Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3192 Bai Yeyuan’s defeated generals, what’s so noble about it!

? Fu Qingyun complacently clenched the explosion remote control in his hand, which was thrown over by Bai Yeyuan when he killed the leader of the men in black.

Bai Yeyuan knew that he would not hurt Xiao Ning and had the ability to protect Xiao Ning, so he could safely throw the remote control over her at that time.

At this moment, Fu Qingyun took the remote control and walked to Xiao Ning's ward upstairs. As he walked, he gave an order through the intercom: "Send a bomb disposal expert immediately. There are explosive devices here. I require 10,000%." The ground can be demolished safely!”

Mu Tianyu stayed where he was in embarrassment.

Looking at Fu Qingyun's leaving figure, after a long while, he muttered unwillingly: "Haha, why are you pretending to be a big deal with me? What else is Mrs. Fu? Why don't I believe that Ning Ning is willing to marry you, a person with a human face and an animal heart? Bullshit? I, Mu Tianyu, am too cowardly and indecisive to have Ning Ning, but what about you? Are you, Fu Qingyun, worthy?! Do you dare to say that the so-called world, law and justice, and official honor in your heart are no better than Ning Ning? Important? Can you give up everything for Ning Ning like Young Master Bai? You and I are both defeated by Bai Yeyuan, who is more noble than the other? "

Mu Tianyu guessed correctly.

It is not so easy or smooth sailing for someone to live up to the title of "Mrs. Fu"!

Three days later.

Xiao Ning woke up from a coma.

Unexpectedly, the world around me changed drastically as soon as I woke up.

First, her baby was born!

"I remember I had a difficult delivery. I almost fainted from the pain. The anesthetic didn't work and I couldn't give birth. There was lightning and thunder. How come I was born later?" She looked at the infant baby in confusion. , she couldn't remember how this pink ball came out of her stomach.

The nurses all laughed: "Miss Ningning, you are really forgetful. Others are pregnant for three years, but you are so good that you have lost your memory! You forgot, did you still let us see if the child has a big face? Also, I was You slapped the child on the butt and made the child cry out to clear his lungs, but you got scolded so badly?"

Xiao Ning touched her hair in embarrassment: "Ahem, cough, cough... Really, am I so unreasonable..."

This style of painting sounds so much like the style of a certain big devil.

She is not such a moody person who makes things difficult for the nurse.

Could it be that the big devil was there on the day the baby was born?


Her heart beat violently.

There seemed to be some voice reminding her, but she just couldn't think of going to that level.

Could it be that Bai Yeyuan could still give birth to a child for her?

This is ridiculous.

impossible. impossible.

Wasn't he forced to flee the country by her a long time ago and never come back?

Xiao Ning pursed her lips and casually changed the subject: "Where is Professor Zhou Mi? Why don't you see her here?"

The nurses were chatting and laughing just now, but when they heard the word "Zhou Mi", their faces turned as white as paper.

Everyone was silent.

"Did...something happen?" Xiao Ning had a bad feeling in her heart.

Finally, a nurse whispered: "The night you gave birth, our clinic was captured by bad guys. The kidnappers were very cruel and penetrated Professor Zhou's hand and heart. We took her to the emergency room... and her life was saved." , but it’s impossible to go to the operating table again in this life.”

Zhou Mi's wrist is useless.

The nurses all sobbed quietly.

Xiao Ning was stunned and murmured: "How come there was a kidnapper suddenly... and then? Was anyone else injured besides Professor Zhou? How was the kidnapper controlled? Who called the police?" Want to talk more Like-minded people chat about "Dear Chief Sir" together, follow "Youdu Literature" on WeChat, talk about life, and find close friends~

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