death train

Chapter 1075

Ye Cha put away the cloth bag, and then continued: "why hasn't the conductor come back? The matter of DaXiZhou hasn't been solved yet?"

The landlady nodded and said, "yes."

Ye Cha said: "is it troublesome? Do you want me to come, too? "

Naturally, the conductor will inform you if she needs to

Yecha was really interested in Atlantis, or ancient civilization, but he couldn't help but ask casually and didn't care.

Anyway, even if I go there, I really find something left over from ancient civilization. If I have a conductor, I will not be able to share it. At most, I can get some benefits from the conductor.

Ye Cha is actually quite satisfied with this. The conductor is really generous in this respect, as long as you can help him.

As if thinking of something, ye Cha suddenly said: "by the way, I'll go to the golden city this time and get something extra to refine..."


Ye Cha plans to take out a small bottle from his backpack, which contains a piece of flesh and blood cut from Scorpio.

But in this moment, the fatal sound suddenly rang in the brain of the leaf brake, so that the action of the leaf brake could not be stopped.

According to the mysterious voice, after ye Cha kills Scorpio, the Apocalypse reward is zero cells.

It's not clear what zero cell is, but no matter what it is, since it's a cell or something, it should be extracted first.

Most of the time, it's still very clever. This guy only appears when ye Cha needs it. Although there are some interruptions, it's so sudden that ye Cha is scared.

Ye Cha's right hand with the bottle stopped for a moment, then released and straightened up again.

"What's the matter?" asked the landlady

Ye Cha said with a smile: "it's nothing. I made a mistake. There was something I wanted you to estimate the price. I just remembered it, but it was lost in the battle."

The proprietress shrugged her shoulders and looked at the empty wine cup in front of Ye Cha and said, "another cup?"

"No Ye Cha got up and said, "I'm a little tired. I'll go back to the carriage to have a rest. If there's anything, I'll come back to you."

The landlady nodded and said, "OK."

Ye Cha got up and left the dining car, quickly went back to his hometown, sat down on the sofa and said, "you were talking just now, right?"

"Yes," he said

The leaf Cha way: "why stop me?"

Fatally, he said: "I have been observing the world from your perspective and let myself learn and grow. I think you are a cautious person. I don't understand. Why don't you understand huaibi's guilt?"

The leaf Cha doubts a way: "what?"

Fatal way: "what I say is not clear enough?"

"What you said is very clear, but I don't understand the meaning of huaibi's guilt. I understand the meaning of this word. I mean..." Ye Cha's words first meal, suddenly way: "zero cell?"

Fatally, he said, "of course, the flesh and blood you brought back has the same ingredients as the apostles."

Ye Cha was surprised and said, "apostle?"

The answer really surprised yecha. Did Scorpio take the Apostle? It's impossible. Scorpio is very strong, but it's not as good as an apostle.

No, maybe it's just some cells from apostles. Scorpio doesn't need to be an apostle, but can CommScope kill apostles? Don't be kidding. Even if you make Scorpio, Scorpio can't kill the apostles.


It's an apostle embryo!

If the truth is true, it really can't take Scorpio to the landlady to refine.

Ye Cha didn't believe that the landlady could swallow her reward, because it was given by the death train. The rules of the death train can't be violated. It's useless for the conductor to come.

But judging from the conductor's attitude towards the apostles, it is obvious that this thing is also very important to the conductor.

Ye Cha wipes a cold sweat. Huaibi is really guilty. God knows if the conductor will ask for it or exchange it with him. If he refuses, it's not impossible to kill himself.

Ye Cha said: "well, do I need to refine myself? But I'm not good at that. "

"I can do it for you," he said

Ye Cha said: "if you want it, it seems that you can absorb it without refining."

Fatally, he said: "I'm in a bottleneck period at present. Biological evolution is not unlimited. Although I haven't reached the limit, according to the recombination formula of gene chain, the resulting new genes are integrated into the formula, and the inferred cell content..."

The leaf Cha directly interrupts fatal way: "say person words."

"I'm not human," he said

Ye Cha said, "say what I can understand."

Fatally said: "well, although I absorbed that arm, it will take time to complete the fusion. At present, even if I continue to absorb similar substances, it will not have any effect, it will only be wasted, and even have some sequelae."Ye Cha thought and said, "it's like a bottle. It's full of water. If you pour it in again, it will leak out."

Fatal way: "this is a very accurate metaphor, only, this bottle can become bigger, but I need time."

The leaf Cha thought a way: "that can refine to put out first."

"No, it doesn't have to be." Fatal way: "you have not reached the bottleneck, there is still a long way to go from the limit, you should change yourself."

The leaf Cha Leng next way: "do you mean I use?"

"Of course." Fatal affirmation: "we are symbiotic. My strength symbolizes your strength. Similarly, your strength can make me stronger. In this case, how can we divide each other? You fuse zero cells the same way I fuse them. "

Ye Cha nodded and said, "what should I do?"

Fatal way: "I take over the body, about 30 minutes is enough, I need to use the studio."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "good."

Ye Cha doesn't resent the fatal control of his body, but the fatal control of his body without his consent.

Because the latter will have a sense of danger, and can not be sure whether the fatal is good or malicious.

It's like everyone craves power, but if it's uncontrollable, it's better not, just like Scorpio's begging before death.

Yecha was very interested at that time. If Scorpio is willing to listen to his own advice, yecha will become extremely powerful, but yecha understands that it is impossible. Yecha would rather give up, not hope for it, and then make a big mistake.

At present, it seems that although there are times of disobedience, it is mainly the leaf brake that obeys the command of the leaf brake.

And the most important point is that you can communicate with each other. If you have different wishes, you can put forward them. Although the decision-making power is always in the hands of yecha, mutual communication makes the relationship between yecha and fatal closer.

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