Death Game: Start To Get Sss Rewards

256 I'll be the first to have you in a while!

Most of the players in the compartment also understand at this time!

The beauty in front of me is a femme fatale!

Either ghosts or other kinds of weird creatures.

at this time.

The woman does not know that she has revealed her identity!

She was still immersed in incredible emotions!

Mainly because this is too far away from the big-headed babies she has seen before!

The white and tender skin is all black and blue.

The head, which was originally big, was even bigger several times.

The little face is even more blue and purple.

It's like a little abused baby!

If it weren't for its slightly undulating chest.

I am afraid that a woman will definitely think that the big head baby is dead!

The woman looked at the woman, her eyes full of questions.

She was just about to speak.

The woman monster picked up the big-headed baby beside her and sat down by the window inside.

Staring straight out the window.

There is no gloss in his eyes.

[Damn! The meaning of this refusal is too obvious! 】

[Aren’t they in the same group? 】

[Are weird creatures also forming gangs? 】

[I guess the super-cursed girl and the big-headed baby are fucking scared! I don't want to be involved in anything! 】

[I don’t hear about the car and just look at the scenery outside the window? 】


After seeing the woman's behavior, the woman opened her mouth.

There was no sound.

If so, she still can't see it!

That would be stupid!

The super-cursed woman and the woman are so distinct that they don't want to talk to her!

Since that's the case, why should she be nosy!

Just complete her own task!

Then she turned her gaze to the carriage.

And walked towards the carriage.

She walked very slowly, and seemed to be carefully choosing a seat that belonged to her.

"Beauty, sit down with me."

A male player stood up and said awkwardly.

Although he just heard what the woman said.

But there is still a hint of fantasy in his heart.

A woman is just a well-informed female player.

She just encountered this kind of monster before.

So know the name of this monster

Seeing this, several other players who were also completely confused by the woman's appearance, cursed secretly in their hearts:

"Fuck! How can I get this one ahead!"

Everyone stood up one after another.

Ask the woman to sit next to them.

Some coveted the beauty of a woman, but did not have the courage to sit with her player.

They even showed an expression of envy one after another.

The woman walked slowly into the carriage, picking and choosing.

It seems to be dissatisfied with the players who invited him.

Did not find a seat for a long time.

She was about to reach the end of the carriage.

Suddenly she saw Wang Xiao who still had a free place next to her.

The woman's eyes suddenly brightened!

"So handsome! It's my dish!"

"I'll be the first to have an operation on you in a while!"

The woman secretly said in her heart.

Then she walked to Wang Xiao's side.

[Fuck! Could it be that this is the legendary... 】

[Whoever sits opposite is not good, but sits opposite Devil! 】

[Who are you talking about upstairs? Xiao Shuai is not Devil! He is a god! 】

【that is! How could the person who can win such a warm and harmonious scene be Devil? 】

[If I were this woman, I would not choose those crooked melons! How handsome is Xiaoshen! 】


who knows.

Wang Xiao is the same as not seeing her.

There was no sign of getting up to give her a place.

The woman couldn't help feeling a little depressed, and said in her heart:

"Isn't he a blind man?"

Then the woman showed a smile that she thought could fascinate thousands of men.

And said:

"Can I sit here?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Xiao glanced at him and said lightly:

"Can not."

The woman's smile froze suddenly.

A trace of hostility quickly passed through the eyes.

Then quickly disappeared!

"reject me?"

"very good!"

"Big sis will teach you what it means to live in pain!"

The woman secretly said in her heart, bending her eyes into crescents, and continuing to coquettishly said:


"I really want to sit here."

A woman believes that no male player will refuse her acting like a baby!

This is her killer!

However, the woman's face was stiff with laughter!

Wang Xiao didn't even look at her again.

This is because Wang Xiao has already determined the identity of the woman Ligui.

He has no interest in this pink skull!

Seeing Wang Xiao ignored himself!

The woman put away the smile on her face.

The look became extremely cold.

I am more determined in my previous thoughts!

I will be the first to clean up Wang Xiao in a while!

Then she walked to Feng Jiancheng's side!

Seeing that the woman had chosen to sit next to him, Feng Jiancheng felt a little nervous.

Since the woman got in the car.

He has been observing this glamorous woman.

He knew that the true identity of the woman in front of him was not a human at all!

So he was still a little scared in his heart.

But when he saw Wang Xiao on the opposite side.

There was a bit of confidence in my heart suddenly.

And this woman with a hot body is really attractive.

Feng Chengcheng felt a little feverish just by looking at her.


He moved inward quickly.

Make room for women.

[Why is the gap between people so big? 】

[This Feng Jiancheng looks so polite! As a result, I couldn't stand the temptation at all! 】

[Don’t he know that this woman is not a human? 】

【he knows! But he can't resist the temptation! 】

[I heard that many beautiful female ghosts in the Death game rely on skins to seduce people! Then suck the spirit of others! 】


After seeing Feng Jiancheng's actions, the woman's face eased a little.

"It seems that the opposite is a freak!"

The woman secretly said in her heart.

And sat down!

While sitting down.

The woman also saw several familiar figures.

A family of three and the old lady.

It's just that their look is a bit strange to women.

It seems to be very scared and surprised!

"Why are there so many weird things in Car No. 44 today?"

The woman secretly said in her heart.

From time to time, a scent of fragrance came from the woman next to her.

Feng Jiancheng's heart suddenly agitated!

He pretended to tidy up his own neckline.

But his white shirt has long been stained with various stains and blood stains.

Can't watch at all.

However, Feng Jiancheng didn't care at all.

He just wanted to show his polite side in front of the beauties.

But the beautiful woman with a hot body didn't even look at him after sitting down.

Instead, he turned his gaze to Wang Xiao on the opposite side.

Feng Chengcheng suddenly resembled a deflated balloon.

Nestled in the corner of the seat.

Looking sadly at Wang Xiao on the opposite side.

This was the first time he felt that sitting in front of Wang Xiao was not a good thing.

But Feng Jiancheng changed his mind.

The beauty in front of me is probably a monster.

It's normal for monsters to look down on a gentleman like him.

Who knows what the monster's aesthetic is like!

Thinking of this Feng Jiancheng seems to bring up the spirit again.

He straightened his waist and sat up.

Moved inward without a trace.

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