Death Game: Start To Get Sss Rewards

314 It's over, no one found out!

In the Death game, there is no more weird singing on the rooftop where Wang Xiao and others are located!

However, the entire rooftop has become extremely noisy!

There are chaotic screams everywhere!

Because after the weird singing was gone, the players' sanity also recovered.

At the same time, this also means that their pain sensations have also recovered!

Therefore, everyone will not feel any pain at all as before!

At this time, scarlet blood is constantly leaking from the scary wounds on everyone!

Everyone's skin is sprawled and scarred!

In some wounds, a long, long opening appeared!

The muscles inside have turned out, and white bones are faintly visible!

Some players directly lost their own arms or thighs. Although the wounds were very neat, they looked extremely cruel and bloody!

The severe pain from the body made the expressions of these players extremely painful, and even a trace of hideousness!

Their bodies are even more violent, and their entire faces become extremely pale!

The severe pain from the body made the expressions of these players extremely painful, and even a trace of hideousness!

Large beads of sweat continued to drip down the player's foreheads to the ground, and mixed with their scarlet blood, splashed a flower of blood on the ground.

This is really too painful!

Especially the players who destroyed their own eyes, felt what is called the pain of heartache at this time!

This pain was really unbearable, and several players knelt directly on the ground and slammed their heads into the floor!

If you try to knock yourself out, you don't have to endure this kind of torture!

There are also many players curled up on the ground, moaning constantly, and their voices are full of painful emotions!

【Ugh! These players are too miserable! 】

[No way, Death game is so cruel! 】

[But somehow they survived! 】

【Too! When the time comes, they can redeem their points for the magic pill, maybe their injuries will be healed! 】

【Depend on! I guess the pain has passed out long ago! 】


Suddenly, the entire rooftop was wailing one after another, and there were a lot of players lying on the ground rolling incessantly!

It's much noisier than when there were weird singing around before!

Those Mental Energy players were relatively strong, and the players who persisted to the end, looking at the painful companions in front of them, couldn't help showing sympathy and fear!

They knew that if it hadn't been for Wang Xiao, he would still endure this inhuman torture just like these players.

Therefore, the hearts of these surviving players are full of gratitude to Wang Xiao!

They also believed more and more that under the leadership of Wang Xiao, they would surely be able to get out of this illusion!

And maybe if they are lucky, they will be able to complete the task of surviving twenty-four hours in the Black Corpse Mountain Range.

At that time, you will get a lot of points, and even your friends may get item rewards!

Just thinking of this, the hearts of these players were immediately full of confidence!

Although the haze caused by those terrible things has not completely disappeared, it has also dispersed a lot!

Even the little girl turned into a super cursed girl has a trace of happiness in her heart!

It did not expect that at the critical moment, Wang Xiao saved everyone and saved it!

This really shocked the heart of the super cursed woman!

Others may not know, but as the native creature of Death game, Super Cursed Girl knows the horror and strangeness of Black Corpse Mountain!

Not to mention human players, even these weird creatures like them can't live here!

Moreover, whether it is the black corpses or other creatures here, they are all very high-level creatures in the Death game!

Some creatures don't even have any weaknesses!

So the super-cursed female pair and Wang Xiao, a player who has repeatedly won in the Black Corpse Mountains, can figure out a solution every time at the most critical moment, I really admire it!

"Unexpectedly, I would be rescued by a human player several times a day!"

"This feeling really can't tell what it's like!"

"However, he is a player recognized by the mysterious merchants of the Nine tailed Fox tribe, and his strength should also be normal!"

"After all, in the Death game, the strong is always respected!"

Super Cursed Woman secretly said in her heart, and turned her gaze to Wang Xiao, her eyes showed a trace of admiration that she hadn't even noticed!

However, in the darkness, Wang Xiao didn't notice what kind of eyes the little girl turned into a super cursed girl was looking at him!

Moreover, even if it is not in the darkness now, Wang Xiao wouldn't care about it!

Because he is quickly typing into the search box:

[How to get out of the mall illusion? 】

Soon, the system loaded the answer Wang Xiao wanted!

However, Wang Xiao hadn't come to look anxiously, the accident happened again!

I saw the black corpses disguised as humans suddenly violent, and the look of horror on their faces completely disappeared!

They showed extremely hideous faces one after another, as if they were Devil in the dark!

Pounced directly at Wang Xiao and all the players!

The strange thing is that these monsters didn't make any noise, they approached all the players silently!

The audience in the live broadcast room that I watched suddenly became nervous!

A worried look appeared on everyone's face!

Some female audience members even clenched their own hands tightly and put them on their chests to pray for these players.

Hope they can discover the abnormal changes of those monsters!

[Damn! These monsters didn't make a sound! 】

[It's over, no one found out! 】

[Fuck! The speed of these monsters is too fast! 】

【Ugh! What did you say to rescue these monsters from the sea of ​​flames? 】

[If you don’t save it, you won’t get a password! no way! 】


Seeing everything that happened on the big screen, all the viewers in the live broadcast room became more and more nervous!

Everyone is in no mood to send barrage again!

All of them stared at the screen with their eyes widened!

Don't dare to relax!

For fear of missing the next wonderful picture!

Some viewers even held their breath and stared at the big screen in front of them without blinking!

The face on his face is extremely nervous!

They want to know whether these monsters can attack successfully!

In the Death game, Wang Xiao was looking at the answer displayed on the panel.

At this moment, a trace of bad thought suddenly rose in his heart!

I felt a gust of yin wind blowing through my neck, extremely cold!

"not good!"

Wang Xiao secretly said in his heart, and then suddenly turned his head away!

Three or four faces suddenly appeared before his eyes!

Every person's face was expressionless, and his eyes were full of emptiness and numbness!

Moreover, the most weird thing is that these faces are extremely pale, revealing a very gloomy feeling!

Look at the faces of people close at hand!

Wang Xiao quickly pulled up the weird old cane in his hand!

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