
The weird old cane in Wang Xiao's hand was drawn to these faces fiercely!

Draw them away directly!

However, behind these faces, there are many monsters!

Some monsters even sneaked around behind Wang Xiao, wanting to find a chance to attack him!

At the same time, some players have been successfully attacked by these monsters!

The screams of their heart-piercing screams continued to be heard from the entire rooftop!

The voice was full of pain, and when I heard it, I knew that these players must have suffered inhuman torture!

Seeing the suddenly chaotic picture on the big screen, the audience in the live broadcast room became even more nervous!

They didn't expect that these players would have to face new challenges after resting for less than three minutes!

This is too rush, and it's too exhausting!

If this continues, these players will not be able to survive in the Black Corpse Mountains for 24 hours!

Just tired to death, let alone those difficult monsters and messy and weird things!

On the big screen, the audience is full of complaints about the Death game!

[Does this treat the players as tops? Spin? 】

[If this can survive for twenty-four hours, I will call him brother! 】

【Ugh! These monsters are obviously still human beings, why are they so vicious one by one? 】

[Black corpse mountains are so hard to deal with! Wouldn't the top ten copies have no living people? 】

[Difficult to do, hard to do! 】


Looking at the monsters that surrounded him, Wang Xiao's expression became extremely cold!

His hand held tightly that weird old cane, ready to deal with unexpected situations!

Even the little girl turned into a super cursed girl on the side was attacked by some human-like monsters!

Moreover, the curse technique that Super Cursed Girl is best at seems to have no effect on these monsters!

Therefore, under the siege of this group of monsters, the super cursed girl looked very embarrassed!

I was almost hollowed out by these monsters several times!

If she hadn't reacted in time, I am afraid that the super cursed woman at this time has completely turned into a cold corpse, staying in this black corpse mountain forever!

Not far away, all players tried their best to fight these human-like monsters!

However, because most players have serious injuries!

Therefore, it is extremely difficult!

Within a few minutes, the corpses of players were lying on the ground!

Although the remaining players are not dead yet, they are no better than death!

Everyone's body is full of various scratches, and the blood flowing out of these wounds is black, exuding a strong stench!

Suddenly, there was a melee on the entire rooftop!

Each player faces a dozen or even dozens of monsters at the same time to attack!

Wailing, screaming, and crying for help kept ringing on the rooftop, one after another!

The strong smell of blood filled every corner of the rooftop!

Seeing a steady stream of monsters coming up, Wang Xiao quickly danced the weird old cane in his hand!

However, there are too many monsters!

And several monsters attacked behind Wang Xiao, making him overwhelmed!

At this moment, a monster suddenly picked up a huge iron frame and slammed it on the back of Wang Xiao's head!


A loud noise!

Wang Xiao only felt the darkness in front of him, and he completely lost consciousness!

Seeing Wang Xiao fainted, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly stood up, their eyes full of surprise!

They didn't expect that even Wang Xiao would not be able to withstand the attacks of so many monsters!

Some Wang Xiao's old fans saw this picture on the big screen, and they were even more worried!

Eyes are staring at the big screen tightly, wanting to see if these monsters will continue to attack the fainted Wang Xiao!

For a while, everyone's mood was mentioned in their throats!

On the big screen, there are many more barrage related to Wang Xiao!

[Fuck! Xiao Shuai is not going to die, right? 】

[These monsters don’t wanting face too much! Besiege! 】

【Ruined! This time the whole army is really going to be wiped out! 】

【I do not believe! I don't believe Xiao Shuai will die like this! 】

【that is! As the women of Xiaoshuai's harem, we will always wait for him to wake up! 】


Although there were a lot of barrage, it blocked a half of the screen.

However, this still does not affect the viewers in the live broadcast room to watch the live broadcast content!

Moreover, this is the first time Wang Xiao has had an accident in the level!

Therefore, both Wang Xiao's fans and other viewers who are newly entering the live broadcast room are all engrossed in the big screen in front of them!

Everyone wants to see if this ambassador of Xia Guo's official Death game will stand up again!

Or maybe leave his own life in the world of Death game forever!

On the rooftop, seeing Wang Xiao fainted to the ground after being attacked, the super cursed woman showed a hint of surprise on her face!

However, before she had time to make any response, a monster directly infiltrated her chest with her hand!


Splashing blood!

The super cursed woman only felt a heat in her chest, and a burst of severe pain suddenly hit her whole body!

She looked down at own chest, a dry arm had penetrated her body!

Moreover, this hand has tightly grasped the beating heart in the chest of the super cursed woman!

A huge discomfort came from the heart of the super cursed woman!

Her eyes were dark, and she fell completely to the ground!

But unlike Wang Xiao, the super cursed girl stayed here forever!

Beside her corpse, a monster was eating the heart of a super cursed woman who wanted to enjoy it!


Blood and minced meat flowed down the corner of the monster's mouth all over him!

However, he didn't care at all, instead he showed a look of special enjoyment with relish!

The disgusting picture immediately scared the audience in the live broadcast room to vomit!

Of course, some prepared audiences vomited into their carefully prepared basin!

Everyone didn't expect these monsters to be so perverted!

Together with the super cursed girl who is a weird creature, it will also be eaten!

This is too inhumane!

Do not!

Not human nature!

There is no monster sex!

Even the own companion will not let go!

Some timid viewers were even more frightened by this horrible picture, their eyes full of fear!

【My f*ck! Is this heart delicious? 】

[Damn! Are you upstairs seriously ill in your head! 】

[I suspect that the first floor is a pervert! 】

【Suspect? Don't doubt it, it's a real hammer! Look at his screen name! The little brother who loves to wear fans! 】

[Fuck! Is this screen name so disgusting? 】


At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly noticed a strange change in Wang Xiao's body!

Everyone suddenly opened their eyes and looked at the screen intently!

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