!"

He and his stupid woman are living a fairy life every day, enjoying the most beautiful and refreshing taste in the world in different ways every day. How can they allow others to disturb them?

To be honest, he didn't even want to answer Bai Yeyuan's call today!

As soon as he heard Gong Jue's objection, Bai Yeyuan knew that he had made the right bet in this round.

Smiling lightly, Bai Yeyuan said: "The matter is not difficult. There is no need for my little one to find Gu Qiqi. Let me tell you briefly, it is the Fengyun Award case. Someone bribed the judges to plot against my little one..."

"I'll find someone to help you kill that stupid judge!" The solution given by Gong Jue was indeed crude.

Bai Yeyuan: "If killing the judges could solve the problem, my people would have taken action long ago. What needs to be done now is to deal with the cabinet. The law stipulates that the judges cannot be removed, so let the cabinet direct the organizing committee to modify the award rules of the Fengyun Awards so that The score given by the judging panel must follow the internationally accepted practice of removing the highest score and the lowest score. Then reduce the proportion of the judges' scores in the total score to prevent the other party from buying more judges..."

Gong Jue didn't wait for Bai Yeyuan to finish explaining the plan, and immediately agreed: "Okay, I'll take care of the cabinet and be responsible for this rule-breaking change. Please tell Xiao Ning not to call Gu Qiqi! Such a big deal, You can do it yourself, why let me do it?"

Bai Yeyuan: "Because I need the new rules to take effect tonight. Sir, only you, the leader, can do this."

Gong Jue: "Damn!"

It felt like I had fallen into the deep pit of Baiye Abyss.

Modifying the competition rules of such an important event should be done within a few hours. Damn it, Bai Yeyuan, this bastard, must have made it right. He doesn't want his wife to be disturbed, right?

Bai Yeyuan ended the call with a smile: "Sir, it's settled. If the new rules take effect tonight, as a thank you, I will give you 5% of the profits from the Italian business. If it doesn't take effect...hehe..."

In the fox-like evil smile, Gong Jue understood clearly what this guy was implying——

Sir, if you can't do it tonight, then my Xiao Ning will harass your wife, and I won't stop you!

After Bai Yeyuan handed over this difficult task to Gong Jue, he put away the phone and walked quickly back to the restaurant.

Xiao Ning was still holding her chin in her seat, worrying about the veal steak.

Bai Yeyuan wanted to throw out those intimate photos of Fu Qingyun and her and question the little thing, but in the end he sat down calmly: "I'll cut the steak for you..."

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