Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2945 She suffocates everyone! 【Must see】


Niu Bin finally understood Xiao Ning's unreasonable operation.

"Damn it, Ning Ning, you didn't forget your lines. It turns out that you deliberately lowered Old Man Peng's vigilance with mediocre statements at the beginning, making him jump out and scream, and then you took the opportunity to attract a wave of attention! Hehe, and then took the opportunity to throw it away With these amazing statistics of yours... Ning Ning, you look like a little fox, you are so cute..."

Ushibin smiled like a flower.

On the second floor, Bai Yeyuan curled his lips deeply, looking at his little fox, his heart and eyes full of pride, as if the child he raised had earned face outside and was proud of it.

Xiao Ning still stood in the middle of the stage calmly.

She waited quietly for the audience to help her calculate this shocking crime data.

It wasn't until she heard the excited screams in the audience that she continued to speak with a smile: "Thank you everyone, it turns out that the crime of rape is not a small probability event at all. If someone insists on saying that this vicious crime is sensationalizing, I think it is this People themselves are sensationalizing!”

After a few words, Principal Peng almost lost his face!

But he didn’t know that what was even more terrifying was yet to come!

Xiao Ning did not stop, but continued to throw out more shocking data:

"What we just calculated is just the tip of the iceberg."

"According to statistics, crimes committed by people occur between familiar relationships such as relatives, friends, neighbors, colleagues, fellow villagers... In addition, only 31% of rapists are strangers."

The entire audience and netizens’ eyes widened: “Wow——!”


It turns out that people are more likely to be raped when they go out and meet bad people, but they are more likely to be raped when they are around acquaintances!

What a terrible reality!

Xiao Ning's critical hit was followed by a bigger critical hit:

“Also, crime data analysis shows that one-third of rape cases occur in the perpetrator’s home, one-third occurs in the victim’s home, and one-fifth occurs in public places such as parties or bars, or In private cars, only a small percentage of the other incidents occur on remote street corners and in the wild.”

The eyes of the audience and netizens were about to burst out: "Wow——!"

What? !

The biggest place for this kind of crime is actually at home! ! !

Xiao Ning did not let everyone go, and still used a calm tone to state the facts and data that shocked everyone: "In terms of age, 15% of the victims are under 12 years old; between 212-17 years old; 48 years old, 80 years old % of the victims are under the age of 30. Women under the age of 34 are the main victim group. Most of the victims under the age of 18 are assaulted by relatives or acquaintances."

Before everyone could take a breath.

Xiao Ning continued to say sadly: "But don't think that men can sit back and relax. Only one thousand men in this world report the crime after being raped. In other words, there are countless men who dare not tell the story of their horrific rapes. Hurtful experience. According to statistics, three out of one thousand men in the empire have been harassed or assaulted to varying degrees since childhood, and they are no less than women! Especially - boys."

The whole place suddenly became quiet.

Even the online barrages seemed to have been discussed, and there was silence for a moment.

So surprised.

The data released by Xiao Ning refreshed everyone's understanding of this crime. They can no longer pretend that they are asleep and dare not face the gloomy area of ​​the world.

This shock even made everyone unable to make a sound.

A suffocating feeling gripped their throats tightly.

If they don't do something, it seems that they will be completely swallowed up by this suffocating feeling in the next second.

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