Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3108: I want to take her as my granddaughter-in-law!

? The old Italian man was so angry that he could not speak. He could not seize the book, so he could only continue to sit back by the bookshelf and wait. When Xiao Ning finished reading, he would give him a pitiful look.

As a result, because I had stood up too quickly, the blood supply to the brain was insufficient. Before I could sit down, my head suddenly became dizzy, and my whole body fell straight to the ground.

The old foreign man was already chubby, and when he fell, he was like a Christmas tree falling to the ground.

Fortunately, Xiao Ning acted quickly and realized something was wrong. He quickly pushed the soft chair and stopped the old man halfway to give him a little cushion, so he didn't fall on the back of his head.

However, even so, the old man fell hard and kept screaming on the ground.

Xiao Ning's heart softened, she put the book down and asked him, "Are you okay, old man?"

The old man blew his beard: "If you had given me the chair earlier, of course I would have been fine. It's all your fault!"

Xiao Ning laughed angrily, and just about to say something to him, she suddenly realized that there really was no other chair in the treasure library, only the one she was sitting on just now.


What the old man said just now was that he moved the chair to sit on. Could it be a lie? Isn’t that a hypocritical statement? But really?

Xiao Ning's face turned slightly red. It turned out that the old man was not competing for a chair with her, but she was competing with an old man for a chair?

She was even more embarrassed and bent down, ready to help him up.

However, she was also a pregnant woman, so she felt no pressure at all. She only remembered this after bending down, so she stood up again.

The old man watched helplessly as Xiao Ning squatted down and stood up again without helping her up. He was so angry that he was dying.

Not to mention, Xiao Ning stamped her feet and ran away!

"Today's young people are really shameful. They actually refuse to save themselves! It's too much! It's so inhumane! I want to write an article to expose the bad habits of today's young people! I advocate that young people in Italy must not be like these foreign kids. That’s true!”

The old man's hair was on fire, and he was gasping in pain from the fall.

He wanted to call his entourage, but found that the phone had just fallen to the side and was out of his reach.

Depressed, he lay on the ground, getting angrier and angrier.

I'm sulking,

A series of footsteps came from behind.

Xiao Ning left and returned, leading Ye Yi back: "Ye Yi, please help this old man sit on a chair, and call a doctor for him."

Ye Ren was tall, strong and strong, and he easily helped the fat old man up.

But he frowned and said, "Miss, there shouldn't be a doctor in this library. Why don't I help him check if he has any fractures? If not, it would be better to wait for his family to pick him up and deal with it."

Xiao Ning nodded: "Okay, that's it."

Yoruichi was very good at injuries caused by bruises. She pinched the old man a few times and found that only his ankle bones were slightly out of alignment, so he straightened his tendons.

It's quite painful to straighten the muscles and bones. Most people can't bear the pain at that moment.

The old man howled like a pig: "Eastern evil magic! Eastern evil magic!"

But after wailing, the pain miraculously disappeared.

"This... this Eastern magic is quite magical..." the old man muttered.

Xiao Ning couldn't help but laugh, and helped him pick up the phone: "Okay, old man, please contact your family."

After letting Yoruichi stand down, she continued reading.

The old Italian man rubbed his feet and sat comfortably on the soft chair.

This time, the look in Xiao Ning's eyes was a little different.

This little one turns out to be quite warm-hearted.

Although he doesn't speak well, doesn't speak Italian very well, and has a stubborn temper, he is very kind.

Well, if his two grandsons weren't too young, I really want to take them as my grandsons-in-law... I want to talk about "Dear Chief Sir" with more like-minded people, follow "Youdu Literature" on WeChat, chat about life, and find confidants~

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