Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3193 Is he the savior?

? The nurses talked about the tragic experiences of their colleagues who were injured or even killed by the kidnappers.

But no one mentioned Bai Yeyuan——

Because they were not on the second floor at the time, no one knew that Bai Yeyuan had been here, let alone that it was the CEO who saved everyone.

Once the explosive explodes, not only Xiao Ning, but most of the people in this clinic will die.

The "great benefactor" they call is someone else——

"Miss Ning Ning, do you know that Inspector Fu is so powerful? That night, he took down a large group of kidnappers with his bare hands!"

"Yes, yes, I heard that he is so handsome. It scared the kidnappers so much that they didn't dare to shoot. I used to sneer at what people said about Fu Qingtian and Fu Qingtian. Now I am really convinced - I want to be his for the rest of my life. Little fan!”

"Miss Ningning, you must thank this great benefactor. He saved all of us, especially you. You were in the most danger at that time, with explosives strapped to your body, and by the way, your little rice grains too!"

"If it weren't for Chief Fu Qingyun, you and Xiaolili... wouldn't be able to see the sun today!"

Xiao Ning listened blankly as everyone praised Fu Qingyun's achievements.

It sounds like what Fu Qingyun would do - full of justice in front of the enemy, very powerful in deterrence, and he would do his best to save people and catch criminals...

But she's not stupid enough to believe that Fu Qingyun can deal with dozens of kidnappers by himself.

Fu Qingyun must have brought a group of subordinates with him. No matter where she goes recently, he always sends people to protect her. Those people are all public officials and wear plain clothes. They are very different from ordinary bodyguards and have a special temperament. She knew it.

She had refused, but in vain, so she had no choice but to let him go.

Just think that Xiaomi Lier owes this uncle a favor for protecting her.

But now, Fu Qingyun saved her and Xiaomili again at a critical moment of life and death... She felt that what she owed Fu Qingyun could not be repaid more and more.

For some reason, there was no joy in her heart, but a slight sense of heaviness.

Now that she is a woman with a child in tow, what else can she give Fu Qingyun in return?

He is not short of money or career...

Xiao Ning didn't dare to think deeply.

"Um... I want to see Professor Zhou. Can you take me there?"

"Yeah, okay, girl Ning Ning!"

A few minutes later.

Zhou Mi's ward.

Xiao Ning was in a wheelchair and Zhou Mi was lying on the hospital bed.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Mi was far calmer and more optimistic than she imagined.

This woman who was accidentally attacked by gangsters, even though she lost the ability to practice medicine and her life may be shortened due to serious injuries, she said to Xiao Ning with a smile on her face:

"Ning Ning, I'm actually quite happy now. I've always wanted to retire early, but the clinic's business has been so good that I haven't been able to take any time off, and there's no reason to stop. I thought I'd have to deliver babies for another few decades, but no luck It's so good, God wants me to rest early. I thought about myself, after I'm discharged from the hospital, I'll sell the clinic and travel around the world. I've made so much money in my life, but I haven't enjoyed a single day yet, you know? …”

Xiao Ning felt uncomfortable. Once a master of gynecology like Zhou Mi was free, there would be a huge gap in her heart.

She didn't know what she could do for Zhou Mi, so she could only say softly: "Professor Zhou, when I grow up, I will accept you as my godmother, and let her support you when you are old, okay?" She wants to meet more like-minded people. Let's talk about "Dear Chief Sir" together, follow "Youdu Literature" on WeChat, chat about life, and find close friends~

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