Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3149 The secret from twenty years ago was finally revealed【1】

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On the day she received the call, Xiao Ning was resting alone in Bai's Little Red Mansion.

Bai Yeyuan went out early in the morning. Before leaving, he mysteriously told her that he would give her a "surprise" when he came back.

Xiao Ning thought to herself, uncle, please don't try another trick and hide the "abortion pill" in some unexpected place to deceive me. I don't want any surprises, I'm afraid it will be a surprise but not a surprise.

Not long after Bai Yeyuan left, Xiao Ning's cell phone rang.

The string of numbers above seemed strange yet somewhat familiar.

I opened the screen, and sure enough, Liu Rushi's voice came in, with her usual gentle smile: "Miss Ningning, did you throw the phone number I gave you last time into the trash can?"

Xiao Ning was startled.

This woman Liu Rushi is really a bit evil. She even knew that she threw away her phone?

But then I thought about it, it wasn't that difficult. Considering how much Xiao Ning disliked Liu Rushi, she was damned if she could keep Liu Rushi's phone number.

Xiao Ning's face turned cold and she said in a cold tone: "Speak directly if you have something to say, no need to beat around the bush."

Liu Rushi smiled virtuously: "Miss Ning Ning, I'm just chatting with you, don't be too nervous."

Xiao Ning: "I'm sorry, I think Miss Liu and I are not familiar with each other, so there is no need to chat."

The last time she heard Liu Rushi talking in the women's restroom, she almost fell into Liu Rushi's divorce plan, thinking that Bai Yeyuan agreed to Liu Rushi's help in representing him in environmental protection cases.

It turned out that Liu Rushi was completely lying.

This time, she no longer wanted to listen to Liu Rushi, a woman who was full of lies.

After Xiao Ning decisively drew a line and responded with indifference, Liu Rushi's smile froze.

However, it is not Liu Rushi's style to stop there and retreat when faced with difficulties.

Liu Rushi quickly regained her gentle and harmless smile and said slowly: "Miss Ningning, I know you are unhappy because of the content of our conversation last time we met. You feel that I have deceived you. I must explain. Come on, it’s not what you think. Ye Yuan really begged me for help, and I really asked my uncle, Justice Anthony, but...

Anthony is too upright, and he is not willing to interfere with his trial of the case because of family ties, so in the end I had to regretfully tell Ye Yuan that I broke my promise and could not help him as promised..."

Liu Rushi's explanation was really flawless.

Half true and half false.

Even if Xiao Ning asks Anthony in person, Anthony will definitely say that Liu Rushi did come to him and hoped that he would intervene in the case, and he did reject Liu Rushi.

But Anthony would not say anything about Liu Rushi's hope that Bai Yeyuan would be sentenced.

As for Bai Yeyuan, it was even easier to confuse the truth with lies. After all, only these two people knew what Bai Yeyuan and Liu Rushi had talked about alone.

Even if Bai Yeyuan denies it, he cannot 100% prove that Liu Rushi is lying.

As a lawyer, Xiao Ning certainly knew the logic of this. Therefore, she did not feel that Liu Rushi was innocent or forgive her lies. Instead, she still said coldly: "No need to explain anymore, you are in our lives." , it’s not that important. Whether it’s true or false, it doesn’t matter.”

Having said that, hang up the phone.

Liu Rushi hurriedly raised her voice: "Miss Ning Ning, I'm actually looking for you today because I have something very important. I want to tell you frankly about the truth about some things 20 years ago..."

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