Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 220 Does that door look like a wine warehouse door?

Everyone fell into silence for a while, and looked at each other subconsciously.

Still couldn't help but look at the embarrassed Kifuri.

Feeling the gazes from all around.

Kifune, whose face was still covered with blood foam, roared urgently as his cheeks twitched.

"What are you looking at? Didn't you see that I'm still bleeding? Come and help me up quickly."

"That kid must be bluffing. He must have fallen asleep now. Come back and have a look."

"If that guy is really drunk, he must be beaten to death by me!"

Hysterical roars echoed between heaven and earth.

The successive defeats made Kifuri feel like he was vomiting blood.

What's more, the majesty of the vice-captain that he had accumulated over the years was wasted.

At this juncture, he is still calm and collected.

"Gui... Vice-captain of Kifune, that kid is drunk but doesn't recognize his relatives. What if he cuts him again, what should we do..."

Murakami couldn't help but muttered.

These words immediately made everyone look at each other.

They felt the power of the knife just now.

If we do it again, I'm afraid there won't even be a chance to escape.

Looking at the people standing there for a moment, they looked like sculptures.

Kifuri roared with a distorted expression.

"A bunch of cowardless bandits, just a little kid, scared you like this."

"If I hadn't been injured, I would have suppressed him here long ago."

"Captain Amagai, please lead us. That kid is so drunk that he must have passed out on the ground."

"This is the best chance to catch him..."

The team members present were once again confused.

He looked at Kifune, who had a murderous look the moment before, and wished he could kill Kuroha with his own hands.

As soon as the conversation changed, he immediately became frightened and asked Tian Beixiu for help.

This gap is like riding a roller coaster.

However, looking around the field, except for Amagai Susuke who has swastika.

I'm afraid no one is really qualified to take this trip through muddy waters.

"Okay then, let's go back and take a look first."

Amagai Susuke looked back, and the camp behind him became motionless.

"That kid was so drunk that he couldn't even recognize him, and he just squandered a lot of his spiritual power."

"I'm afraid it's no exception if he falls asleep due to exhaustion."

After leaving these words, Amagai Susuke took the lead in turning around and rushing towards the camp.

A group of team members followed closely behind, no exception, and hurriedly followed.

Confronted with this newcomer who was drunk and causing a scene in the camp.

They desperately wanted to know, after drawing so much hatred.

If Shiba Kuroba really faints.

What exactly will happen?

Hundreds of people rushed directly into the camp.

The first thing that came into view was that the open space where the battle was raging had already become deserted.

As for their guess, Shiba Kuroba, who should have been sleeping, did not exist on the playground at all.

All that was left was a mess in the field.


Kifuri wiped the blood from his face and said.

"That kid didn't know that he was in big trouble, so he ran away when no one was around."

"He has no idea that Hueco Mundo doesn't even dare to underestimate our expeditionary force."

"Not to mention, a mere newcomer dares to break in here."

Hueco Mundo is the main world where virtuality is born and lives.

Being able to use the word "nest" to describe it is no exception.

The birth of their Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force was to do everything possible to suppress the rapid growth of the number of Hueco Mundos.

It can be said that entering Hueco Mundo is stepping into Xueco Mundo's lair.

Even the older generation of team members did not dare to wander around casually.

Not to mention, a newcomer who has just arrived.

"Gui, the vice-captain of Guifune, seems to have guessed what that guy did."

Muraki couldn't help but look at the open warehouse door.

"Does this door look like a wine warehouse door? He wouldn't have robbed the wine bar inside."

The small voice seemed to be filled with magic sound at this moment, directly hitting the depths of everyone's souls.

Looking at the door that should have been locked, it was pushed open.

The chains were scattered on the ground.

I'm afraid, the wine warehouse really suffered.

When they arrived at the wine warehouse, the empty bottles and cans were already scattered all over the floor.

As for the three bottles of good wine that were most closely hidden, they had already disappeared.

"Bastard, bastard, that guy not only caused havoc in the camp, but also ransacked the wine warehouse. I must report these things to Captain Yamamoto and let him seek justice for us."

Kifuri roared.

He is also a good drinker, and these wines are his treasure.

Now not only was he beaten to death, he was also beaten to death.

A warehouse of wine was also looted.

This is simply difficult for Kifune to accept.

"Kibune, it's useless. Since that guy is the one who parachuted down from Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni himself, he will definitely turn a blind eye to our expedition team's affairs."

Amagai Susuke shook his head and said in a deep voice.

"However, I will still report this matter truthfully. Since he stole the drinks and ran away."

"I'm afraid I can only continue to stay in Hueco Mundo."

"If he is unlucky and falls asleep drunk outside and is swallowed up by the void, that is his own problem."

"Of course, if the Guard Team 13 still doesn't come up with a reasonable solution after receiving my report, then we will let him disappear reasonably."

The eyes of the team members present and even Kifuri suddenly lit up.

Regarding the sentence from Amakai Susuke's mouth, the reason disappeared.

They can figure it out with their toes.

However, this also played into Kibuneri's wish.

As for Amagai Xiusuke.

As long as the plan can be restored if the plan is not fully implemented, no matter how much extra effort is done, it is still necessary.

"Okay, don't be too happy too early. That guy is pretty good. Although he broke into Hueco Mundo, we still need to ensure his whereabouts before we can take further action."

Ambei Xiusuke said in a deep voice.

"As for finding out the whereabouts of that guy, I'll leave it to Kibune."

"Captain Ambei, don't worry, even if I use that method if necessary, I will kill him."

A hint of ferocity appeared on Kifune's face.

In full view of the public, he may not be able to use the bottom-line method.

But within Hueco Mundo, death is the most common thing.

If a newcomer dies accidentally, there won't be much doubt.


Amagai Xiusuke responded casually.

Everything he did just now was actually to lure Kibuneri into taking action on his behalf.

The purpose has now been achieved.

Of course Amagai Susuke will not stay here any longer.

On the other hand, it is dozens of miles away from the camp.

A figure quickly swept away into the distance.

He was holding seven or eight bottles of fine wine in his arms, and the backpack covered by the Lingzhi Armament on his back was even more stuffed.

This is a backpack that Urahara Kisuke personally gave to him and has a similar space pocket.

The capacity inside was the first time Heiyu saw it, and he was shocked.

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