death train

Chapter 1069

Scorpio on the ground for two consecutive struggles, are not able to get up, or get up, but fell back to the ground, obviously very struggling.

Leaf brake at ease a lot, Scorpio such performance, on behalf of his previous super regeneration ability.

"In that case, let's end the fight." The leaf Cha disdains of see to all directions way: "your experiment object, seem also not how."

Dr. Decker sat in front of the screen, looking at all this coldly, not moved.

Is it over?

No, how can an evolutionary creature, which is made with great efforts, be killed so easily, just like a killing machine?

No, never!

At the same time, the leaf brake has come to Scorpio's front again, raise fist, will toward Scorpio blast down.

But in this moment


Scorpio's mouth opens and closes, making a shrill howling sound.

Ye Cha frowned, felt the tingling sound coming from his head, and then began to tinnitus.

It's not the mental impact of brain area ability, but pure acoustic attack. Relatively speaking, the former is more difficult to resist, while the latter is also a very annoying attack ability, but relatively easy to resist.

However, how many let leaf brake's attack slightly a stagnation.


Scorpio teeth raise their own scorpion claws, with the leaf brake fists together, the leaf brake fists to pick down, a heavy impact sound.

Ye Cha picks his eyebrows and suddenly

The dark force is booming!


With the use of the leaf brake dark strength, Scorpio's scorpion pliers, it issued a crisp sound, directly cracked a piece, there are fine cracks.

Scorpio shows the sound of pain, the roar of continuous ring, ye Cha also suffered some impact, but forced down, the corner of the mouth spilled a trace of blood, but still tough to raise fist again.

Scorpio's scorpion tail moved again, toward the leaf brake rolled over.

A scorpion tail directly rolled Ye Cha's wrist to stop Ye Cha's attack. At the same time, two scorpion tails came from both sides and stabbed Ye Cha's head.

Ye Cha's face was cold and stern. He turned his wrist back and grabbed the scorpion tail that was wrapped around his palm.

Snake bite!

Ye Cha's left arm entangles the virtual shadow of the purple scale python, and then pulls the scorpion's tail.


Separation of flesh and blood!

Scorpio: the carapace on the scorpion's tail is cracked. The scorpion's tail is crushed by the leaf brake and pulled down. Then the leaf brake quickly retreats to avoid the attack of the remaining two scorpions.

Scorpio is still there roaring loudly, but this time it's not purely because of the attack, but because of the pain, and then ye Cha will see the two scorpion tails continue to wave.


The leaf Cha picks next eyebrow, he suddenly discovers, two scorpion tail attack oneself, seem just by the way, scorpion tail real target, unexpectedly is Scorpio oneself!

Poof, poof!

The next moment, two scorpion tail directly into the Scorpio's body, one from the Scorpio's neck position stabbed in, the other is stabbed into the Scorpio's chest, corresponding to the Scorpio's heart position.

Scorpio's roar becomes more rapid, the body is constantly shaking, like a spasm in general.

Ye Cha's frown tightened. He found that the two scorpion tail imitated Buddha statues were syringes, and they were injecting some black liquid into Scorpio's body.

The leaf Cha faintly has a kind of bad feeling.

Ye Cha decides not to delay any more. No matter what Scorpio is doing, ye Cha feels that he should not let this guy go on. Otherwise, it will be quite bad for him.

Leaf Cha a arrow step forward, directly kill to Scorpio's front, then again of brandish fist.


At the same time, the scorpion tail that was torn off by the leaf brake suddenly made a dull sound. The part that was torn off by the leaf brake suddenly grew back, and then threw it towards the leaf brake.

The pupil of leaf brake shrinks, very fast!


Ye Cha didn't expect that the speed of the scorpion tail would suddenly change so fast, which caught Ye Cha off guard. He could only instinctively put up his right arm to meet the scorpion tail.

The scorpion's tail is pulled out of yecha's arm. Yecha can feel more strength and impact than before. The muscles on his face are twisted. Then yecha's body slides back, about four or five meters.

Bang, bang, Bang

At this time, Scorpio seems to bear great pain in general, a scorpion forceps suddenly raised, toward the side of the wall hard hit in the past, the wall inlaid alloy plate constantly smashed depression, make a huge sound.

The leaf brake quickly moves forward again and intends to kill Scorpio now, but the leaf brake still can't approach.

Scorpio suddenly opens its mouth, spouting a sand arrow made of sand, flying towards the leaf brake.Leaf brake immediately a flash body, intend to avoid the past, momentum continued to rush to Scorpio, but Scorpio's sharp howl again.

With the sound wave attack, ye Cha's head felt tingling again, which made Ye Cha's body slightly stagnate.

Ye Cha couldn't avoid the sand arrow completely. The sand arrow wiped Ye Cha's arm and flew out. There was a wound on Ye Cha's arm, and the blood flowed out quickly.

The leaf Cha complexion is gloomy, this blow wound is not heavy, the leaf Cha complexion is gloomy reason, is after such a delay, Scorpio climbed up from the ground.

Poof, poof!

Two scorpion tails that pierce into Scorpio's body are pulled out, bringing out two black blood.

Scorpio's body has obviously changed.

First of all, Scorpio's chest is collapsed by the leaf brake. That move is very cruel. With the use of internal strength, Scorpio's sternum is broken at least half by the leaf brake.

But now, Scorpio's chest is bulging again, which means that the collapsed sternum has been healed again. As a result, there are some fine wounds in the original position of the chest, which are obviously recovering as before.

It's not only that, if it's just the recovery of the injury, it's another display of the ability of speeding regeneration.

Scorpio's posture also has some changes.

The position of the scorpion's body is not much different from that before, but it's a little stronger, and the three scorpion tails are longer.

The important thing is the body!

Scorpio's body is slender type, but now obviously a lot stronger, waist and abdomen position, appeared eight angular, like granite general abdominal muscle.

The position of the arm, obviously two circles thick, seems to be full of explosive force.

The biggest change is the skin on the surface of the body. The skin seems to have been torn and become one by one. It's like a crisscross bandage tied to the body, but there is no blood flowing down. It's just red and no skin wrapped flesh.

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