Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2937: Are you deliberately trying to piss your man off to death?

Bai Yeyuan chuckled. After teasing her enough, he turned his hand and lifted her up from his lap.

Xiao Ning straightened her messy hair, covered her blushing cheeks, and secretly glanced at the man.

He was seen driving steadily, holding the steering wheel with one hand and putting the gun under the seat with the other hand.

Xiao Ning's heart skipped a beat.

After riding in his car for so long, this was the first time I knew that he had a gun hidden under the seat.

She didn't say anything, pretending not to notice, and her eyes quickly scanned his body.

There was no blood stains as far as the naked eye could see, so there must be no injuries, right?

I was still in the mood to make shameless jokes with her just now, so I guess he wasn't hit by the enemy?

However, this man has always been secretive, so Xiao Ning was still a little worried. She licked her lips and asked, "Are you...really okay?"

Bai Yeyuan was in a good mood when he heard her trembling concern: "Why, are you afraid of becoming a widow?"

Xiao Ning was choked and rolled her eyes: "No, no! It's just...just..."

Bai Yeyuan was very interested: "Just what?"

Xiao Ning blushed and stroked her slightly bulging belly: "It's just that the baby needs daddy!"

This time it was Bai Yeyuan's turn to be choked: "..."

Little thing, are you deliberately trying to piss your man off to death?

Return to the Bai family.

Bai Yeyuan sent Xiao Ning to the bedroom, then hurried downstairs to summon the backbone of the night department for a meeting.

Xiao Ning would never interfere with his work without rules, so she stayed upstairs and did her own thing.

That night, Bai Yeyuan worked on her work until late at night, and she was also immersed in re-preparing the summary statement of the case.

Because the next day was the second half of the Fengyun Awards finals, Bai Yeyuan knew that she was going to attend, so he didn't bother her much that night. The two went to bed, and he kissed her for a while before falling asleep with his arms around her.

In the dark, Xiao Ning carefully groped his heart, ribs and several vital points for a while to confirm that he had indeed not been injured by gunshots. His heart that had been hanging for a day finally dropped completely, and he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

In the dark night, Bai Yeyuan's eyes suddenly opened and he looked at the sleeping little woman. His hand was still touching his heart. The corners of his lips raised a pleasant arc and he kissed her lips again and again.

Humph, you still don’t admit that you care about him?

What a duplicitous little thing...


The annual Fengyun Awards is definitely a grand event in the empire's legal community.

Especially in this year's grand prize finals, many cases are extremely sensational in themselves. Therefore, after early media reports and fermentation, they have already attracted a lot of attention.

Moreover, in the first half of the final, news broke about the discord between the judges and the contestants and the awarding of zero points. Although it was quickly suppressed, it still secretly spread among people, making people feel more confident about the second half of the final. A sense of anticipation and curiosity.

The second half of the finals was held in the solemn and grand Empire State Building.

Everyone entering the venue has very strict identity verification to ensure the security of the venue.

When Xiao Ning and Qiu Xinxin entered, they were checked for a long time before they were released.

Qiu Xin thought: "Are you still afraid of terrorists attacking the stadium?"

Ushi Bin curled his lips: "You don't understand this. Don't you care about current affairs news? Recently, there is a very arrogant international mercenary organization, which has frequent activities in the empire, so no matter what large-scale events, the security is very strict, I'm afraid Destroyed by these lifeless guys."

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