Death: I can become stronger by drinking alcohol

Chapter 307 The heroic hero saves the beauty

"here we go!"

Dongxian Yao said indifferently.

"It seems that the kid still can't catch up. After all, he has to face the monster-like Kenpachi Zaraki. That fighting madman will not let him leave casually unless he is severely injured to the point of being unable to move, or even wiped out."

Looking at the chains flying rapidly in the sky, like tentacles, Dongxian Yao couldn't help but have a soft smile on his face.

"If he arrived and saw only a cold body left at the end, I don't know what his expression would be."

In the eyes of Tōsen Kaname, it is impossible to regain the situation with Shiba Kuroha this time, but at least he can make Shiba Kuroha pay a sufficient price.


Sounds of breaking through the air suddenly sounded.

The chains flying all over the sky were finally completely liberated.

It turned into tentacles and wrapped around Kuchiki Rukia's limbs.

The whole person is like a big character, directly tightened by the chain.

The two spirits that were originally sealed bloomed with dazzling white light at this moment.

A surge of substantial spiritual pressure exploded like a frenzy.


The spiritual pressure beam rose directly through the sky and the earth, and penetrated the clouds squeezed in the sky.

The blazing heat that enveloped this area was caused by this sudden burst of spiritual pressure.

It was dispersed in an instant.

The ruined sword that originally stood on the cliff like a spear, the seals wrapped around it were directly severed.

The spiritual pressure soaring into the sky reached its peak in an instant.

The pressure generated was like an invisible mountain rolling down from the sky.

The Twins' Punishment was created using a giant bird called the King of Destroyers. Once liberated, it is said to have the destructive power of a million Zanpakutō.

It is a torture instrument used in the Soul Society when executing criminals.

The ability is to cut off or penetrate the body of the god of death.

In the original work, it was defeated by the combined efforts of several captains and vice-captains.

It can be said that once this spiritual pressure is released.

For Kuchiki Rukia, who didn't even have complete control over Shikai.

It's all a nightmare.

Facing the blade that emitted huge spiritual pressure, the spiritual pressure that climbed to the extreme, Kuchiki Rukia's face was as pale as paper.

The tight body deflated like a balloon and suddenly softened.

Facing those unparalleled double sharp blades, the only thing he could do was to close his eyes helplessly.

"Time is up?"

Kyōraku Shunsui and Ukitake Jūshirō immediately forced their opponents back. After their expressions suddenly changed, they quickly rushed towards the cliff without any time to think about it.

"Asakusa, the time has not yet come, and you have once again advanced the execution time."

"Haha, there are so many little incidents now, and the so-called rules have been broken. Anyway, this girl is destined to die. It is better to send her to Xingtai as soon as possible!"

Aizen Sosuke sneered and shouted.

"Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni and Kuchiki Byakuya, if you don't stop these two traitors quickly, if you let them break the rules, you will lose all the honor of the Thirteenth Guardian Team for thousands of years."

After leaving these words, Aizen Sosuke suddenly turned around and looked at Kuchiki Rukia.

Regarding Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni's decadent and stubborn thinking, Aizen Sosuke firmly believed that he would not let the face of the 13th Guards Team be harmed.

Therefore, Kyoraku Shunsui and Ukitake Jushiro will definitely be stopped.

The only thing Aizen Soyousuke has to do now is to use capital punishment to kill Rukia.

Also opened the seal hidden in Kuchiki Rukia's body.

Miscellaneous thoughts flashed through Aizen Soyousuke's mind. Suddenly he raised his head, and a trace of impatient excitement flashed through his cloudy old eyes.

He had waited for hundreds of years before Urahara Kisuke's Bengyoku appeared.

When he thought that by combining two pieces of broken jade together, he could create something that he imagined, allowing people to easily transform and become stronger.

This undoubtedly made Aizen Soyousuke unable to restrain himself.

When he thought of this, Aizen Sosuke's eyes suddenly brightened, and his hands suddenly clasped together.

The spiritual pressure dormant in the body suddenly exploded.

"Kill me!"


The spiritual pressure dormant on the two bodies was suddenly detonated.

The spiritual pressure that penetrated the heaven and earth seemed to turn into an invisible sharp blade, shrouding the two men.

The next moment, without any fancy, he slashed hard towards Kuchiki Rukia.

Wherever they passed along the way, whether it was air or space, they were torn apart by the unparalleled Qi machine.

The ripples in the air were like ripples, surging around.

The violent scene immediately tensed everyone's nerves.

Under the attack, Kuchiki Rukia's delicate body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Feeling the dangerous energy that seemed to penetrate deep into the bone marrow, the only thing he could do was to close his eyes hard and clenched his fists tightly.

Even though the tip of his finger sank into the flesh of his palm, he didn't even know it.

Thirty meters, twenty meters, ten meters!

The distance was shortening rapidly, and the unparalleled offensive suddenly became very close.

Renji Abarai, who had been subdued, suddenly woke up and exclaimed.

"don't want!"

Hysterical roars echoed throughout the world, but were filled with a sense of powerlessness.

Witnessing this scene, Aizen Sosuke's smile became even wider.

In his eyes, even Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni was on his side.

In Soul Society, I am afraid that even if the Soul King comes, he will be stopped.

Not to mention those clowns.

When he thought of this, the countdown that Aizen Sosuke was thinking silently in his heart finally came to an end.

The pair of corpses, which contained an incomparable gesture, fell suddenly.


Thunderous explosions echoed.

The violent impact air waves rolled back in all directions.

The impact caused by it felt like a Category 12 hurricane, rolling through the scene.

The people who were slightly closer also used various methods to resolve the impact.

Only Abarai Renji, who had lost his mobility, could not free his hands to defend in time. His whole body flew out like a sandbag and hit a rocky mountain hard.

The impact was so huge that even the rocks cracked.

Not to mention, Kuchiki Rukia who was at the center of the attack.

However, this idea just sprouted in my mind.

All the people who blocked the explosion storm invariably locked their eyes on the two victims.

The wind waves and dust raised all over the sky were once again seen by everyone.

The first scene that came into view made people's pupils shrink suddenly.

"Hey, I'm just here to pursue love. This meeting gift is too big."

"However, only in this way can it be called a heroic rescue of the beauty. Thank you for providing the stage."

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