Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3174 He is not a bastard

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Fu Qingyun was outside the corridor, and Xiao Ning was extremely nervous, fearing that Bai Yeyuan would be discovered and arrested on the spot.

She couldn't help but plead in a low voice: "Uncle, please, hurry up...ah!"

Before she could finish her plea, she screamed fiercely.

Because without any warning, Bai Yeyuan pinched her waist and came again!

Oh my god.

Fu Qingyun is in the corridor and will hear it.

But this man still sneered: "Didn't you ask me to hurry up?"

Xiao Ning: "..."

She didn't speak so fast at all.

Bai Yeyuan didn't care. Not to mention Fu Qingyun was outside. Even with thousands of troops outside at the moment, he had to finish what he wanted to do first.

Fu Qingyun's footsteps were already climbing up the stairs to Xiao Ning's bedroom on the third floor.

He thought that when Xiao Ning came back, she would pack up some old things and take away some memorable clothes and shoes.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Ning's scream came from the bedroom on the second floor.

Fu Qingyun quickly turned back from the third floor.

The sound of leather shoes, sonorous and powerful, went straight to the door of Bai Yeyuan's bedroom.

He pushed the door fiercely, and the bedroom door was tightly closed and locked.

However, there was a suspicious flapping sound from inside the door.

"Ningning, Ningning, are you in there? I am Qingyun, if you hear my voice, answer me, okay?"

Fu Qingyun shouted anxiously.

Inside the door, what answered him was a more suspicious and violent thumping sound.

Fu Qingyun went completely crazy. A bad premonition came over him. He raised his foot and kicked the door hard.

However, Bai Yeyuan's bedroom was made of the highest-grade decorative wood. How could it be kicked open with just a few clicks?

Fifteen minutes later.

When Fu Qingyun was panting, he finally opened the lock of Bai Yeyuan's bedroom door and kicked in.

What he saw was a scene that made his eyes hurt.

Xiao Ning was lying on the desk, her face flushed, and she was crying. She was covered with a sheet and her original clothes were scattered on the ground.

However, the clothes were all reduced to rags.

It was as if a wild beast had just trampled and torn on those clothes.

Why did Xiao Ning tear off her clothes in Bai Yeyuan's bedroom? Obviously there is no reason for a girl to do this.

The only possibility is that there was someone else in the room just now.

And this other person could only be Bai Yeyuan, that wanton man!

Fu Qingyun's eyes turned red.

He looked toward the balcony, and sure enough, the balcony door was wide open, the curtains were fluttering in the wind, and the cold air blew in from the outside and blew on his face, seeming to laugh at him for taking too long and being too stupid to break the door just now.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and called the driver: "Find someone to block all intersections around Bai's mansion. Block all airport terminals! Bai Yeyuan is still in the country, he has not gone far! We must capture him on New Year's Eve!"

After giving the death order, he strode forward, carefully wrapped in sheets and picked up Xiao Ning.

The girl's trembling body allowed him to fully imagine what happened in the fifteen minutes when he kicked the door.

"I'm sorry..." Fu Qingyun was so remorseful that his intestines were blue, "I should have come with you. It was me who failed to protect you. Let that bastard... take advantage of the loophole..."

Xiao Ning sobbed softly, and when she heard the words "bastard", she burst into tears.

"Prosecutor Fu, he is not a bastard..."

If he was a bastard, he would have killed her in this room just now.

And he didn't.

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