death train

Chapter 1076

He soon took over yecha's body and entered the studio. About half an hour later, a tube of medicine appeared in yecha's hand.

Ye Cha looked at the medicine in his hand and felt strange.

No matter what kind of medicine it is, it is usually colored. However, this tube of zero cell medicine in yecha's hand is completely colorless and extremely transparent, just like the treated water solution. It can't be seen where it looks like medicine at all.

Transparent, bright, pure!

The leaf Cha can't help but way: "you didn't make a mistake?"

Fatal way: "you try to know."

Ye Cha said: "will there be sequelae?"

Fatally thought for a while and said: "life danger certainly does not exist, but through cell integration to change the gene chain, gene formula changes, gene recombination, we will certainly suffer a certain amount of pain."

The leaf Cha doesn't matter a way: "can't die to go, other all don't matter."

Ye Cha said, while looking for the needle gun, and then put the test tube on the needle gun.

Lethal reminder: "use intramuscular injection, do not use intravenous injection, as for the injection location, it does not matter."

Ye Cha nodded, randomly stabbed the needle into his waist, then pulled the trigger, and the liquid medicine in the test tube was pushed into Ye Cha's body.

After the injection, ye Cha moved his body for a while and didn't feel much.

Ye Cha doesn't care much. It will take time for the cell medicine to take effect. Maybe it won't be effective immediately after the injection.

Ye Cha casually plans to sit on the sofa and wait, but at this time


Ye Cha's body suddenly trembled, and his heart beat violently. Even the beating voice came into Ye Cha's ears clearly.


The next instant, the leaf Cha then painful call, both hands directly supported on the sofa.

The muscle of the leaf brake suddenly swelled, and became angular and smooth, like a hard rock.

This is the posture that will appear only after entering the combat state. Under normal circumstances, as long as you don't work hard, your muscles will be in a relatively smooth state.

And ye Cha's tightening muscles naturally means that he is exerting strength, not fighting, but that ye Cha is suffering great pain.

Ye Cha's forehead, has Qinchu a layer of sweat, clenching teeth, the body constantly trembling.

Ye Cha gritted his teeth and said, "this is a certain pain?"

Fatally, he said, "judging from my point of view, it's a certain amount of pain."

Ye Cha wanted to take out the fatal from his body and beat him. Now he felt as if his whole body was torn, and his bones were constantly smashed by a hammer.

In fact, yecha's body did show signs of tearing. There were small cracks in the back of his hands, arms, neck and other muscles all over his body, and the red blood kept flowing out.

Ye Cha kneels on the ground with one knee, buries his head in the sofa, and gives up the fatal conversation, because he doesn't even have the strength to talk now. Even if it's a slight movement, just talking and moving his body, it will make ye Cha feel the pain of his body deeper.

Fatally, he said: "this kind of pain will last about two hours. Of course, I hope it will last longer. The longer the pain lasts, the higher the degree of cell fusion and the more complete the gene sequencing and recombination..."

The leaf Cha clenches teeth to interrupt fatal way: "you go to die."

Although the fatal said no life danger, but the leaf brake really feel like dying.

For the first hour, ye Cha felt as if he had been tied up by someone, and then he used the whip to beat him constantly, which made his skin crack.

The next hour, ye Cha felt that after the other party had sucked his whole body's skin, he was also drenched with a bucket of salt water. That feeling really started to hurt from the surface of the skin, and it was painful all the way to the bone.

In the third hour, ye Cha wanted to curse his mother. What about two hours? The pain didn't abate at all. On the contrary, it was even more painful. The blood flowing from the cracks in the body soaked all the clothes and mixed them with sweat.

In the fourth hour, ye Cha didn't even have the strength to curse. Of course, he felt better. It was not that the pain was weakening, but that the pain was a little numb.

The fifth hour, the leaf brake finally did not feel the pain, because, the leaf brake fainted.

I don't know how long it took. The knock on the door woke Ye cha. He opened his eyes and stood up with the coffee table. Ye Cha shook his body to the door and opened it.

"Damn it." When the little fat man saw that the door was opened, he was really scared. He retreated half and said, "what's the matter with you?"

Ye Cha Leng Leng, and then see the blood on his body, let the little fat man come in and say: "you sit for a while."

Ye Cha went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He immediately knew why the little fat man was scared. His whole body was covered with blood stains. The blood stains were condensed, and the thick even covered Ye Cha's face completely.Ye Cha began to take a shower to wash away the blood stains on his body, and then looked at his body.

Originally, there were many cracks in his body, but now it seems that they are all healed, even the scars are not left, which makes Ye Cha feel like a dream.

Ye Cha pinched his fist and moved a little. He didn't feel any difference. Then he took a shower and opened his personal information.

"Well?" The leaf Cha looks at personal information, Leng Leng, immediately low shout a way: "fatal, come out."

The fatal voice rang out in Ye Cha's mind: "yes, what's the problem."

Ye Cha said: "what's the problem? It's a big problem. Why don't I feel anything? No, why nothing has changed. "

Yecha not only found no change in self feeling, but also found no change after opening personal information.

Yecha's rating is still Zunwang 4-star. Theoretically, yecha has been in Zunwang 4-star for a long time. If his strength is improved, he is likely to reach Zunwang 5-star rating, which can impact on the extraordinary level.

You know, the extraordinary level is up to the rating level of the Deputy conductor.

However, this is not accurate. After all, the higher the rating is, the more difficult it is to improve it. It often happens that there is only one star difference in strength.

Therefore, the rating remains unchanged, and yecha doesn't care.

However, ye Cha found that his physical fitness had not changed at all.

Strength, physical fitness, agility, mental strength, all maintain the original value, without any improvement.

In that case, what's the difference between zero cell injection and no injection? If it's not that the pain is too real, ye Cha really doubts that everything just now is a dream.

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