Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3027 The most shameless love words [must read]

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Xiao Ning was shy: "I know..."

Sometimes, not everyone has a kind heart and does things according to the fairest and most merciful laws in the world.

Especially in life and death situations, selfishness is human nature.

Therefore, Bai Yeyuan is right.

There is no use giving her a microphone. Those men may not listen to her advice and make way for children and women.

On the contrary, Bai Yeyuan's cold trading rules and strong intimidation are the most effective.

——Want to survive? Then follow my arrangements!

Her mistake was that her grasp of the good and evil in people's hearts was far less sophisticated and experienced than Bai Yeyuan's.

At the critical moment, Bai Yeyuan didn't blame her too much and stopped.

He hugged her tightly, carefully protecting her head and abdomen, and said in a deep voice: "I'm going to jump down. Don't open your eyes, just lie in my arms. Don't worry, I will protect you." Safe and sound.”

Xiao Ning gave a dull "hmm" and said in a low voice: "You should also be careful..."

Bai Yeyuan kissed her forehead: "Don't worry, I haven't fucked you enough, I can't bear to die."

Xiao Ning: "..."

Damn it, this is the most shameless reason she has ever heard.

Also...the most shameless love words.

At the moment when she was secretly complaining, Bai Yeyuan had already lowered his waist slightly, gathered strength, suddenly jumped up, and jumped towards the three-meter high platform!

Xiao Ning thought, feeling a little nervous.

But feeling his warm and strong palms holding her little hand tightly, her heart calmed down again.

Anyway, with this man, there is nothing to worry about.

The worst-case scenario is that the whole family of three will die here and be reunited in another world.


The two landed.

Bai Yeyuan used the force to roll on the ground,

But he always protected Xiao Ning in his arms, perfectly absorbing the impact of jumping from high altitude.

Xiao Ning didn't even feel any pain from the impact.

"Spill water on your clothes! Then cover your nose with a wet towel!"

Bai Yeyuan got up and took her to the nearest side door.

On the way, I also grabbed two bottles of mineral water and a towel from the VIP seats.

Xiao Ning knew that this was also a trick for escaping from a fire.

Quickly unscrew the water bottle, sprinkle the water evenly on the two of them, wet the towel, and cover their mouths and noses.

Behind him, flames shot into the sky, and explosions occurred one after another.

Bai Yeyuan's arms were like a small and stable world isolated from the world, where people could breathe quietly.

Bai Yeyuan held her all the way out of the sea of ​​fire. Instead of going down like everyone else, he walked up the fire escape.

The president's office is on the top floor, and his private helicopter is parked on the rooftop and can take off at any time.

After entering the office, Ye Si came over to report the disaster: "President, I have urgently mobilized manpower to the fire floor to rescue people and put out the fire. The escaped audience and actors have also been accommodated in the lobby on the first floor, and doctors have been invited to help them. Diagnosis and treatment. Fire trucks have been mobilized. Because the floor is too high, the fire ladder cannot be climbed up, so death squads are invited to enter the fire scene to put out the fire. It will take half an hour to control the fire and find the origin of the fire..."

Listening to Ye Si's report, Xiao Ning suddenly raised his head from Bai Yeyuan: "I know where the fire started."

Bai Yeyuan and Ye Si both looked at her: "You?"

Xiao Ning answered affirmatively: "Yes, I saw with my own eyes that the explosion started in the women's restroom. Then it exploded all the way to the hall, coming from both the ceiling and the carpet... I don't know what the explosive was made of, maybe There is radioactive material, it’s so scary, it can explode continuously..."

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