Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3014 Everyone’s eyes are focused on her!

Xiao Ning strolled towards the party stage.

Although it is a rehearsal, the layout of all scenes is exactly the same as that of the official performance. After all, it will be the official performance in a short while.

Xiao Ning was waiting behind the curtain, watching the children perform the classic program "Thousand-Hand Guanyin" on the stage at such a close distance.

This is not a professional performance by a children's dance troupe.

Among the actors, some are even missing a hand, a foot, or have faces that are ugly due to age burns.

However, the young actors with such imperfections took it seriously and tried their best to complete this show.

To be honest, it was very shocking.

Xiao Ning remembered that when she rescued them from that remote and dirty mountain village, they were like withered flowers falling into the mud, lifeless.

Now that the soil and water have changed, and with the care of my parents and friends, it feels like it is blooming again.

Xiao Ning's eyes were sore when she saw them, and she was very happy for them.

The rehearsal went very smoothly. Dahua accidentally made a wrong step in the middle. As a result, the little girl at the back made up for it very cleverly and resolved the small episode in time. The children cooperated very well. Everyone was really working hard to perform better for the show. If you are good and work hard, no one will scheming to compete for the limelight and the C position.

Xiao Ning saw the purest thing in them, which made her eyes and nose turn slightly red. She had been immersed in the adult world of intrigues for a long time, and she was particularly moved to see such a scene.

Soon, the performance came to an end, and the backstage staff reminded softly: "Lawyer Xiao, it's your turn to take the stage."

Xiao Ning adjusted her clothes and nodded.

In the unique dance music that belongs to her appearance, she lightly raises her sleeves and steps forward.

She danced gracefully in the background set up by the children, her movements gentle and graceful.

The actors, staff, charity foundation employees, and even the party director could not help but focus on her!

I originally thought that Lawyer Xiao was an amateur, and he was just invited here because of her reputation as the winner of the Fengyun Award and the benefits brought by Bai Yeyuan's sponsorship.

Who knows,

Xiao Ning's dancing posture surprised them!

For some reason, watching Xiao Ning dance gracefully, they actually felt a gentle feeling of being soothed both physically and mentally.

It was clear that Xiao Ning was just a little girl, but they felt that she had a maternal warmth and brilliance inexplicably.

That kind of radiant beauty has transcended gender and age. It makes people yearn for her without any distracting thoughts. They just want to be close to her, feel the beauty of her body, and bathe in that beauty.

It is so fitting to ask Lawyer Xiao to serve as the empress in the last scene of the finale program "Thousand-Hand Guanyin". No one is more qualified than her!

The three-minute performance ended quickly. Xiao Ning made the final move and stood among the children, sweeping the audience with a smile.

Although it was the first time to walk on stage and rehearse with the children for the first time, everyone was surprisingly in harmony with each other.

At this moment, her eyes scanned the VIP seats in the front row, imagining that Bai Yeyuan would come to the front row to watch the show in a while. She was really looking forward to it!

Applause rang out warmly, the staff gathered around, and the director came over excitedly to shake hands with Xiao Ning: "Lawyer Xiao, are you majoring in drama performance in college?"

Xiao Ning smiled shyly: "No, I studied... veterinarian."

The director's words of praise were too late to stop: "This major is great, great! It's high-class and artistic!"

Xiao Ning: "..."

Are veterinarians very sophisticated? Is it artistic? Director, are you sure? Dear Chief Sir

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