Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3109 A very professional argument!

? The old man thought about it, and the more he looked at it, the more pleasing it became to his eyes.

This oriental girl has fair and clean skin, a pure temperament that is neither humble nor arrogant, and more importantly, her taste is as good as him!

They all like to study rare books, which is different from those young people outside who only read popular magazines and entertainment gossip!

He thought about it and couldn't help chatting with Xiao Ning: "Little one, what are you doing reading this research paper? Are you a college student? Are you looking for information for your graduation thesis? Which university are you from?"

The corners of Xiao Ning's lips twitched: "No, I just want to find the answer to a question."

The old man became more energetic: "What's the problem? Tell me and listen? I'm most familiar with the Mediterranean coast. Maybe I can help you answer it!"

Xiao Ning looked up and down suspiciously: "Can you understand?"

The old man blew his beard: "Hey! I'm the chief minister of Italy...! Ahem, how do you know I don't understand? Let's talk about it first!"

What a risk, almost exposing his noble identity.

Xiao Ning thought about it and studied it for a long time. She was also looking for someone to discuss her reading experience.

Someone knocks on the door to discuss it, why not?

She spoke openly: "The problem I want to study is the pollution problem along the Mediterranean coast."

The old man raised his eyebrows and looked a little more serious: "Good question. I also like to study environmental issues."

Xiao Ning: "I want to know what is the cause of pollution in the Mediterranean Sea? It has the greatest relationship with human behavior."

The old man glared: "Does this need to be said? Of course it is the pollution caused by those unscrupulous companies that set up factories on the Mediterranean coast and discharge sewage indiscriminately! What I hate most are those companies. They only care about making money and have no social morality or conscience. .”

The old man was impassioned and spoke particularly righteously.

Xiao Ning swallowed her saliva when she heard this. She didn't understand why he was so excited, like an environmental protection expert.

Xiao Ning shook her head: "I don't agree with your view."

The old man slapped the table: "It's a shame that I thought you were a good young man, but you actually speak for unscrupulous companies and blood-sucking capitalists!"

Xiao Ning said calmly: "I'm not speaking for anyone.

I speak truthfully. Regarding the pollution along the Mediterranean coast, I have been looking up information these days. Indeed, most people, like you, think it is caused by corporate pollution. But as far as I know, Italy has enacted legislation many years ago to restrict companies from discharging pollution along the coast, and has relocated a large number of polluting factories. It can be said that this aspect has been greatly improved. "

The old man stroked his beard proudly: "Of course, it's all thanks to my work..."

He hesitated to speak.

What a risk, I almost leaked my great achievements in impartial law enforcement for so many years.

Xiao Ning didn't pay attention to his hesitant words and continued: "Unfortunately, this kind of treatment has no effect at all. On the contrary, the environment is getting worse. The seawater pollution along the Mediterranean coast has not only not been alleviated but has become more serious."

The old man glared: "Who said that! Which eye did you see it with?!"

Xiao Ning: "This is not my opinion, it is proved by data from the World Environment Organization, an independent and impartial third-party authoritative investigation organization!"

The old man had nothing to say: "..."

Xiao Ning slowly added: "And I also witnessed it with my own eyes. I happened to be on vacation on a small island in the Mediterranean a few days ago. Yes, the sea water is beautiful, blue, and looks good. But... I want to meet more like-minded people Chat with people about "Dear Chief Sir", follow "Youdu Literature" on WeChat, talk about life, and find close friends~

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