"The purchase is now complete!"

Lin Yu walked out of Jiangcheng's small commodity street, carrying a heavy schoolbag, with a happy face.

This was the first step in completing his plan.


It's time for the second step!

Lin Yu turned on his phone and found the Penguin account of the club president Shen Bingmiao.

"President, can you do me a favor?"

Shen Bingmiao quickly replied with a "?".

Her Penguin nickname is "Jiushui".

[Jiushui: You want to order me around without coming to the club? ]

[Jiushui: Last night your sister said you went to the club for dinner, using us as a shield, right? ]

[Jiushui: Did you go to see your girlfriend? Speak! ]

[Jiushui: Sure, Lin Yu, you are really a big shot, you started to have private contact with fans and fall in love, right? ]

[Jiushui: The drama club is not your springboard for monthly subscriptions! ]

Shen Bingmiao's messages were bombarded with messages, mixed with various highly aggressive panda head emoticons.

Lin Yu ignored Shen Bingmiao's crazy messages and many emoticons, and continued to type to express his demands.

[Ermu: Help me find someone. ]

[Ermu: Chen Zhuo, male, high school student, may be from Jiangcheng from his accent. Likes to watch anime, a typical otaku. ]

[Ermu: Can you help me find him? ]

After Lin Yu finished typing, Shen Bingmiao's message bombardment stopped.

Soon, Shen Bingmiao received a voice call directly.

"Did this high school student offend you?"

Shen Bingmiao asked directly.

"Yes, he cheated me in the game, and then my information was exposed. I want to counter it - but my level is not enough, I only found out that his real name is Chen Zhuo."

Across the screen, Lin Yu's lies became more and more skillful.

"I understand, I hate this kind of people who cheat people in the game and open the box the most... Look, I will punish him for you!"

Shen Bingmiao hung up the phone.

Lin Yu waited for a few minutes with his bag on his back, and soon received a message from Shen Bingmiao.

It was a file package.

After clicking it, all of Chen Zhuo's household information was inside - from his ID number to his home address to his various social media accounts.

This guy's Penguin nickname is "It's great to like Xiao Ai"... When Lin Yu saw this, he felt that he didn't even need to look at the photo to confirm that it was him.

Shen Bingmiao sent a message.

[Jiu Shui: Is it this Chen Zhuo? ]

[Er Mu: Yes, thank you. ]

[Jiu Shui: How are you going to deal with him? Do you need me to hack his account for you? ]

[Er Mu: No, I think he is from Jiangcheng, and I am going to verify him offline. ]

After replying to the president, Lin Yu exhaled.

Chen Zhuo is indeed from Jiangcheng - he thought so when he heard Chen Zhuo speak with an accent before.

And although the T-shirt Chen Zhuo was wearing at the time was printed with anime beauties, he was wearing sweatpants...

It looked like the school uniform pants of Jiangcheng Middle School.

Although this thing is similar across the country, there are still some regional differences.

Lin Yu recalled that Chen Zhuo's clothes looked too much like those of Jiangcheng High School!

"Since he is from Jiangcheng, it will save a lot of trouble."

Although assuming that Chen Zhuo is not from Jiangcheng, it will not have much impact on Lin Yu's next plan...

At most, he will communicate with Chen Zhuo online.

And if he can meet Chen Zhuo offline, it will be the best!

"Jiangcheng No. 6 Middle School... I didn't expect this little fat boy to have good grades."

Looking at Chen Zhuo's school, Lin Yu muttered.

This high school is also considered the first echelon in Jiangcheng. Although it is not the best, the annual undergraduate rate is also very impressive.

Every few classes, every three or five days, there will be a student who goes to the two top universities in the country.

When you are lucky, there will be two in one class!

Lin Yu carried his schoolbag and rode his bicycle, and went straight to Jiangcheng No. 6 Middle School.

Jiangcheng No. 6 Middle School is not close to Lin Yu's home, but Lin Yu started from the small commodity street almost in the center of Jiangcheng.

This place is not too far from anywhere in Jiangcheng.

Lin Yu rode for about 20 minutes and arrived at the gate of Jiangcheng No. 6 Middle School.

After parking his bike at the parking area at the school gate, Lin Yu walked towards the message room with his bag on his back and a smile.

"Hello, uncle. I am a college student of Jiangcheng Media. My cousin is studying in Class 25 of Senior 6 Middle School. He left his exercise book at home. He was afraid of being checked, so I brought it to him."

Lin Yu said, and took out his student card from his schoolbag.

The security guard in the message room took a quick look and saw Lin Yu's ID and face.

This sunny and cheerful college student with no bad intentions naturally made the security guard have no doubts.

Moreover, it was Friday afternoon, in broad daylight, and the security guard was a little lazy.

"Go ahead! You don't have to register!"

The security guard picked up the remote control and opened a small gap in the school gate.

He waved his hand, signaling Lin Yu to go in quickly.

Lin Yu smiled and nodded and went in.

"Thank you, uncle!"

Afterwards, Lin Yu ran across the playground with his bag on his back and headed straight for the teaching building.

It was class time, and there were no students on the playground except for a few classes taking physical education classes.

Lin Yu walked around the teaching building twice and soon found the pattern of class arrangement in the teaching building of No. 6 Middle School.

"The first and second floors are the ten classes of senior three... The third and fourth floors are senior two..."

"So the end of the third floor is... Got it, senior two and five classes!"

Lin Yu found the classroom of Class 2-5 very smoothly.

But when he looked inside through the window, Lin Yu was a little dumbfounded.

The classroom was empty, no one was there!


Lin Yu quickly pushed the door open and walked to the podium.

Then, he saw the content of this class on the schedule - physical education.

Lin Yu was a little helpless.

"It turns out that they are really the classes doing physical education on the playground!"

I wouldn't have run so far if I had known.

Lin Yu turned back helplessly and walked out of the teaching building.

Soon, he returned to the playground and began to look for Chen Zhuo.

After a fruitless search, Lin Yu was not ignorant of change, and simply grabbed two students who looked friendly and asked.

"Hello, classmate, where is Class 2-5 of Senior High School in class?"

Two high school girls wearing blue and white loose high school uniforms, with neat thick bangs and wearing black-framed glasses that were a bit rustic.

Being stopped by Lin Yu, the "face" of the drama club, it was inevitable that their heartbeats accelerated.

"We are from Class 5, Grade 2," the taller girl on the right whispered, "What can I do for you?"

"You are from Class 5, Grade 2, that's great," Lin Yu said with a smile, "I am Chen Zhuo's brother, I came to give Chen Zhuo something!"

As Lin Yu spoke, the two girls blinked.

"Chen Zhuo's brother?"

Their faces were full of suspicion.

Looking at their expressions, Lin Yu smiled helplessly again.

"Okay, it's my cousin."

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