Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 221 The most superior Daxuwa Stodd

"Hiccup, there seems to be something going on over there..."

Shiba Kuroba let out a wine burp, opened his squinting eyes, and took out a bottle of wine, took two sips.

"Finally I saw someone. I just accidentally entered Achiukas' lair and almost lost my life."

"If I weren't lucky, I might not be able to escape. I'd better go over and say hello first..."

Leaving these words behind, Kuroyu walked deeper into Hueco Mundo with staggering steps, drunkenly.

If anyone sees this scene, they will definitely have a ghost expression on their face.

This is Hueco Mundo, where can I see people?

Bang bang bang!

On the desolate land, a series of virtual flashes cut through the sky like thunder, instantly penetrating the earth.

The huge impact caused the ground to shake violently.

Three miserable voids rushed out from the billowing dust.

There was also a figure who seemed to be incarnated as a human, but at the same time retained the virtual armor and a white bone knife in his right hand, desperately resisting the attack from behind.

"Haha, Harribel, you can't escape. Since you have rejected Lord Balegang's solicitation, the only thing waiting for you is death."

"Don't you like saving people? Then die for them!"

The dark blue humanoid shark broke through the sand and dust.

As the powerful spiritual pressure exploded in his body, he pressed his right hand suddenly in the air.

"Void flash bomb!"

Bang bang bang bang!

Three scarlet flashes instantly penetrated the void and passed Harribel, who was a little exhausted and had not yet recovered her breath.

Looking at the three galloping figures, his expression suddenly changed drastically.

"Sound turn!"

Taking a step forward, Harribel used her speed to the extreme.

He disappeared in the blink of an eye, blocking behind the three of them.


Three false flashes suddenly hit Harribel's blade.

The huge explosion power and hurricane force caused her to be thrown away.

"Lord Harribel!"

The three speeding virtual figures suddenly stopped.

Seeing the humanoid shark rushing toward Harribel quickly, he quickly turned around and rushed back without any time to think.

"Haha, you have all been fooled. As for you bitches, I will not absorb you. Instead, I will destroy you without any trace left."

"Go to hell!"

Bang bang bang!

Four ropes formed by condensing spiritual power shot out from the body of the humanoid Shark Xu.

In the blink of an eye, they were bound to Harribel and others.

Before they could react, a powerful electric shock followed the spirit rope and poured into the bodies of the four of them instantly.


The screams suddenly started and lasted for two or three minutes.

The three Hollows who followed Harribel were the first to stop screaming.

Like black smoke rising all over his body, he was thrown heavily to the rocky mountain not far away.


The huge impact caused the rock mountain to shatter.

Even the mask on the three-headed virtual head began to have hair-like cracks.

"Shark Horn, you bastard, I let you off not long ago, but now you're here to attack me again!"

Harribel roared angrily.

There are only a few highest-level Vastod Daxu in Hueco Mundo.

She has always been a queen.

Rao is Bailegang, who is known as the king of Xuye Palace, and he also regards it as a thorn in his side.

However, there are only a few female Hollows who value Harribel and can automatically evolve into the Vastod Great Hollow.

Balegang obviously didn't want it, so he killed it like this.

"Hmph, you actually hit my mask in front of Lord Bailegang. I just didn't expect that your blow not only did not weaken my strength, but also made me stronger. I could step out of that critical moment at the critical moment. step."

Sharkhorn smiled ferociously.

"This is God giving me a chance to take revenge."

"Don't you mean that a being that can't be defeated by one person can rely on his companions to win?"

"Now open your eyes quickly and take a look. Your companion is lying on the ground like a waste."

"You have to know that this is a Hueco Mundo where the weak and the strong prey on each other. Under your stupid logic of only winning but not killing."

"Now you are going to die in my hands, who else can save you!"

"A person like you is so stupid that you abandon our strong basic principles. Their weakness and death are all caused by you!"

Cruel words echoed in the empty wasteland.

Faced with this questioning that came from the soul.

Harribel was stunned for a moment, sadness and confusion flashed across her face.

In her vague memory, Harribel clearly remembered the last time she taught this humanoid shark a lesson.

The opponent is still Yachukas.

Being able to follow Baile Gang, he does have good strength.

But facing myself as the Vastod Daxu.

The humanoid shark is no match for her.

However, after just a few months, although the humanoid Shark Void did not break through to Vastod, its spiritual power became stronger because of the fragmentation of the mask.

However, Harribel felt uncomfortable the most.

On the contrary, he was unable to implement the belief he had when he gathered his three subordinates from the beginning.

Abandoning the path of swallowing has instead become one's own weakness.

This made Harribel feel guilty for having caused her grandson and others to suffer.

"Haha, why don't you say anything?"

The humanoid shark laughed ferociously.

"It is indeed a pleasure to have weirdos like you in Hueco Mundo, but you still expect your companions to appear to rescue you. This is simply more ridiculous than the God of Death being merciful and not killing you."

"Now, you should pay with your life for your previous disrespect."


The spiritual power bloomed in the hands of the humanoid Shark Xu, instantly making his big sickle-like hands exude a sharp and unparalleled smell.

The next moment, in Harribel's sad eyes, force struck down.

Faced with this fatal blow from the God of Death.

Harribel smiled sadly. Under the restraint, she didn't even have the strength to lift the sharp blade in her hand, let alone fight back and save others.

The only thing I can do now is probably to wait for death to come amidst the shouts of Sun and Sun.

"Am I wrong? In the end, I didn't even save my comrades..."

Harribel muttered.

The sad eyes slowly closed.

"Hmph, just wait for death now, I won't take it easy..."

The humanoid shark smiled cruelly, and quickly adjusted the direction of the sharp blade in his hand, locking it on Harribel's arm.

Faced with this rare female Daxu, the humanoid Sharkxu still wanted to satisfy his perverted psychology.


The crisp sound of metal collision suddenly sounded.

Under the dull collision, two violent spiritual powers collided and exploded like thunder.

The explosion caused a large amount of sand and dust.

At the same time, Harribel was waiting for nothing, and she was awakened directly.

Looking at the figure hidden in the wind and sand, his pupils suddenly shrank.

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