Death Game: Start To Get Sss Rewards

345 The Way to Deal with Little Girls!

In the black corpse mountains.

Seeing the figure of the little girl coming from a distance, getting closer and closer, Wang Xiao thought, and quickly typed in the search box:

[How to completely solve the little girl in front of me? 】

Soon, the system loaded the answer!

Looking at the answer displayed at the bottom of the panel in his mind, a smile flashed quickly in Wang Xiao's eyes.

He didn't expect that dealing with the human skin already wrapped in the corpse would be so simple!

All you need to do is to pierce her body completely and deflate!

Then those human skins will lose their spirituality and become a pile of powder!

However, those human skins that have turned into powder must be completely burned with fire to completely eliminate these monsters!

Otherwise, after an hour, the powder of these human skin monsters will once again form a new weird human skin!

And the most important thing is that you cannot use items that can harm the soul to deal with these human skins that have been completely attached to the human body!

Because of this, the props will be assimilated by the special soul power emitted by those human skins and completely become props for those monsters!

Not only can humans not control these props that can harm the soul, they will also be injured by those monsters with these props!

When the time comes, you will become a fool, and you will die!

"It seems that the strongest form of the Soul Removal Corpse is when it is a black mummy and human skin!"

"When they are attached to human beings or other creatures, it will be the most vulnerable time!"

Looking at the answer displayed at the bottom of the panel in his mind, Wang Xiao said in his heart.

But there are still some things that Wang Xiao doesn't understand in his heart!

That's why the little girl is the weakest form of weird human skin, but what kind of instinctive fear and rejection can occur in his heart!

Is it possible...

Subsequently, Wang Xiao entered into the search box again:

[Why is there a kind of extreme fear when the little girl approaches? 】

This time, the system loaded slightly for more than ten seconds before the answer appeared!

[Because the human skin on the little girl belongs to the mid-level creatures in the Black Corpse Mountains. 】

[Intermediate creatures have a strange ability, that is, once they attach to other creatures in the form of human skin, they only need to fabricate a lie. 】

[As long as the player believes 1% of the content of this lie, she can directly consume the player's soul and flesh and blood through physical contact! 】

[Everyone has Mental Energy, and Mental Energy's relatively strong players have a foreseeable sense of crisis! 】

[So, because your mental energy is relatively strong, the moment the little girl approaches you, your mental energy will make your body have some instinctive responses to fear! 】

Looking at the long string of words displayed at the bottom of the panel in his mind, Wang Xiao's eyes flashed quickly and suddenly!

It turns out that the reason why he has such a strong fear instinct is because his Mental Energy is relatively powerful!


Thinking of this, Wang Xiao was even more grateful.

He didn't blindly rely on things outside of his body before, but instead used most of the points he earned in the Death Mall to redeem any attribute cards to Ascension's own strength!

Otherwise, he might have been swallowed up by the little girl as soon as he woke up from a coma!

There is still a chance to stand here and continue to complete the twenty-four-hour survival mission!

However, through this incident, Wang Xiao discovered that the human body's potential and explosive power can actually be tapped infinitely!

Moreover, human beings are often able to burst out this incredible power for important people or thoughts!

There are many such examples in Wang Xiao's memory!

One of them was reported in Xia Guo's news.

A mother lifted a car with her bare hands to save her own child!

Afterwards, no matter what the mother tried, she couldn't shake the car, let alone lift it up!

At that time, this matter was also on the hot search, causing quite a stir!

And he himself was able to break through from the human skin not only because he saw through the lie of the unity of humans and monsters, but also because he had a belief in his heart!

That is to live!

Live no matter what you experience!

Otherwise, when he learned that he had become a human skin monster, his spirit would be completely broken!

There is still time and mood to think about the problems and flaws in this one!

Thinking of this, Wang Xiao felt that not only the Death game has many unknown secrets!

Even the power contained in the human body has not been fully discovered, it seems that there are many hidden secrets!

"No matter what, you must take good care of Ascension's own abilities in the future!"

Wang Xiao secretly decided in his heart.

As for the energy in the human body and the secret of the Death game, Wang Xiao also wants to know.

But he understands that this is not something that can be done overnight, he can only explore it slowly!

Seeing the little girl appeared in front of Wang Xiao, Wang Xiao didn't mean to leave at all. The faces of the audience in the live broadcast room showed doubts!

Everyone didn't understand why Wang Xiao stood stupidly on the spot after seeing the little girl, and didn't mean to leave at all!

You know, when Wang Xiao saw the little girl before, he left immediately without hesitation!

Why didn't it move this time?

All the audience is full of doubts!

[Why Xiaoshuai is still standing here stupidly! Don't you run? 】

【that is! 】

[Could it be that he was distracted and didn't see the little girl? 】

【How can it be! Unless you are blind! 】

[Could it be that Wang Xiao is already scared by the little girl? 】


On the big screen, all kinds of barrage are constantly scrolling!

At this moment, a barrage attracted the attention of all the audience!

[Is that howling god that ran before? That is the hollow human skin Wang Xiao! Now that the real howling god has come out of the human skin, how can he be afraid of this little girl! 】

Seeing this barrage, all the viewers in the live broadcast room suddenly showed a look of enlightenment!

They realized that the one who had been running away before was not the real Wang Xiao!

It is the empty shell Wang Xiao wrapped in human skin!

And now the male player on the big screen is Wang Xiao who has completely broken through from the human skin trap!

It is the howling god they know well!

It's the player who always gets SSS rating in Death game!

It is the player who can always rely on wisdom to come up with solutions to problems at critical moments!

It is the player who was officially named the ambassador by Xia Guo!

Thinking of this, all the viewers in the live broadcast room became extremely excited!

Everyone's face is full of curiosity and expectation!

They wanted to see what Wang Xiao would do with this little girl!

For a while, all the audience's eyes were fixed on the big screen, without blinking, for fear of missing some wonderful pictures!

Some viewers even prepared beer directly in advance, planning to have a drink and celebrate when Wang Xiaowan abused the little girl!

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