Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2971 I didn’t expect to meet her again

The second time I met her

Xiao Ning opened the door and saw a woman not far away from the corridor, fighting with Ye Si and the others.

To say it was a fight is a bit inaccurate.

Because that woman couldn't possibly be Ye Si's opponent.

It's just that the woman was a rogue enough and knew that Ye Si was not to be trifled with, so she hugged the leg of one of the young bodyguards, holding her with tears and snot, and howled so loudly that other patients passing by in the hospital thought that these few A grown man is bullying a woman.

The bodyguard's face was red and bleeding, and Ye Si stepped forward with a sullen face and warned: "Let go! If you don't let go, I'll kick you out of the window!"

The woman trembled and her eyes evaded: "I...I am here on behalf of our eldest lady. If you dare to hit me, my eldest lady will ask Bai Yeyuan to deal with you!"

Ye Si snorted coldly: "Who is your eldest lady? I don't know her!"

Feminine: " dare to say that you don't know our Liu..."

Just as she was talking, she suddenly saw Xiao Ning's ward opening out of the corner of her eye. She finally saw hope: "Xiao Ning! Xiao Ning, come here! Your bodyguard is so bullying that he didn't let me go in to see you! This Is it a dog fighting against human power or a man fighting against dog power?!"

Xiao Ning frowned and finally saw the rogue woman's face clearly: "Is it you?"

The woman who was fighting with the bodyguard was actually Liu Rushi's maid A Zhu.

Xiao Ning's face turned cold: "My bodyguards have always been strong and soft, elegant and polite to others."

A Zhu snorted: "Then they still attack me and prevent me from seeing you?"

Xiao Ning said lightly: "I said you should be polite to people. I didn't say you should be so polite to dogs."

A Zhu was stunned for a moment before he realized what Xiao Ning meant.

"You! You, you actually called me a dog?"

Xiao Ning: "Stop barking here. It affects other patients' rest. It's too unethical."

She looked with some contempt at this shrew-like woman lying on the ground, hugging the bodyguard's legs and not letting go.

If it weren't for A-Zhu's naughty words about dogs taking advantage of people's power,

How could Xiao Ning mock this shrew as a dog?

There must be retribution for being mean-mouthed!

The stern Ye Si felt a little warm in his heart when he saw that Xiao Ning came out to protect them, and then scolded A Zhu with a cold face: "Did you hear that? Don't go crazy here, get out of here!"

A Zhu bit her lip and looked at Xiao Ning's back. She never expected that Xiao Ning didn't regard her as a thing at all. Even Xiao Ning's bodyguard could yell at her. She was extremely unhappy, but... She must take care of the lady's affairs!

A Zhu could only endure the humiliation and gritted his teeth: "Xiao Ning, you are not allowed to leave! don't want to know who Bai Yeyuan met when he sneaked out?"

Xiao Ning paused!

Leng Ran turned around: "What do you mean?"

Even she didn't know who Bai Yeyuan was meeting when he went out. Would this little maid know?

Wait, how on earth did this little maid know that she was being treated in this hospital?

Is it because of Liu Rushi's instigation that this little maid broke into the restricted area to see her today? Or do you want to convey Liu Rushi's intention?

These many questions forced her to stop and cast her clear and sharp eyes at A-Zhu.

When A Zhu saw Xiao Ning lingering, he thought that half of the success was achieved and deliberately gave it a try: "You want to know? Then come with me!"

Xiao Ning's eyes darkened, and she turned around and left without saying a word.

Haha, threatening her? If you have to fight with her to be patient, it depends on who can keep calm!

Sure enough, A Zhu was anxious: "Hey, hey, why do you ignore people even if you can't say a few words? Don't leave, I'll tell you! Isn't it okay if I tell you?"

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