Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2938: So nervous that I want to go to the toilet

Qiu Xinxin touched her chin: "Hmm... I haven't heard about this news, but I saw a big news yesterday. It said that a cash transport truck fell into the river on the moat bridge. It was so scary. Everyone in the truck was shocked. He died...the banknotes floated all over the river..."

Qiu Xinxin's words made Xiao Ning's heart skip a beat.

Sure enough, the cash transport truck was overturned by Bai Yeyuan's people.

If it weren't for Bai Yeyuan's excellent marksmanship, I'm afraid the news about people who fell into the river and died would have been about the CEO of the Bai family and an unidentified pregnant woman...

She touched her heart fearfully.

Still feeling apprehensive about this topic, he patted Qiu Xinxin on the shoulder and interrupted her: "Let's go, I reorganized the manuscript yesterday. You can familiarize yourself with it, and I will speak according to the new ideas on stage later."

Qiu Xinxin's originally relaxed body suddenly became tense, and she stammered when speaking: "Ning Ning, didn't you go on stage to speak? I'm afraid... I can't... I..."

Xiao Ning: "Nothing is impossible, be confident, girl!"

However, it turns out that Qiu Xixin is really not good at it.

The second half of the final had not officially started yet, and while the lion dance was still lively on the stage to stir up the atmosphere, Qiu Xinxin couldn't sit still.

"Ningning, my stomach hurts..."

"Ning Ning, I'm thirsty..."

"Well, Ningning, I can't hold it in anymore, I really need to go to the toilet..."

Qiu Xinxin, who was extremely nervous, finally ran towards the toilet with a painful look on her face and clutched her stomach, and never came back.

Niu Bin glanced at Qiu Xinxin's seat with disgust: "You really can't become a great person! You actually have stage fright!"

Xiao Ning took a deep breath helplessly: "Forget it, understand her. When we were children, before the exam, we would always be nervous and want to go to the toilet. For Xinxin, today's final is as important as the exam that year. , tension is inevitable.”

Ushibin touched his nose: "But I've never been so nervous during an exam that I wanted to go to the toilet..."

But sometimes when he saw Xiao Ning, he would be so nervous that he wouldn't know what to do, for fear of saying the wrong thing and offending the beauty.

Xiao Ning glared at him: "I hate you academic masters who are not nervous about exams the most!"

Ushibin smiled silly and touched his nose: "Hehe..."

Why did Miss Ningning sound so sweet when she said she hated him?

Especially when she praises him as a top student, I’m so happy...

Qiu Xinxin was not there, and Niu Bin's character was not suitable for taking the stage, so Xiao Ning had no choice but to take the stage in person.

She closed her eyes and went over last night's manuscript in her mind, then put aside the case and concentrated on enjoying the opening performance.

After the lively lion dance performance, the host of the finals appeared with a smile and began to introduce the members of the jury one by one.

Xiao Ning looked up. When the host mentioned "Peng Fenglei, former chief justice, chairman of the National Legal Foundation, and honorary president of the Imperial University of Political Science and Law," there was loud applause.

Xiao Ning took a few more glances.

Not because of everyone's applause, but because this Principal Peng was the one who gave her zero points last time.

Niu Bin also looked at Principal Peng and snorted: "Ah! What a bastard principal, I think he is a hypocrite! Are so many titles just for dogs? Even if you have a little bit of legal knowledge, you shouldn't be trying to fight our case. Zero points, this damn old man, with sinister features, fat head and big ears, is definitely not a good guy at first glance!"

Ushi Bin secretly scolded the zero-scoring judge.

Xiao Ning narrowed her eyes and looked at Principal Peng.

In fact, this old man is not as ugly as Ushi Bin said.

Sometimes love comes from the heart, but sometimes people hide it very deeply.

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