Death Game: Starting as a fraudster, pretending to be a god

Chapter 37: Fraud in reality! Props come true!

Under the guidance of the two girls, Lin Yu quickly found Chen Zhuo.

"He was just taken to the toilet on the first floor by several boys in the class!"

After returning to the main teaching building from the playground, Lin Yu heard a noisy voice coming from the men's toilet before he even approached it.

"You are capable, right?"

"I asked you to buy a bottle of drink, why are you so busy?"

"I really don't understand what you are showing off!"

Lin Yu looked out and saw that Chen Zhuo was surrounded by four boys in the corner of the toilet.

Chen Zhuo squatted on the ground, holding his head in silence, letting the boys punch and kick him and throw the toilet paper soaked with water on his head, looking very embarrassed.

"School bullying?"

Lin Yu suddenly felt a little angry.

Lin Yu has always been disgusted with this kind of bullying of the weak.

"Hey, stop it!"

Lin Yu walked into the toilet, and the four boys immediately turned their heads.

Seeing that Lin Yu seemed older and not a high school student, they immediately dispersed and looked at Lin Yu with a smile.

"Teacher, we are just joking!"

Lin Yu looked at them coldly, and asked in a serious voice: "Which class are you from?"

The four tall boys wearing expensive sneakers felt something was wrong and ran out.

Lin Yu did not stop them, and let the four boys escape.

After all, they got in with fake identities.

Then he looked at Chen Zhuo.

Chen Zhuo also looked up at Lin Yu, blinked, and wiped the water stains on his face.

"Administrator, how did you find this place?"

Lin Yu shrugged: "I am an administrator, of course I have my own way."

Chen Zhuo patted the stains on his body and stood up, looking a little restrained.

Lin Yu looked at his embarrassed appearance and sighed.

"Why don't you resist?"

"Even if you have been submissive before... now you have participated in the 'death game' and have 'died once', why not be braver?"

Lin Yu couldn't help asking.

Chen Zhuo was a little embarrassed, he said: "It's useless to resist, I can't beat the four of them... Mr. Administrator, you are handsome and probably have good grades, you definitely don't understand."

"This kind of thing... resistance is useless."

Chen Zhuo said helplessly, spreading his hands: "Anyway, it's already the second year of high school, just bear it for a while and it will be almost the same."

"If I get the ability of 'soldier', I will definitely resist directly... But unfortunately, my profession is just 'otaku'."

"Of course, having a profession is definitely better than not having one, and my recovery speed after being beaten has also become faster now!"

Chen Zhuo optimistically pointed to the red part of his body that was beaten - the swelling here is disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lin Yu listened to Chen Zhuo's words, pondered for a moment, and then spoke.

"The power that the 'Death Game' gives you is not only a profession, but also props."

"What if you have a 'prop' that is powerful enough to give you great power?"

Lin Yu said aloud, Chen Zhuo was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes became firm.

"Then I have 'props', can I still be bullied by others?"

Chen Zhuo said firmly.

Lin Yu nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good...then wait a moment."

Lin Yu said, turned around and took out a baton and a bottle of light blue liquid in a beautiful glass bottle from his schoolbag.

"This is the prop 'baton' and the prop 'agility potion'."

"The former, as the name suggests, is just a baton that can be stored in your prop space, and its function is no different from that of an ordinary baton."

"As for this 'agility potion'...after taking it, it can greatly improve your reaction speed and mobility within an hour."

Lin Yu stuffed the two props into Chen Zhuo's hands.

Chen Zhuo was a little stunned.

"Eh? Administrator, what is this for?"

Lin Yu patted Chen Zhuo on the shoulder: "This is what I gave you as an administrator. See if you can use it. It should pop up instructions."

Lin Yu said naturally.

After that, Lin Yu felt...

The power of "belief" emerged in Chen Zhuo.

Then, what Lin Yu said just now came true again!

This was also the first time that Lin Yu activated the ability of "trickster" in reality.

Chen Zhuo opened his palm with some surprise, and his baton and potion disappeared in his palm.

"Really...Administrator, thank you for your generosity!"

Lin Yu nodded slightly and pointed outside the toilet door.

"Go, Chen Zhuo...Now you have the power, do what you want to do."

Chen Zhuo nodded seriously, and then he summoned the baton and potion again.

Chen Zhuo twisted the potion and drank it all.

"It actually tastes like blueberry, and it tastes really good!"

He threw the bottle away, and then felt full of strength.

Looking at Lin Yu's expectant eyes, Chen Zhuo became even more ruthless!

Chen Zhuo rushed out of the toilet with the baton in his hand, and then yelled.

"Hey, you guys!"

Lin Yu stayed in the toilet, washed his hands elegantly, listened to the noisy fighting and scolding outside, and felt very satisfied.

The baton and the "medicine" were naturally fake.

The former was bought directly from the small commodity street, while the latter was mixed by himself with food coloring and flavors bought from the small commodity street.

This was also the purpose of Lin Yu's visit to Chen Zhuo - he wanted to use his ability of "fraud master" to deceive Chen Zhuo, so as to achieve the effect of turning these fakes into "real goods".

After all, if he used his ability at the "assembly", Lin Yu was afraid that those old players would see that his products were all fakes!

But Chen Zhuo, an inexperienced rookie, was different.

Now I tried it...

It really works!

Moreover, it happened to coincide with Chen Zhuo being bullied, and I happened to use this "fraud" to help Chen Zhuo.

Lin Yu was naturally very satisfied.

After a few minutes, Lin Yu walked out of the toilet and saw Chen Zhuo panting against the wall.

Several tall school bullies fell to the ground, looking a little painful.

They looked at Chen Zhuo in disbelief - the clumsy little fat man in the past, who just dodged and moved quickly, beating them to tears.

Chen Zhuo was also holding a baton at this moment, and spoke in a condescending and cold voice.

"I didn't bother with you before, but today I can't stand it anymore... I suggest you avoid me in the future!"

After Chen Zhuo finished speaking, he walked quickly towards Lin Yu.

He showed a sincere expression again.

"Thank you... Administrator, I felt really good just now!"

"You gave me potions and props without permission, isn't that against the rules?"

Chen Zhuo said with some concern.

Lin Yu waved his hand: "No, no, those are my own props. It's normal for me to give them to you as a 'player', and it has nothing to do with the administrator."

As he spoke, Lin Yu opened the backpack on his back, revealing more batons and bottles and jars inside.

"I have a lot of small props like this!"

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