When other people saw that the player had acted, hesitating expressions appeared on their faces!

They really don't want to go, but they are afraid that Wang Xiao will not let them enter this gate after entering the password for a while!

After all, the ancient cane in Wang Xiao's hand can be drawn half-dead even for weird creatures, not to mention them!

It is estimated that ten players combined can not resist a cane!

After thinking twice, these players decided to follow Wang Xiao's arrangement!

Go down to help these customers!

What's more, they have no idea about the password to open the door, so it is better to pin all their hopes on Wang Xiao!

And maybe after you get out of the illusion, you will have to face even greater dangers!

People like them might have to rely on Wang Xiao's help!

Thinking of this, these players ran downstairs without hesitation!

They think that since it has been decided, we must hurry up!

Seeing more and more players obey Wang Xiao's arrangement and go downstairs to rescue those family members in the illusion, the male player who had spoken against Wang Xiao before, his face became extremely ugly!

A pair of eyes are full of anger and dissatisfaction!

"A bunch of dog legs!"

This player whispered, his voice was full of disdain and a trace of unnoticeable anger!

He felt that these people had ruined his plan!

What he originally thought was to use the power of the crowd to persecute Wang Xiao.

Unexpectedly, these players were so spineless, Wang Xiao hadn't done much to go downstairs one by one!

This is too obedient!

I am afraid that even the pugs raised in Wang Xiao's house are not so obedient!

After hearing the player's whisper, the audience in the live broadcast room showed contemptuous eyes!

It seems that he looks down on this behavior with him very much.

On the big screen, there were a lot of barrages that sneered at this player in an instant!

[Dog legs? Did he dare to speak louder! 】

[I will see what happens after Xiao Shuai opens the door for a while! 】

[Standing by myself, I still have the face to scold the players who paid the fruits of their labor! 】

[How did this kind of people survive! 】

[Thanks to Xia Guo is a society ruled by law, otherwise it is estimated that he will not survive to adulthood! 】


After hearing this player's words, Wang Xiao just glanced at him, and did not speak.

He is more tolerant of a dying person!

After all, there is an old saying in Xia State that the dead is the greatest!

The male player watched Wang Xiao not speak for a long time, so he turned his attention to the ancient cane in Xiang Wang Xiao's hand.

A faint feeling faintly rose in his heart.

"Could it be that he really wants to stop me at the door?"

The male player secretly said in his heart, but soon he denied the idea in his mind.

Because there are still a lot of players who haven't gone downstairs, it is impossible for Wang Xiao to intercept so many players!

However, what surprised this player was.

The rest of the players actually walked towards the downstairs in twos and threes!

Even the figure of the female player who wanted to rely on beauty before was among them!

The face of this male player suddenly became extremely dark, and it was so gloomy that he could drip water!

"I even offended Wang Xiao for her!"

"Unexpectedly, it was a bitterness!"

This male player is angry!

The eyes are full of anger!

He felt that this female player was hitting him in the face by doing so!

Suddenly, there were only Wang Xiao and seven or eight players standing still on the tenth floor!

These players are the same as the male player, with a hint of luck.

I think Wang Xiao won't do anything to them!

Looking at the few people left in front of him, Wang Xiao said in his heart:

"It seems that I had a good temper before!"

"There are so many people waiting for me to get something for nothing!"

He decided to leave all these people here after the door was opened for a while!


In less than a while, the super cursed girl, the female ghost and the players brought all the living customers in the mall to the tenth floor.

Everyone walked up to Wang Xiao, but the customers who were rescued stood still and did not move!

It seems to be very afraid of the players who rescued them, and everyone's eyes are full of fear!

Wang Xiao couldn't help wondering what these customers were afraid of.

But when he saw the weapons and props in the player's hands, he completely understood!

These players should be to save time, so they used their own super powers, which scared these customers!

Seeing the panicked expressions of all the customers, Wang Xiao secretly said in his heart:

"If I hadn't had an intelligent answering system, I'm afraid I would have been blinded by their realistic acting skills!"

At this time, a player respectfully asked Wang Xiao:

"Boss, everyone is here!"

"Can you tell us now what the password has to do with these customers?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Xiao said lightly:

"The number of customers alive is the password!"

His voice is very calm, it seems to be telling a very common thing!

But the players who heard his answer were not so calm anymore!

Everyone showed a very surprised look!

The eyes are full of incredible!

How did Wang Xiao know!

Is this true?

Those players who didn't go downstairs to rescue the customers showed even more suspicious eyes!

They felt that Wang Xiao was just looking for a high-sounding reason to prevent them from entering the gate for a while!

Most of the players are standing in place with a face full of doubts at a loss!

At the same time, the live broadcast of the Death game became very lively!

Those who guessed the answer correctly, their faces were full of joy!

Some viewers can't wait to hold a magnifying glass and count how many live players are there on the screen!

Only a small part of the audience was calm, because they became a fan of Wang Xiao from the death building in the rookie level.

Therefore, I still trust Wang Xiao very much!

From the very beginning when Wang Xiao asked everyone to help those customers, these viewers felt that Wang Xiao's actions must have something to do with the password!

Because Wang Xiao never does useless work.

Therefore, at this time, these audiences were not as surprised as the others when they heard Wang Xiao's answer!

But the newcomers who are new to the live broadcast are more excited than they are.

[Fuck! I got it right! Bull is not bull? 】

[How did Xiao Shuai's mind grow so fast! 】

[I can't count the densely packed people! 】

[That is, when the loss is over, the fire has already burned up! 】

【Yes! I still have to die at that time! 】


At this time, some players in the mall also reacted!

Compare with the warm reminder displayed on the door before.

The password cannot be 0, at least four digits.

Obviously, all the numbers that match the password in the entire mall are only these living customers!

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