Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3176 The man hiding behind the curtain

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In order to relieve Xiao Ning's nervousness, the taciturn Zhou Mi also began to chat with her as much as possible to distract her attention: "Miss Ning Ning, have you ever thought about the name of the child?"

Xiao Ning nodded: "I thought about it, my nickname is Xiaomi Li'er."

Zhou Mi praised: "What a cute nickname! Where's your big name? It will be written on the birth certificate later. You have to think about it and I will fill it in for you."

Xiao Ning: "My name...Xiao Lili."

Zhou Mi: "..."

The praise that reached my mouth was swallowed alive.

Ahem, if Mr. Bai knew that Miss Ningning had changed his child's surname, he would be furious and tear down the roof, right?

However, behind the curtain, only a pill bottle was broken, and the roof had not been lifted yet.

Xiao Ning asked doubtfully: "Professor Zhou, did your assistant break the medicine bottle? Do you want to go and take a look? He need of help?"

Zhou Mi gritted her teeth helplessly and nodded gently: "Okay, I'll go take a look."

Three minutes later, she left and came back: "Okay, it's okay."

She picked up the topic just now and continued: "The name Xiao Lili is quite good. If you didn't tell me, I thought you would let the child's surname be Fu."

"Bang!" Behind the curtain, another medicine jar seemed to be smashed.

Zhou Mi scratched her head helplessly: "My assistant is not in a good mood today. Maybe he is broken in love and can't control his hands shaking. It's okay, it's okay, you don't need to worry about him."

Xiao Ning was used to the explosive temper of this irritable assistant, so she didn't ask any more questions, but said softly: "Professor Zhou, of course my child has my last name. It has nothing to do with anyone else, so how can it be named Fu? Prosecutor Fu is just an ordinary friend of mine."

The words "an ordinary friend" finally made things quiet behind the curtain.

Zhou Mi also breathed a sigh of relief.

All aspects of the operation are being prepared in an orderly manner.

The anesthesiologist also came and started anesthesia on Xiao Ning.

When the needle penetrated Xiao Ning's back,

She groaned, it hurt.

"Miss Xiao, are you okay?"

"Yeah," she gasped.

She had been taking good care of her body in the past few months and had never had any injections. She was really not used to it at the time, not to mention the anesthesia needle was extra thick and it really hurt when inserted.

"Ms. Xiao, I will increase the dose of anesthesia later and ask you some questions. You must answer them truthfully so that I can accurately judge the effect of anesthesia."

"Mmm Good."

"Miss Xiao, can you raise your right hand now?"


"Miss Xiao, do you have feeling in your legs?"

"have. "

"Ms. Xiao, can you feel the needle?" The anesthesiologist used a thin needle to test her reaction.

"Yes! It hurts!"

The anesthesiologist finally lost his composure and discussed with Zhou Mi: "Professor Zhou, I have increased the anesthetic dose to the maximum dose. Why is there still no anesthesia effect on the patient? Is this abnormal?"

Zhou Mi also frowned: "Why is this happening? I have treated her before, and she will not be like this."

Anesthesiologist: “Did the patient’s nervous system receive any stimulation later on, making him immune to anesthesia?”

Zhou Mi shook her head: "I'm not sure about this..."

The anesthesiologist put away the syringe: "Today's caesarean section cannot be performed. Without anesthesia, the pain of caesarean section is unbearable for normal people."

Zhou Mi was so anxious that she was sweating on her forehead: "But...she doesn't have much amniotic fluid left. If she doesn't give birth, the baby will suffer from lack of oxygen in her belly!"

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