Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2972 ​​Mental illness Liu Rushi

No. 2 Poetry

Xiao Ning glanced at A Zhu leisurely and said, "Say."

A simple and clear word, full of inexplicable momentum.

A Zhu bit her lip and wondered why Xiao Ning, this little prostitute, is getting stronger and stronger after not seeing her for a few days.

Didn't he just win some major award?

Humph, that is to say, the eldest daughter of her family has not come out to make waves in the legal profession. Otherwise, how would this little prostitute get her turn to be in the limelight?

But under the eaves, she had to lower her head. To complete the task assigned by the eldest lady, she had to coax the little prostitute in a good voice.

A Zhu's tone softened: "Miss Ning Ning, I didn't mean not to tell you. I actually don't know. Hey, don't go, don't go... Listen to me, where did Young Master Bai go? I am I really don’t know! However, our eldest lady knows! So I have no other intention of coming today. I just want to invite you to sit with my eldest lady and have a chat! "

just chatting?

Something strange flashed across Xiao Ning's heart.

"Since Liu Rushi wants to chat with someone so much, why doesn't she come by herself! Oh, she's still in the detention center, right? You want me to go to the detention center to chat with her?"

A Zhu looked embarrassed, angry that Xiao Ning had exposed Liu Rushi's identity as a suspect in public, but he didn't dare to show it too obviously, so he could only swallow his anger and answer: "My eldest daughter is not in the detention center, she is in this hospital. You know , her condition is unstable and she can’t walk around casually, so I’m asking you to go over there!”

Xiao Ning raised her eyebrows in surprise, but soon understood.

Liu Rushi's illness is a type of mental illness.

She should have passed the forensic examination and was released on bail pending trial, and could go to a better hospital for treatment.

Moreover, if the court accepts her identity as mentally ill, then she will not have to bear any criminal responsibility for the black history of perjury.

Because mental illness can exempt you from all legal liability.

This is why you should not take it to heart if you see a mentally ill person going crazy and killing people on the street, or if you are scolded by a mentally ill person for no reason, let alone fight against the mentally ill person.

"It came out so soon..." Xiao Ning couldn't help but sigh.

It's a pity that Zheng Shaogang's twenty years of injustice only resulted in a diagnosis of lunacy like Liu Rushi's.

A Zhu's face looked a little ugly.

What do you mean it came out so quickly?

If it weren't for you, a little prostitute, to interfere with this, my eldest daughter wouldn't have to go to the detention center or the hospital so hard.

It's all the fault of you little whore! Do you still have the nerve to say it?

She couldn't help but urge: "Miss Xiao Ning, please go as soon as possible. My eldest lady's energy is good and bad. If you go late, she may not have the energy to receive you..."

Before Xiao Ning could answer, the bodyguards all stepped forward angrily: "I'm sorry, our girl Ning Ning's time is also very precious. We want to see our girl Ning Ning, so please have fun in advance tomorrow!"

A Zhu: "..."

I'm going to be so pissed off by these idiots! ! !

Xiao Ning was amused by the bodyguards' straightforward way of criticizing people. After thinking about it, she said softly: "Ye Si, please come with me. Zuo is just in the hospital, and they can't make any trouble. . But if I don’t go, I’m afraid this girl will come here from morning to night waiting for an opportunity to hug your legs. You can’t stand it, right?”

There were slight cracks in Ye Si's usually cold and expressionless face...

The little woman from the CEO's family speaks so... so artistically!

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