The old figure appeared in front of Renji Abarai first.

Before he could react, a soft smile broke out on his face like dry tree bark.

The next moment, his right hand suddenly reached out and slapped Renji Abarai's body directly.

"The Fifty-Five Breaking Thunder of the Way!"


Violent lightning surged out from Asakusa's palm.

In an instant, Abarai Renji was submerged.

Along with a scream, Abarai Renji's whole body was filled with black smoke, and he fell to the ground limply.

The violent scene made Kuchiki Rukia's expression froze.

"Haha, Captain Aizen, you are still cruel and ruthless. If it weren't for this skin, I'm afraid no one would believe that the captain who is usually kind to others would be so cruel."

Ichimaru Gin's feminine laughter suddenly sounded in Asakusa's ears.

However, others did not notice this conversation at all.

Armed with the Absolute Spirit Mask, Ichimaru Gin's figure was directly hidden, and he also chose the method of conversing with his mind.

"Yin, it seems that you have failed to do your best, causing Dong Xian to suffer a lot."

Aizen Soyou glanced behind Xue Wu without any trace and said.

During this time, too many things happened.

In order to avoid adding more variables, Aizen Sosuke did not hesitate to advance the execution in the name of Central Room 46.

However, repeatedly advancing plans like this will undoubtedly make people suspicious.

Therefore, Aizen Soyousuke took the risk and personally came to supervise the execution as one of the committee members.

This will make it easier to find opportunities to take action.

Of course, it was not that Aizen Sosuke didn't want to take action early and take out the Honyu sealed in Kuchiki Rukia's body.

All because the seals set by Urahara Kisuke in Kuchiki Rukia's body require powerful spiritual pressure to suppress the host into death.

Only then can the seal emerge.

And with such huge spiritual pressure, there is still a way to deal with Rukia Kuchiki openly.

Only the twins in front of me can do it.

Therefore, this is the reason why Soyousuke Aizen wanted to wipe out the entire forty-sixth central room, spend a lot of effort, and send Rukia Kuchiki to death.

"Haha, Captain Aizen, you are exaggerating."

Ichimaru Gin glanced at Abarai Renji who fell to the ground, and the soft smile on his face became even bigger.

"I'm not like that guy in Dongxian, who has the means of super-speed regeneration."

"That brat's attack is no joke. If it suffers a serious blow at this juncture, it may also have an impact on Captain Aizen's plan."

"So, this important task of causing Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni to be furious should be left to Captain Tosen!"

"However, isn't this the development as expected in the plan? Captain Yamamoto asked that lunatic Zaraki Kenpachi to go there in person. This is the best part we expected."

"Everyone knows that this lunatic has always wanted to fight that brat. Now that he has taken action, unless the brat kills Zaraki Kenpachi, I'm afraid he won't be able to get away and come here."

Speaking of this, the smile on Ichimaru Gin's face became even bigger.

"I said, do you think that kid can arrive in a short time?"

The slightly arrogant words echoed in Aizen Soyousuke's mind.

Dongxian Yao, who also appeared on the side, couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"Hmph, after this incident, I will definitely kill that brat with my own hands, so that he will understand the consequences of offending someone he shouldn't offend."

Feeling the lingering pain all over his body, Dongxian Yao's face clearly showed a hint of sinisterness.

He does have the means of super-speed regeneration.

However, this still cannot make up for the shadow left in my heart because of the beating.

It can be said that the only way to defeat these shadows is to kill Shiba Kuroba with your own hands.

Dong Xian obviously couldn't think of a better way.

"Okay, let's talk about these things later. Now send Rukia Kuchiki to Shuangji. Please pay attention to the situation around you. I don't want to let things slip at this juncture."

Aizen Sosuke said coldly.

Of course, all these conversations seemed very complicated, but everything passed by in the blink of an eye.

For Rukia Kuchiki, she was still stuck in the scene where Renji Abarai was subdued instantly.

"You, why did you sneak up on Renji like this!"

Kuchiki Rukia suddenly woke up and said.

However, it was Aizen Sosuke's right hand that answered her.

"The Ten Red Training Ropes of Binding Dao!"


The rope composed of flames, like a rope, instantly wrapped around Kuchiki Rukia's body.

Kuchiki Rukia, who was still able to move freely, was immediately restricted.

"Kuchiki Rukia, I am doing this to avoid any further trouble."

Aizen Sosuke spoke in an old voice again.

"You should know very well about this red training rope. As long as you have any struggle, the rope will become tighter and tighter. At the same time, it will emit high temperature and burn your body. So I advise you to listen to it and don't say anything. What unnecessary resistance."

"Now, it's a certain death situation. No one can save you. Go to the two critical situations!"

The old words came out hesitantly, and at this moment, it felt like a death reminder.

Kuchiki Rukia's face suddenly turned pale as paper.

Looking at the battle circle in full swing.

There was Renji Abarai who fell to the ground. A sad smile finally appeared on Kuchiki Rukia's face, and she turned and walked towards Shuanggen.

The short distance of tens of meters seemed extremely long at this moment.

Every step she took seemed to exhaust Rukia Kuchiki's energy.

If it weren't for Aizen Sosuke, who was watching eagerly behind her, Rukia Kuchiki might not have really hoped that this road would be completed.

However. These messy thoughts quickly flashed through my mind.

When he came back to his senses, the chains that were binding the god of death were already very close at hand.

Aizen Sosuke, who had been waiting for a long time and whose patience had been exhausted, started singing with his backhand.

"The platform of sinners, the instrument of execution, please grant the sinners the final liberation..."

A series of rapid chants came from Aizen Soyousuke's mouth.

The smell, which was like a death reminder, was like an invisible heavy hammer, hitting Rukia Kuchiki's heart one after another.

Looking at the hanging chains, he was directly liberated under the chant.

As if given life, it turned into tentacles and extended towards itself.

This scene made the sad smile on Kuchiki Rukia's face become even weaker.

At least, in her eyes, it was all coming to an end.

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