Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3177 He gave birth to a child for her [Super touching]

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Anesthesiologist: "Then give me oxytocin and give birth on your own. In short, you can't do surgery. How can you do a caesarean section without anesthesia?"

The anesthesiologist was right. Without anesthesia, someone would die if he just made a cut on the stomach.

It hurts like hell.

As a professor of obstetrics and gynecology, Zhou Mi certainly understands this truth.

There was no other way, so she took Xiao Ning off the operating table and sent her to the delivery room: "Miss Ning Ning, you can't be anesthetized for a caesarean surgery. I'll give you an injection to induce labor. The contractions may be very painful later. It's very painful." . Just be patient, I will teach you how to exert force and how to give birth to the baby safely as soon as possible..."

Xiao Ning nodded: "Okay."

At this point, she could only bite the bullet and give birth on her own.

For the sake of your baby, what does it mean to suffer a little?

However, the pain before giving birth was completely beyond Xiao Ning's imagination.

She once thought that the night when Bai Yeyuan lost her virginity was the most painful night in her life.

Who knew that giving birth would be 10,000 times more painful than that.

The point is, the pain is excruciating, but the baby just refuses to come out.

Not only did it not come out, but the perfectly good fetal position actually turned into a head-up position during the contractions - the most dangerous breech position!

Zhou Mi was so anxious that sweat broke out on her forehead.

God is so unforgiving. Miss Ning Ning really suffered a lot for this child.

"Lili, you must be nice to your mother... Miss Ningning, follow my rhythm again, inhale, exhale, inhale, hold your breath, push harder -!"

With Zhou Mi's continuous encouragement, the rain outside the window became more and more urgent.

A burst of thunder passed by, and the rain suddenly became heavier!


Xiao Ning let out a hoarse roar and finally fainted from the pain!

Zhou Mi broke out in a cold sweat, bit her lip and shouted into the cubicle behind her: "Miss Ning Ning, she fainted! Young Master Bai,

are you still there? "

No one answered her.

On the contrary, Xiao Ning, who had fainted on the hospital bed, suddenly opened her eyes: "I'm here."

His voice was calm and collected, and he was completely different from Xiao Ning just now!

Zhou Mi was startled and almost couldn't react.

It took several seconds before she said in surprise: "Miss Ningning, are you okay? I thought you fainted from pain."

Xiao Ning's lips were bruised, and it was obvious that she was still in severe pain.

However, her eyes were particularly firm, full of determination and tenacity like a man's: "Can I still give birth on my own in this situation?"

Zhou Mi pursed her lips: "It can't be done. The fetal position is incorrect, even if you use force, it won't work. It's too dangerous!"

Xiao Ning: "What other choices do you have? Tell me!"

Zhou Mi bit her lip, unable to speak.

I don’t know why, although Miss Ning Ning is usually a very decisive person, at this moment, Miss Ning Ning is so decisive and calm.

It does have a bit of Mr. Bai’s style!

So much so that she didn't dare to give random advice easily.

On the other hand, Xiao Ning herself pondered for a moment: "Didn't you prepare for a caesarean section before? Is it possible to have a caesarean section now?"

Zhou Mi shook her head fiercely: "No, it won't work. The anesthesiologist just tested it. The anesthesia has no effect on you, and there is no way to perform the operation."

Xiao Ning: "Except that the anesthesia is ineffective, do the other conditions not meet the requirements for surgery?"

Zhou Mi: "Others...that's in line."

Xiao Ning made a decisive decision: "Prepare the operation immediately and cut out the child."

Zhou Mi looked like she was about to cry: "Miss Ning Ning, you can't do it. You don't know what a caesarean section is. You need to make a cut in your belly, tear your abdominal muscles apart, and then make another cut in your uterus." , tear your uterus open, go in and take out the baby... If there is no anesthesia during the whole process, it will be painful to death..."

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