death train

Chapter 1070

Ye Cha frowned. It can be seen that there are some changes in Scorpio, although the degree of change is not obvious only from the perspective of body change.

But no matter what, any change is not a good thing, especially not easy to beat Scorpio to waste, now it seems, Scorpio seems to recover as before.

This is certainly not a good thing.

However, ye Cha soon calmed down. He did see something wrong. He also hoped to kill Scorpio before Scorpio changed. That's the safest way.

But since there is no way to stop it, there is no way.

"Anyway..." Ye Cha deep suction port airway: "always kill it."

Ye Cha's toe light point, once again toward Scorpio, rushed to Scorpio's front, without hesitation raised his fist toward Scorpio bombardment.

Scorpio raises his pincers and intends to block Ye Cha's fist in the old way, but in this moment

Ghost step!

Ye Cha is just a shot in vain. When Scorpio makes a defensive stance, ye Cha will take a ghost step and move his body strangely. For no reason, he will appear on the side of Scorpio.


Ye Cha doesn't hesitate to lift his leg and sweep his foot on Scorpio's waist. He sweeps Scorpio out with his foot.

Bang, bang!

Scorpio flies out to the side, continuously knocks things down, and then smashes into the ground, which collapses a large part of the ground.


The leaf Cha peeps out the color of doubt, not from of picked to pick eyebrow.

Although there are some obvious changes in Scorpio, in theory, these changes will make Scorpio stronger, but as far as this blow is concerned, yecha doesn't seem to feel much change in Scorpio.

However, ye Cha soon felt it.

Creak, creak!

Scorpio raises the scorpion claws, cuts off the metal lifting device that is pressed on his body, and then climbs up again. There is no injury on his body, and there is a trace of violence in his eyes. He stares at Ye Cha tightly.

The leaf Cha picks down eyebrow, just that hit pursue of speed, with suddenly attack, the leaf Cha doesn't use up dark strength, but also don't have no harm degree to Scorpio.

"The defense is getting higher?"

The leaf Cha slants the next head is thinking, but at this time, Scorpio suddenly jumped forward.

How fast!

Ye Cha's pupil suddenly shrinks, Scorpio's speed is obviously much faster than just now, and, to Ye Cha's surprise, Scorpio seems to be moving in the way of ghost step?

Because the speed of ghost step is too fast, if it is a pure straight-line distance movement, it will become very difficult to control. If you are not careful, you will directly hit something on your head. Therefore, it is not a good thing that the speed is too terrible, and the brain thinking will not keep up.

Therefore, when ghost step is used, it is usually accompanied by a lot of horizontal movement and oblique movement, which will be better controlled, the moving distance will be more accurate, and the pace will be better.

But now, Scorpio is obviously imitating the way of Ye Cha's movement. His body is constantly moving, just like a ghost. Moreover, Scorpio has more advantages than ye cha in that he can jump to the wall and swim close to the wall like a gecko.

As for the pure speed, maybe it's not as fast as ghost step, but it's also a terrible level.

And just as ye Cha is thinking, Scorpio comes to Ye Cha again.

Scorpio's throat, issued a "sand, kill" hiss, and then lift the scorpion forceps.

Scorpion tongs fall, with the leaf brake jump out of the way, scorpion tongs will heavily fall to the ground, and then Scorpio's body forward, the pair of scorpion tongs at the same time forward stab out.

Ye Cha showed the color of horror.

Eight trigrams double hit palm!

Scorpio uses the eight trigrams double bump palm, the difference is that the leaf brake uses the palm, and Scorpio uses the scorpion pliers.

This change is really unexpected. Ye Cha quickly retreats and pulls out the evil eye sword.


The leaf Cha will evil eye sword a horizontal, with Scorpio's scorpion pliers collide together, then the leaf Cha then feels a huge force to spread.


After a dull sound, ye Cha's body flew straight back out, gliding for more than ten meters, and hit a metal device.

A sound of metal distortion appeared, which was a little harsh. The shell of the device was directly dented by the leaf brake.

But compared with pain, yecha is more surprised by Scorpio.

Is this guy imitating his own fight?

Ye Cha twisted his body, and his whole body seemed to be scattered. He felt the pain and showed his teeth.

The only thing to be thankful for is that Scorpio's imitation seems to be just like shape. At least Scorpio won't have dark strength, otherwise just that blow, ye Cha won't just feel pain.

The leaf brake holds the ground with one hand and gets up from the ground, while the scorpion's figure flickers. It approaches the leaf brake at high speed again and raises the scorpion claw to chop off again.Ye Cha quickly flashed, and with a bang, the device behind Ye Cha was directly split in two by Scorpio.

The leaf Cha immediately does not show weakness of jump up, mercilessly kick to Scorpio's waist.


Leaf brake hit, Scorpio's body askew for a while, but in this moment, a scorpion tail suddenly ran over, around the ankle around the leaf brake.

Bang, bang, bang!

After the scorpion tail entangled Ye Cha's ankle, it immediately swung up, driving Ye Cha's body, constantly smashing Ye Cha's body to the floor.

Seeing that he was about to land again, he raised the evil eye sword and stabbed it to the ground. After stabbing the sword into the ground, he grasped the handle of the sword and managed to stabilize himself.

The consul seems to be a killer who has been hiding in the dark. He always finds out the best way to get out at the most suitable time.

At this moment, it is obviously a good opportunity!

The consul suddenly appears behind Scorpio, his right palm suddenly spreads out, and a black light ball appears between his palms. Then he presses down towards the back of Scorpio.


The black light ball marks the back of Scorpio, making a dull impact sound, and then Scorpio's body tilts.

This is a very terrible thing, the previous Archon's black light ball will be able to blow Scorpio out, but now, it can only make Scorpio's body askew.


Scorpio opens its mouth and makes a sharp whistling sound. Another scorpion's tail swings toward the consul and sweeps the consul out.

The archon is no match for Scorpio!

However, the consul has won some time for yecha. While the consul is dragging Scorpio, yecha struggles out of Scorpio's tail, and then quickly approaches Scorpio.

The leaf Cha Zha horse step, the gas sink Dan Tian.

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