Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3175 Millet grains were born prematurely!

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Fu Qingyun looked at the girl with pear blossoms and rain in her arms, and closed her eyes with complicated emotions.

Bai Yeyuan.

It seems that it will take a while to completely remove all traces of you as a bastard from Ning Ning’s heart.


New Year's Eve.

Wanted posters for Bai Yeyuan, a fugitive, were plastered all over the streets of the imperial capital.

But in the end, the prosecutor's office still couldn't catch a piece of him.

The Bai family mansion was completely sealed off, and Xiao Ning never went back.

There was also less and less news about the Bai Group. She only occasionally read in newspapers that an overseas group had purchased real estate, pharmaceutical factories, etc. auctioned by the Bai Group at very low prices.

Bai's stock price plummeted, shareholders sold their shares one after another, and the entire group almost collapsed.

Such a once vigorous business empire was on the verge of collapse.

Three months later.

Xiao Ning went for her last prenatal check-up.

At this time, it was already March in spring.

The weather is notoriously unpredictable.

It was still sunny when she went out in the morning, but when she arrived at the clinic, it started to rain lightly.

It was Professor Zhou Mi who gave her a prenatal check-up.

I don’t know if Fu Qingyun specifically told Zhou Mi that since Bai Yeyuan left, Zhou Mi has been extremely taciturn every time she gave her a prenatal check-up, and he never discussed the results of the check-up with her in detail, and would only say "it's okay" in general.

Xiao Ning didn't ask any more questions.

However, a week ago, Zhou Mi reminded her that because the fetal movement was a bit frequent, she was afraid that the amniotic fluid was not enough and the baby was hypoxic, so she was advised not to wait until October to give birth at full term, but to give birth by caesarean section one month in advance.

Therefore, today's prenatal check-up is to ensure that all indicators meet the surgical indications. If appropriate, you can be admitted to the hospital for surgery on the same day.

Xiao Ning was very cooperative in conducting various inspections.

Fu Qingyun was originally going to accompany her today, but he was called by the Presidential Palace on the way, saying that there was a legislative review opinion on an important law, and only he, an expert, could give his opinion.

He apologetically agreed with Xiao Ning to pick her up later.

Xiao Ning didn't care. She was not the kind of woman who relied on men for everything. Especially after Bai Yeyuan left, she felt like she was just trying to survive no matter what.

The only thing that made her nervous and concerned was the child in her belly.

After a long examination, Zhou Mi finally gave her opinion: "The condition is good today and the fetus is stable. I suggest that we perform surgery to take it out tonight. What do you think?"

Xiao Ning nodded: "Okay."

It’s better to choose a day than to hit it, let’s do it today.

But for some reason, when she said the word "good", she always vaguely felt that there seemed to be some sound and movement in the inner curtain of the examination room.

She even heard a breath of relief.

Did she hear wrongly?

"Professor Zhou, is there anyone else here?" Xiao Ning glanced towards the direction behind the curtain in confusion.

Zhou Mi smiled: "There is no one else. Oh, by the way, my assistant Xiaoliang is dispensing medicine inside. You have seen it."

Xiao Ning then retracted her gaze and stopped paying attention there. Instead, she listened to Zhou Mi explain some precautions before the operation, such as fasting and water restriction, routine blood tests, and shaving the hair in that area, maybe There will be some discomfort...

As a medical student herself, she had no objections to this and agreed to all of them.

As night fell and the time for the operation gradually approached, she gradually became a little nervous.

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