Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2932 Woo hoo, don’t kiss there

Dear Chief Sir, the second relative watched Xiao Ning eat all the veal steak he had cut, and the anger in Bai Yeyuan's heart gradually dissipated.

It's the man's fault that the man outside provokes his little thing. Why is he taking out his anger on the little thing? If the punishment comes to the little thing, wouldn't it fulfill the wish of the person who took the photo?

He patiently continued serving soup and adding vegetables to Xiao Ning.

Xiao Ning's belly was round and full after eating: "Uncle, why don't you eat..."

Bai Yeyuan stared at her deeply, full of meaning: "I'm waiting to go"


Xiao Ning: "Have you prepared dinner at home?"

Bai Yeyuan felt helpless at the little thing's simple thinking: "Yeah. The meal you prepared for me."

Xiao Ning was even more confused: "You want to drink mushroom soup? If you had told me earlier, we wouldn't have to go out to eat..."

Bai Yeyuan: "..."

I really want to rectify this little thing who is ignorant of worldly affairs on the spot in this club.

As soon as this idea came up, he couldn't help it.

While Xiao Ning slowly ate her dessert macarons, Bai Yeyuan's Adam's apple kept rolling quietly.

As if secretly helping her count the number of macarons.




Wait until Xiao Ning finishes eating.

Bai Yeyuan immediately grabbed her, said hello to the waiter, and couldn't wait to go to the VIP lounge on the second floor.

The VIP lounge of this club is built according to the standards of a five-star hotel. Because the consumption is very high, ordinary guests are almost not qualified to visit.

This room opened by Bai Yeyuan was even the first time for guests to stay overnight.

Xiao Ning was dumbfounded as soon as she entered the room: "Uncle, why don't we go home and stay in a hotel?"

Bai Yeyuan locked the door and hugged her from behind: "Because I can't wait to eat."

Xiao Ning: "Huh?"

Is this an incorrect answer?

However, the next second, Bai Yeyuan gave his answer with action.

He took off each other's coats in three strokes, and pressed Xiao Ning onto the oversized round bed.

Xiao Ning finally realized what he was going to do.

Actually keeping warm and thinking about lust... lust!

This guy is so exaggerated that he wants to open a room on the spot to do that kind of thing.

Her little face suddenly turned red: "Uncle, no!"

Bai Yeyuan narrowed his eyes and stared at her mischievously: "Isn't this fair? I just fed you, and now you are not willing to feed me?"

Xiao Ning was about to cry but had no tears: "..."

Can this be compared?

However, Bai Yeyuan had already pulled one of her legs up and was ready to go.

Xiao Ning quickly shouted: "No! The curtains are not closed yet!"

Bai Yeyuan picked up the remote control on the bedside and heard a gentle "hiss--!" After that, the entire floor-to-ceiling window was covered by thick curtains. The semi-dark atmosphere in the room seemed better and more suitable for adults. Something happened.

Xiao Ning was so anxious that she shouted: "No! I just finished eating! My stomach is too full!"

Bai Yeyuan smiled mischievously: "I won't get it into your stomach, why are you nervous?"

Xiao Ning: "..."

So many excuses, none of them work!

In the end, Bai Yeyuan leaned down and kissed her gently.

Xiao Ning raised her neck nervously and said with a hint of crying: "Little uncle...please, please, don't kiss there..."

Bai Yeyuan responded vaguely: "Didn't you say you were too full after just eating? Let me let you relax first..."

Then he patted Xiao Ning's leg unceremoniously: "Move out and don't touch my head. It will affect my performance."

Xiao Ning was so embarrassed that she wanted to crawl into the cracks in the ground: "..."


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