Death Game: Start To Get Sss Rewards

255 A woman with a hot body!

Those players who were still ready to move heard the conductor's words.

Don't extinguish the heart that wants to go out immediately.

They all sat back on their own seats.


The conductor walked toward the door of the car where everyone walked in.

"Bang clang" sounded.

The train door seemed to be opened.

Everyone saw it.

They poked their heads and looked out the window.

Everyone is curious.

Why did the conductor open the car door?

"Are new passengers coming up?"

Wang Xiao secretly said in his heart.


As for whether this new passenger is a human player or a weird creature, he doesn't know.

Everyone also showed a curious look.

Those passengers sitting on the side of the train car door.

He even went directly to the window to look.

Only a few players frowned.

They thought that this time the dungeon would spend this time quietly.

Who knew that the train would stop in the middle.

And it seems that there are new passengers.

This means that the tranquility in front of you may be broken at any time.

This makes them faintly worried.

Just when everyone in the carriage guessed that there were even more stories.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw the situation outside the train clearly on the big screen.

At this time, on the platform outside the train.

A beautiful woman with a very hot body is standing!

She is wearing a very slim dress.

She set off her proud chest more stylishly.

The slender waist makes people have an urge to hold them.

The round buttocks make it hard to remove the eyes.

The most wonderful thing is her long straight legs in dual cultivation.

It looks so touching.

Not only that, but this woman is also very beautiful.

But her face was extremely pale.

There is no trace of blood.

It's as if you just had a serious illness.

[Fuck! Is it so sexy? 】

[This figure! This look is able to participate in the World Miss competition, right! 】

[Is this a new passenger? Isn't the little Big sis afraid of danger alone? 】

[Although she looks beautiful! But do you see her white face! 】

【Yes! It's not like a normal person at all! Is it a ghost? 】


"Bang Dang"

The train door seemed to be closed again.


The sound of high heels came from far to near.

Everyone in the carriage quickly focused their eyes on the other side of the carriage.

Under the gaze of everyone.

A figure walked in slowly.


When I saw that figure.

A hint of disappointment flashed in everyone's eyes.

It turned out that the first person to walk in was not the owner of the high heels.

It's an expressionless conductor.

Seeing the disappointed eyes of everyone, the conductor didn't say anything.

Instead, he walked quietly towards his seat.

The expression is extremely cold.

Everyone quickly passed the conductor again.

Look at the other side of the car again.

The silhouette that appeared this time silenced the players in the entire carriage.

"Da da da da..."

The fiery woman walked in slowly.

Suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

"Gosh! This is too beautiful!"

A male player exclaimed, his eyes full of experience.

Even the female player in the carriage was filled with shock after seeing the woman who walked in.

A trace of jealousy climbed on their cheeks.

After the hot-bodied woman walked into the two, she saw the super-cursed woman sitting in the first place and the pair of monster mothers and sons at first glance.

She couldn't help being a little stunned!

"Why sit here?"

"Aren't they usually sitting on the other side of the car?"

The woman secretly said in her heart.

But she just glanced at it, and didn't look closely.

He turned his gaze directly to the entire carriage.

This look.

The woman was completely stunned!

His eyes were full of surprise.

It's like seeing something extremely incredible!

【Hahaha! Why is she so surprised? 】

【have to say! Beautiful women are so beautiful when they are surprised! 】

[She seems to be surprised to see so many players! 】

[It seems that this beauty is very familiar with Car No. 44! 】

[He is not a vicious NPC too! 】


There are still more than half of the players alive in the entire carriage!

And it looks unscathed!

How can this be?

"Could it be..."

"Haven't all the previous two tests been carried out?"

The woman guessed in her heart.

She looked towards the underground and surrounding environment.

There are still many wet blood stains and some player corpses.

There was a trace of doubt in the woman's eyes.

And turned his attention to the super cursed woman.

However, the super-cursed woman seems to have not seen it.

Keep your head down and don't respond to the woman at all!

So the woman looked at the monster mother and son next to her!

Look carefully at this one.

The woman was taken aback.

The woman's face was blue and swollen, and her clothes were covered with dust.

The whole person was even more swollen, as if he had suffered a great deal of damage.

Even the breathing is not very smooth.

From time to time, I get a little frustrated.

I'm terribly panting!

The woman can't help feeling a little surprised!

Secretly said in my heart:

"Such a serious injury!"

"Is there a super powerful player this time?"

After that, the woman quickly denied the idea in Own's mind.

Because even the most powerful player can't resist the weird cry of the big-headed baby!

Therefore, it is definitely not caused by the player!

"Who would it be if it wasn't a player?"

The woman thought.


She found that she didn't seem to see the big-headed baby in the arms of the woman.

And in her impression.

This situation seems to be the first time.

While thinking, the woman looked at the woman, ready to ask.

But at this moment.

She stepped to the seat next to the woman, and there seemed to be a small hand covered with dust and black.

"Isn't it a big-headed baby?"

The woman guessed.

And walked a few steps towards the location of the woman.


This time, the woman who had completely seen what was next to the woman suddenly took a breath.

Subconsciously raised a hand to cover his lips.

A hint of shock flashed quickly in his eyes!

"Big... big... big head baby?"

The woman was surprised.

I even stuttered because I was too excited!

[Fuck! She knows this monster! 】

【Ugh! I thought it was a beauty! Now it seems that it is definitely not a person! 】

[This is definitely the pretty-mouthed monster I have seen in the Death game! 】

【monster? I think she looks a bit like a ghost! 】

【Yeah! I heard that some advanced ghosts have very beautiful appearances! 】


When the woman first came up, Wang Xiao felt a little bit of chill.

At that time he felt that this woman should be a ghost!

It's just that the chill is looming, Wang Xiao is not sure.

Now that Wang Xiao heard what the woman said, he was completely sure!

This hot body woman is definitely a ghost!

Otherwise, how could it be possible to recognize that monster!

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