Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3013: Defeated Liu Rushi happily

"Liu Rushi, Liu Rushi, from the way you acted cleverly and perjured yourself in Zheng Shaogang's case, I, Niu Bin, know that you are not a good bird. I will not allow a bad woman like you to pollute our purity, beauty and kindness. My little uncle!"

Ushibin took several photos and continued to record.

The security guard's sarcastic expression was clearly photographed: "I'm sorry, you two, obviously the president will not come to pick you up to the party. Please go back! Don't make any noise here, otherwise I have the right to ask the police to come and invite you." You two, go out, if you want to spend the night at the police station tonight!"

A Zhu still wanted to argue with the security guard, but this time Liu Rushi held her tightly: "A Zhu, let's go, Ye Yuan is busy, and I don't want to disturb him or cause him any trouble..."

A Zhu was indignant: "Huh, we are obviously participating in a charity event, but Bai is dragging her so hard and not letting us in! I was very dissatisfied last time at the Empire State Building. Miss, you are obviously kind-hearted and hired a lawyer to help Bai." Young Master free consultation, but in the end he not only told you to get out, but also kept that bitch Xiao Ning. I think he is just using you! He has no good intentions! He still doesn’t answer your phone calls. He is just trying to get money from doing business... "

The security guard's face darkened: "Madam, please keep your mouth clean, otherwise..."

Knowing the consequences of slander, Liu Rushi quickly smoothed things over: "Brother, my little sister A-Zhu is outspoken. Please forgive me for any inappropriate words. We are leaving now, we are leaving now."

When Niu Bin saw this, he had finished recording. He put away his phone and strode forward: Hey, don't leave in a hurry. Didn't you say you were doing charity today? "

He pointed at the door: "If you are serious about charity, you don't have to go in to watch the party, just put cash or check directly into the donation box. Well, the donation box is at the door. It is set up by the charity foundation. The donations are used to support out-of-school education. Disabled children. Listen to what you just said, how many millions do you plan to donate? Great, hurry up and donate!... Eh? Why don't you move? Could it be that you just made it up to impress, right? Tsk, tsk, the eldest lady of the Liu family It turns out that I participated in the charity party because I wanted to fraudulently donate money and do fake charity..."

Niu Bin's vivid words made Liu Rushi's face completely unbearable, and A Zhu didn't know how to deal with it.

How can you just give millions of dollars as you say, not to mention that you didn't even get through the door of the party.

But if you don't give it, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?

Didn’t what they just said become farts?

What a dilemma.

In the end, Liu Rushi gritted her teeth and made the decision.

She said softly: "You're right, charity doesn't care about formality. Although I can't attend the party, I will donate this amount. A-Zhu, please put the five million check we prepared in the donation box."

Ah Zhu felt so distressed: "Miss..."

Ushi Bin sneered: "Don't you regret it?"

Liu Rushi sighed, stuffed the check into the donation box, bowed her head and left with A Zhu.

Ushi Bin smiled evilly, and shouted at the two people's leaving figures: "Hey, on behalf of the children, I want to thank you for your 'kindness'! Next time you want to donate money, come to us!"

It would have been better not to say "thank you", but saying it was like a huge irony, stabbing Liu Rushi and A Zhu in the back.

Although I couldn't see their expressions, I could still imagine how these two people would vomit blood.

Niu Bin returned to the party venue happily, and happily told Xiao Ning about this scene. He danced and danced better than the children on the stage, and then tried to get Xiao Ning to watch the video he had recorded.

Xiao Ning held her forehead, she had no idea that attending a party, there would be such gossip to eat!

It's... quite refreshing.


"It's almost our show, I won't watch the video yet!"

Xiao Ning came on stage with a smile.

She glanced at the venue and saw that Yoruichi hadn't come back yet.

However, Ye Er Ye San is also very capable. As more and more actors enter the scene, the scene is well controlled without any trouble.

She strolled towards the stage...

[Master Yun, kiss me goodnight! 】Dear Chief Sir

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