Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3150 The secret from twenty years ago was finally revealed【2】

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Liu Rushi thought that when she mentioned 20 years ago, Xiao Ning would want to know the gossip from that year.

Unexpectedly, on the contrary, Xiao Ning replied coldly: "I'm not interested, so there's no need to talk about it."

Liu Rushi was worried.

If she doesn't make something clear today, it will be too late by the time Xiao Ning gives birth to Bai Yeyuan's child!

No, she was determined not to allow this irreversible situation to happen.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Rushi blurted out: "Ye Yuan, is he going to abort the child in your belly?"


How did Liu Rushi know about such a private matter?

Xiao Ning felt as if her brain was exploding with a buzz.

Even unrelated people knew that Bai Yeyuan was going to have an abortion on her. What was going on?

Is the relationship between Liu Rushi and Bai Yeyuan so good?

She wanted to hang up the phone, but hesitated for a second.

There was a voice in her heart that strongly urged her to quickly figure out what Liu Rushi was going to say. Whether or not to abort the child, what does it have to do with twenty years ago?

However, at the same time, there was a small voice discouraging her, don't listen to Liu Rushi's slander, don't believe her!

In Xiao Ning's heart, heaven and man are at war, with no winner or loser.

On the other end of the phone, Liu Rushi took the opportunity to continue: "It seems that Ye Yuan is really ready to take action. I will tell you that he will never leave this child...absolutely not."

Liu Rushi's tone was very certain and firm, and she said "absolutely" twice in a row.

Xiao Ning couldn't fight the strong doubts in her heart and asked in a trembling voice: "Why do you say that?"

Liu Rushi smiled slightly: "Miss Ning Ning, this started 20 years ago..."

Xiao Ning didn't want to hear the old story even to death, and she didn't want to be deceived by Liu Rushi anymore, but in the end she couldn't bear it for the sake of her children, so she listened silently to Liu Rushi's story.

"Girl Ning Ning,

Twenty years ago, I was still a young girl. I had just passed the exam for my lawyer's license. I had won several good lawsuits. Thanks to the support of my family, I opened a law firm and my career was prosperous. "

"My family asked Ye Yuan and I to get married on a blind date. I have known him for a long time and knew that he was a good person, so I agreed."

"Who would have known that something unexpected would happen. Just before our engagement, his enemies kidnapped me in order to attack him. This made Ye Yuan very anxious..."

Xiao Ning felt uncomfortable hearing Bai Yeyuan's words about being worried about other women, and said hoarsely: "I'm sorry, I don't want to hear your and his adventure stories."

Liu Rushi pursed her lips: "Miss Ning Ning, this story is not about me and Ye Yuan, it also includes you. It is a story about three people."

Xiao Ning: "..."

Is there any mistake?

What does this have to do with her?

She is only in her twenties.

Twenty years ago, he was only a few years old.

She didn't even remember that such a serious kidnapping case had happened that year, nor did she remember that Bai Yeyuan had such a girlfriend who was about to get engaged. What does such an ancient kidnapping case have to do with her!

Don't treat her like a fool!

"Miss Liu, if your purpose is to show your affection to me and tell me that Bai Yeyuan actually saved you back then, then you don't need to say it, and I don't want to hear it. That's the end of it."

She thought that maybe Liu Rushi's mention of the child just now was just a cover, and eventually it got around to the so-called kidnapping case twenty years ago, the so-called past incident when Bai Yeyuan was sorry for Liu Rushi, the so-called memories that only belonged to them.

If so, she really doesn't want to hear it!

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