Death Game: Start To Get Sss Rewards

304 Those are not eyes, but an abacus!

At this time, everyone finally understood why Wang Xiao kept asking everyone to help these dummies in the illusion!

It turns out that these customers are really related to the password!

Everyone was full of regret for the hesitation and hesitation before him.

If they struggle for a while, I am afraid all these customers will be burned to death!

Then there will be no more correct passwords.

Thinking of this, everyone felt a moment of fear in their hearts.

Fortunately, I finally chose to listen to Wang Xiao's instructions to help these illusion customers!

Seeing that a large crowd of customers stood on the entire tenth floor.

Everyone can't help but feel that one head is two big!

"How to count so many people!"

"It's too late at this time!"


The players who rescued these customers did not speak, but the players who had been staying on the tenth floor complained with dissatisfaction!

This time, the words of these players instantly annoyed everyone!

Everyone cast unkind glances at these talking players.

But everyone knows that now is not the time to care about these people.

The most important thing is to know the number of all customers!

As for these players, it's not too late to teach them when they go out!

Then everyone stopped paying attention to these players.

Instead, he put all his attention on the people not far away.

Everyone is serious about the number of these players!

Some smart players even quickly organized everyone to count the total number of these customers!

In this way, you can get the password as soon as possible, and leave this place early.

Looking at the players busy counting, Wang Xiao thought to himself, and quickly typed in the search box:

[Are all the living customers in the entire mall on the tenth floor? How many are there? 】

Soon, the system loaded the answer Wang Xiao wanted.

[All the customers who are alive are on the tenth floor, there are 1,836! 】

Looking at the answer displayed at the bottom of the panel in his mind, Wang Xiao's mouth raised a small smile.

Take a leisurely walk towards the bloody door!

When the other players saw this, they all showed surprised expressions and looked at Wang Xiao!

The face is even more incredible!

As for how to count those, they were all forgotten by everyone.

Everyone was stuck in place, quietly watching Wang Xiao's every move!

Even the super-cursed female and female ghost who admired and respected Wang Xiao very much showed a hint of surprise!

"Does your lord still have superpowers that count in seconds?"

The female ghost was shocked!

A pair of black and white eyes is full of curiosity!

"So many people, have you finished counting?"

"No way! Don't be impulsive, boss!"

"Could it be that the password is not the total number of these customers?"


There was a lot of discussion in the crowd.

Several other players asked Wang Xiao loudly:

"Big brother, don't worry, we have to count it!"

"Yes! Big brother!"

"Boss, have you really counted?"


However, Wang Xiao did not answer these questions, but walked towards the gate calmly, without even looking back!

When everyone saw this, their eyes were tightly attached to Wang Xiao's body, and their hearts were still a little nervous!

Although every player is very anxious to leave here, no one dared to approach that door one step!

They deeply remember that there is a limit to the number of people standing in front of the gate, and what kind of punishment will be imposed if you violate it!

Even the Super Curse Girl and the Female Ghost didn't do the same as before, closely following Wang Xiao.

But standing not far away watching Wang Xiao's every move!

Even when he wrote about the customers who were originally afraid of the players, he turned his gaze to Wang Xiao at this time, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

They didn't understand what these strange humans were doing.

And why the door is red, it looks so scary!

"Mom, is that the door to The Underworld?"

In the crowd, a little girl raised her neck and looked at the woman next to her, curiously, her slap-big face was full of questions!

When the woman heard the words, there was a trace of fear on her face. And quickly covered his daughter's mouth with his hands.

She is afraid that her daughter's words will irritate these people in front of her, and she will not be able to protect her own daughter by then!

She looked at the players with an extremely alert expression, and found that no one seemed to have noticed here.

The woman couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Shhh, don't talk!"

The woman whispered to her own daughter, her expression very stern.

It was the first time that the little girl saw her mother's stern expression, and she couldn't help feeling a little scared.

Nodded quickly, dare not say one more word!


Wang Xiao began to enter the password!

All of a sudden, the atmosphere became even more tense!

Everyone prayed silently in their hearts that the password entered by Wang Xiao must be the most correct!

If even Wang Xiao is wrong, there is no hope anymore!


There was a slight noise.

Although the voice was very small, it was unusually quiet because no one was speaking on the entire tenth floor.

Therefore, this voice clearly reached everyone's ears.

Even the audience in the live broadcast room held their breath and watched intently at the big screen in front of them.

Although everyone believes in Wang Xiao, there is still a trace of worry in my heart without seeing it with my own eyes.

And so many people, Wang Xiao, knew the total number just by looking at it!

This is incredible!

Everyone is always worried that Wang Xiao will be wrong!

After all, they counted on the big screen with a magnifying glass for a long time, and they didn't know how many customers were alive!

What's more, Wang Xiao just took a look!

What if there is a particularly short person hiding in the crowd and Wang Xiao didn't see it!

So, everyone still has some worries!

Therefore, the whole live broadcast room is very quiet, and there is no barrage on the big screen!

Therefore, all the audience clearly heard the click.

Immediately afterwards, there was a "squeak".

A picture of the door opening appeared on the big screen!

The scarlet door opened a small slit.

Although it was just a very narrow slit, all the viewers in the live broadcast room suddenly became less nervous and relaxed.

There was a happy mood in each one's eyes.

Everyone didn't expect Wang Xiao to be so fascinating, but he knew exactly the number of those customers at a glance!

This skill is simply the dream skill of every accountant!

Many barrages appeared on the empty big screen every minute!

[Xiao Shuai's eyes are not eyes, but an abacus! 】

[Great! I counted it several times, but I didn't count it clearly, but he just looked at it! 】

[If you want me to say Xiao Shuai, this is simply the most powerful brain! 】

[Have heard of mental arithmetic, but I have never seen such an awesome counting ability! 】

[It is also nine-year compulsory education, how can the gap between people be so big! 】


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