Death Game: Start To Get Sss Rewards

346 I will smash you into pieces!

[Xiaoshen is finally back! 】

【Hahaha! Seeing Xiaoshen's calm appearance, there must have been countermeasures in my heart! 】

[Xiao Shuai's style is simply too charming! I am a big man who wants to have him! 】

[Fuck! I feel like the one upstairs is driving, but I can't get any evidence! 】

[Tsk tut! It seems that Xiaoshuai's harem not only has women crazy to join, but now there are men who want to go in too! 】


At this time, the little girl had already walked over from a distance!

However, she did not walk directly in front of Wang Xiao!

Instead, he stayed half a meter away from Wang Xiao, carefully observing Wang Xiao!

Because she found that there was something wrong with Wang Xiao in front of her, which was different from the one she had seen before!

Because before that Wang Xiao met her before, he ran away without hesitation!

But this time, the Wang Xiao in front of him not only didn't run away immediately, but stood calmly on the spot, without any fear on his face, as if he had changed himself!

Moreover, the little girl could sense that the power of the soul contained in the body of Wang Xiao in front of her seemed to be much stronger than before!

Not only that, she also found that the joint between the human skin and the human skin on Wang Xiao's chin had disappeared!

The entire chin is so smooth that no traces can be seen at all!

"Could it be..."

The little girl whispered, a trace of doubt flashed quickly in Wang Xiao's eyes!

Afterwards, she looked around Wang Xiao, as if she was looking for something!

Soon, the little girl saw that besides a human corpse, there was also a lot of gray powder around.

Her eyes condensed immediately, and she already fully understood why Wang Xiao's obvious change was so obvious in her heart!

He is no longer the inferior human skin body with only half a soul!

He is the real Wang Xiao!

"Unexpectedly, he broke through the shackles of those lower creatures so quickly!"

The little girl secretly said in her heart, her face showed a trace of unhappy expression.

She originally thought that Wang Xiao's soul power was within reach this time!

Unexpectedly, Wang Xiao had already returned to his normal state!

This made her very dissatisfied with the desire for Wang Xiao's soul!

Because she can't use the same method she used to coax Wang Xiao!

"It looks like it will take some trouble!"

"but it does not matter!"

"To be able to obtain such a strong soul power, it should be paid a little!"

The little girl thought in her heart, and her face was full of aspirational expressions, as if Wang Xiao is now in his pocket!

Seeing the confident look on the little girl's face, Wang Xiao did not show any emotion on her face.

It was as if the monster in front of him had nothing to do with him!

He calmly took out the Zhanyue Knife from the storage bracelet!

The movements are very elegant, and the look on his face is extremely indifferent!

Those who know understand that he is going to deal with the little girl in front of him, and those who don't know think that this is the son of someone who is admiring the treasure that he has just obtained!

Seeing that Wang Xiao even took out the weapon, the little girl's face suddenly showed a trace of disdain.

It was the first time she saw in the Black Corpse Mountain, there was a player who wanted to do something to her

This really makes her feel funny!

After all, she is an intermediate-level corpse of the Black Corpse Mountain, and she usually intercepts the soul power of those low-level corpses at will!

Even if you encounter a player, you don't need her to do it, naturally there will be those low-level soul-removing corpses that will bind the players first!

So when she saw Wang Xiao's actions, she only felt that the player Wang Xiao was too overwhelming!

She decided to torture this human who doesn't know the heights of the sky, letting him know that entering the Black Corpse Mountain is equivalent to entering The Underworld!


"You still have the courage to take out a weapon?"

"Why don't you wipe your neck to prevent me from doing it yourself?"

The little girl contemptuously said, her voice is still extremely pure and innocent, but what she said is completely inconsistent with her voice, full of viciousness and ridicule!

Upon hearing this, Wang Xiao gave a cold snort, and did not speak!

For him, it is disdain to communicate too much with the monster in front of him!

That would be a waste of time!

Although he still has to stay in this black corpse mountain for nearly five hours, he is not willing to spend his own time on this monster!

Seeing Wang Xiao's expression, the little girl felt that she had been greatly insulted!

"Are you looking for death?"

The little girl roared, her eyes full of resentment when she looked at Wang Xiao!

She does not allow any creature to treat it with such an attitude!

Especially this creature is still the lowest human in his eyes!

As an intermediate-level soul-removing corpse in the black corpse mountain, this made her feel very shameful!

She decided to suck up half of Wang Xiao's brain first!

After that, she rushed directly towards Wang Xiao.

The speed is very fast, leaving only an afterimage in place!

Seeing that the little girl was about to pounce on own, Wang Xiao directly waved the Moon Slashing Knife in his hand!

Cut at the little girl without hesitation!


An extremely long cut appeared on the little girl's arm from the wrist to the forearm!

Strangely, the location of this wound did not reveal a drop of blood!

On the contrary, the whole arm of the little girl was like a leaking balloon, deflating quickly!

"You dare to damage this body of mine?"

"I want to break your corpse into pieces!"

The little girl let out a stern roar!

She was actually damaged by an ant to this temporary body!

This is simply rubbing her face on the ground!

She stared at Wang Xiao stubbornly, with a vicious look on her face.

A pair of beautiful eyes has turned scarlet, full of bloodthirsty light! !

In that way, it was as if Wang Xiaosheng was about to be stripped away. It was terrifying!

Even the viewers in the live broadcast room were shocked when they saw the little girl's appearance, and the fear flashed across everyone's faces!

They didn't expect that Wang Xiao just cut off one of the little girl's arms, and the little girl showed such a crazy look!

It's almost the same as Devil from The Underworld, and it looks a little scarier than Devil!

Some timid viewers were even directly frightened by the little girl's appearance, so that the bowl in their hands fell to the ground and shattered, and they began to yell!

The family members of these viewers are even more incomprehensible, how to watch a video can scare the bowl out!

On the big screen, the barrage scrolled crazily, almost blocking most of the screen!

[Fuck! This monster has too much temper! 】

[After all, it is an intermediate-level weird creature, usually served by a younger brother! 】

【Hahaha! Then if she can't beat Xiao Shuai for a while, will she still have to shake people? 】

[It's possible, maybe I have to beg her Dage! 】

[Dage? Those black corpses higher than her level? 】


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