Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3028: Ye 1’s Evidence

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A series of explosions?

Radioactive material?

Bai Yeyuan's eyes became serious.

This explosion was indeed very similar to the one he experienced twenty years ago, especially since it contained radioactive material!

It's just that the scale is much smaller than it was back then.

Otherwise, today, as a pregnant woman, Xiao Ning would be in danger, and the fetus would be exposed to extremely strong radiation.

He frowned: "Where is Yoruichi? I told him to stay by your side. Where did he go at this time?"

Xiao Ning opened her mouth and wanted to explain, but suddenly found that she had no way to explain.

Thinking of Ye Yi's figure disappearing into the light of the fire, her heart ached and tears came to her eyes.

"Uncle, Yoruichi..."

"Stop talking, I will investigate these matters and handle them. You and Zhou Mi go inside to check whether there are any injuries." Bai Yeyuan waved his hand to stop her.

Fortunately, he had the foresight to ask Zhou Mi to follow him at the scene. There were bodyguards to protect Zhou Mi just now, which came in handy at the critical moment.

Before Xiao Ning could explain clearly, Bai Yeyuan was stuffed into the suite.

Although he experienced a horrific explosion, Xiao Ning was protected by Bai Yeyuan and was not seriously injured.

The most serious wound was the bruise and bloody scab on her shoulder when she was hit by the ceiling lamp shade from the ceiling in the corridor. It looked quite scary.

Zhou Mi carefully applied the ointment to her and told her to be careful when taking a bath in the past few days and try not to get water on her shoulders to help the wound recover.

When she came out after checking her body, she found that there were many more people in Bai Yeyuan's office.

Night two, night three and night four are all here.

In addition, there were some key members of the Night Club that she didn't know.

Everyone's expressions were a little serious.

Xiao Ning walked quietly to Bai Yeyuan: "Uncle,

What's wrong? "

Bai Yeyuan said nothing, his eyes focused on the monitoring screen.

Xiao Ning followed his eyes and opened her lips.

On the screen, it was the scene where Ye Yi pointed a gun at Xiao Ning's head!

No one expected that Ye Yi would raise a gun against Xiao Ning.

Two nights, three nights and four nights, I had to sigh silently in my heart.

There was only picture and no sound on the surveillance screen, and Ye Yi's face, which was slightly stiff and ferocious due to pain, was clearly visible.

No one can defend him.

Xiao Ning rushed over, pointed at the screen, and said anxiously to everyone: "It's not what you think, it's not! Ye Yi didn't want to kill me, it was him who saved me! He was the one who let me escape!"

Bai Yeyuan said coldly: "His gun is pointed at you. Pointed at my, Bai Yeyuan's woman!"

Xiao Ning shook her head: "No, he wanted to threaten me and leave quickly! He did this because Oh refused to leave at that time! You can't hear the sound. In fact, he kept telling me, leave quickly, leave quickly! It's him It protected me from being seriously injured by the center of the explosion!"

Bai Yeyuan sneered: "He protects you?"

He reached out for the remote control and moved the screen back half an hour.

On the screen, there was a scene of Yoruichi walking into the women's bathroom while repairing the lamp.

Not long after, Yoruichi came out of the bathroom, then got into Bai's equipment room, and used his unique authority to receive a large box of blasting equipment.

Carrying the explosive equipment, he entered the women's restroom again and ordered his men to guard the entrance and not let anyone in.

After a while, he came out again.

Shortly after, a woman with a suspicious appearance and lowered head came out of the bathroom, took the pass issued by Yoruichi, and left in a hurry!

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