Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2946 I wish I would not be harmed in this life

The shocking crime statistics left everyone in silence.

In the terrible silence, Xiao Ning raised her voice and concluded:

"Violence and violence are not distant things. They are like shadows of light. Wherever there is light, shadows lurk."

"At home, among acquaintances, in school, in the company office, in the sports equipment every place you can imagine, there are seeds of sin lurking."

"Our society is not too vigilant against crime but too careless!"

"So, the three cases I brought today are to popularize the law in the whole society. I hope that all victims will be brave enough to stand up and protect themselves. I also hope that everyone knows how to take precautions before they happen. This life will be full of sunshine and will not be harmed!"

May I not be harmed in this life!

Xiao Ning's poignant statement was also full of pursuit of fairness and justice. The audience burst into tears, and there was a slight sob in the silence.

Some people were reminded of the painful memories of being bullied in childhood by Xiao Ning, and their hearts were as sharp as a knife. Only then did they realize that the little person who was hurt back then had not been soothed by time at all, and was still curled up in the corner of their hearts; some people hugged her tightly silently. The children around them want to keep them in their arms and protect them from the darkness all their lives; there are also people who are thoughtful, feeling that their vision has been opened, and their eyes are looking far and far away...

Seeing that the fifteen-minute presentation time was coming, Xiao Ning had already captivated the audience with her wonderful speech. Principal Peng at the judges' table was so anxious that a layer of greasy sweat broke out on his forehead.

When the hour hand pointed to fifteen minutes, he immediately rushed out and shouted: "The time is up! No more talk!"

Xiao Ning smiled faintly: "I have just finished what I have to say. It is a fate to be able to communicate with you face to face about these three cases. Here, I don't want to waste your time canvassing votes or doing more about asking for votes or asking for votes." A high-scoring speech, because I think whether these three cases deserve to win awards, and what ranking and position they should have, is not something you ask for, but is decided by everyone! I believe you will give a fair judgment. !”

Her voice paused slightly, and she ended her statement with two words in a deep voice: "Thank you!"

Principal Peng felt like the veins on his forehead were about to pop out.

This cunning girl, isn’t this considered canvassing? Is this not asking for high scores?

This damn girl is just short of saying, "Anyone who doesn't vote for me is unfair and has low IQ"!

He wished he could drive Xiao Ning off the stage within a second, but instead, after Xiao Ning finished speaking, she walked down slowly, her movements very graceful and unhurried.

He also waved and smiled at the audience from time to time.

Even the photographer seemed to be particularly partial to Xiao Ning. He followed her with the camera until she returned to her seat and gave her a long, enlarged close-up shot.

I'm afraid, Xiao Ning is the one who gets the most close-ups among all the contestants!

Just when Xiao Ning stepped off the stage, the judges' table, the audience, and netizens were all giving scores intensively.

As expected, in addition to Principal Peng who still gave zero points, there was another person in the judges' table who gave low points.

It's just that the other person who gave the low score didn't dare to be too blatant and secretly gave it a 59.

The score from the jury was still lowered.


The audience is beyond the control of the jury!

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