death train

Chapter 1091

The strange fish dragged the consul into the lake, and then there was no movement for a long time.

Ye Cha was calm at first, but gradually he became anxious, because the situation of the consul was obviously not right. It doesn't matter whether you kill the strange fish or not. Don't take the consul in.

Ye shazheng hesitated to go down to the lake by himself, but at this time


Suddenly there was a loud noise on the surface of the lake. Then the light chain of the consul appeared. After it entangled a piece of ice, it tightened quickly. Then the consul jumped out of the lake and fell on the ice.

The consul obviously had another fight with the strange fish in the lake. At the moment, he looked a little sad. There were many wounds on his body, especially the calf, which was obviously missing a piece of flesh and blood.

The next moment, the strange fish again from the water, mouth is a water arrow shot.

The consul stood there, seemingly unresponsive, and then


When the water arrow fell in front of the consul, the consul suddenly put out his hand and waved his arm forward to smash the water arrow.

Ye Cha's eyes brightened, and he felt that the consul seemed to be different.


At this time, the consul suddenly raised his hair and growled. Then the consul's body began to change with the speed visible to the naked eye.

The figure of the arbiter is very tall. When he evolved to be a consul, it was a little smaller. Now, the body of the consul is shrinking again.

The muscles of the whole body began to tighten, so that the height of the consul was reduced to a little over one meter nine, and the size was obviously smaller by two circles, but the muscles were tighter and more explosive, and the muscles were like granite.

At the same time, the color of the consul's skin also changed, slowly becoming ruddy.

During the period of the arbiter, the skin color of the body of the arbiter was exactly the color of the dead body. After the evolution to the consul, it obviously changed, but it still felt pale and lifeless.

And now, the color of the consul's skin finally looks like a human being, as if he was angry.

But soon, the skin color became abnormal again, because the ruddy feeling was too much.

The consul's body, as if there is a flame burning in general, let the consul's skin color red some unnatural.


At this time, behind the consul, there was a dull sound of tearing flesh and blood. Then, there was a cut in the back. Countless things like crystal grew out of the consul's body. They were fiery red, stretching to the right and connected.

A moment later, those fiery red crystals took shape and turned into half crystal wings.


The consul roared again, and then the surface of the skin changed again, and the lava like flakes appeared, wrapping the whole body.


Ye Cha finally understood, and the consul evolved.

"Is it..."

Ye Cha guessed some things. The evolution of the consul must have been brought about by the arm of the apostle.

Although the arm was almost fatal, ye Cha tore off a few pieces of flesh and blood and gave them to the little ancient cat, the consul, the corpse flower, and even the steel armour evil Wu.

And now, because of the flesh and blood of the apostles, the consul has finally taken the lead in evolution.

As for the archon's strange behavior, most of it was just a step away from evolution. In order to cross the last line, the archon used the most straight-line method.

There is a way to live and die.

With death, the consul forced himself to cross the threshold and successfully completed the evolution.


With another low roar, he watched the strange fish continue to spit water arrows at him, and the consul directly raised his hand forward.

The air seems to burn up in this instant, and become hot.

Then the fire ball was burning in front of the consul's palm. The fire ball kept rolling, and then gradually became huge with the rolling.


At the moment of the formation of the fire, it was pushed forward. At the moment of the fire passing by, the lake was pushed away directly, unable to extinguish the fire.

The next moment, the fire hit the body of the strange fish fiercely. The flesh and blood of the strange fish were burnt in the blink of an eye, and then rolled continuously close to the surface of the lake and was blasted away.

But the strange fish is not dead yet!

In the lake tossed up, strange fish fluttering, quickly want to go to the bottom of the lake, but in this moment, behind the consul crystal fire wings toward the side.

Countless sharp fire red crystals shot forward, directly through the lake, chasing the strange fish.

All around seems to be suddenly quiet down, become silent.

In a moment, some blood floated on the surface of the lake, and then the body of the strange fish slowly floated up from the lake.

"You killed mutant devil fish, cumulative number: 1."

Although the strange fish was slaughtered by the consul, the consul was yecha's, and this account was naturally counted on yecha's body. Therefore, the mysterious voice also happened at the right time.The consul sprang up and stepped back to the lake on the broken ice.

Ye Cha looked at it for a while, and it was really evolved. Moreover, from the last two shots, it seemed that the strength was obviously stronger.

In addition, the consul obviously possessed some of the abilities of the apostle, that is, to control the fire.

The Apostle was called the son of Yan by marfarian. It can be imagined that the consul also had the ability to set fire, but he didn't know whether the consul's ability had been changed or enhanced.

Ye Cha thought for a while and said, "can you change back?"

The wings behind the consul split quickly, then became a pile of fragments scattered on the ground, and then burned and disappeared.

But the color of the consul's skin, and the lava flakes that cover his body, have not changed at all.

Yecha pondered for a while. He was worried that seeing the consul's appearance, he would associate with the apostle. But on the whole, yecha thought it was OK.

There were some changes in the consul, but it was quite different from the appearance of the apostle. It was nothing to control the fire.

"That's it." Ye Cha said: "if you can only fold up the wings, you can do it or not. You can't see anything. Or, if you take out the wings and have that half of the wings, it's more different from the appearance of the apostle."

The consul nodded. Although it had evolved, it was as usual that ye Cha would say whatever he said, with a "click, click" sound behind him, and then pieces of fiery red crystals grew out again and became half wings.

Ye Cha put down his hand and said, "let's go. Now we can continue on our way."

Ye Cha has a look at the sky. It's getting dark. If you don't hurry up, you may not be able to catch up before night.

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