death train

Chapter 1092

After cleaning up the strange fish, ye Cha didn't run into any trouble. He found a car and followed the consul along the lake. If he couldn't find the way, he asked Du Lingling.

About two hours later, yecha found the gem tower.

As Du Lingling said, it's a stone pagoda. At most, it's old and has some ancient charm. It's nothing to look at. The key point is the entrance to Longling. Unfortunately, ye Cha has not been found.

"Isn't summer here yet?"

Ye Cha looked around, it seemed that there was no human trace, or that no one had come.

At the same time, there are not many zombies around the gem pagoda. I don't see any zombies being cut down. I think I haven't been here in summer.

Du Lingling suddenly said, "I think there will be some misunderstanding?"

"Well?" The leaf Cha doubts a way: "what meaning?"

Du Lingling said, "are you sure Longling is in the gem tower?"

Ye Cha said, "that's what Gan Lin said."

Du Lingling said: "this is the misunderstanding I mean. She means the gem tower? Or the gem tower? "

Ye Cha said, "is there any difference between the two?"

Du Lingling said: "of course, there is a difference. If it means the gem pagoda, it is the one in front of you. However, the scenic spot is another matter. How boring do you think people go all the way to see a stone pagoda?"

Ye Cha understood some meanings and frowned: "what do you mean?"

Du Lingling said: "if it's the gem pagoda, there are some things around it. For example, the rare stone in shilao mountain and the nepheline are very famous. To the west is Geling, which is a Taoist resort. There's a baopu Taoist temple there."

Ye Cha said: "these are all together?"

Du Lingling said: "yes, it's a different scenic spot in a scenic spot, but because the gem pagoda is the most famous, people all use the name of the gem pagoda when they talk about that place. Anyone who is sick and goes all the way to that place will spend ten minutes to see the stone pagoda."

Ye Cha thought about it and said, "where do you think Longling is most likely to be?"

Du Lingling said: "it's hard to say. First of all, it's unlikely that there will be a gem pagoda here. It's a lonely pagoda here. Because it's famous and has a large flow of people, you can see it around the gem pagoda. It's all repaired. I remember that there are restaurants and canteens there. It's very unlikely that there will be a dragon mausoleum but it won't be found."

Ye Cha said, "where's nepheline?"

Du Lingling said: "the rocks there are ochre red. There are many shining red minerals in the rocks. When the sun shines, the mountains are full of rosy clouds, but they are actually stones. Do you think Longling will be in the mountains?"

Ye Cha said: "should the mausoleum be underground?"

Du Lingling said: "that's not likely. The surrounding rock sites have been built. In order to facilitate sightseeing, the mountains have obviously been opened. Therefore, it seems that the only way to do it is to have a Taoist temple."

Ye Cha said: "it's impossible to build a Taoist temple, isn't it?"

Du Lingling said: "that place is said to be the place where Gehong practiced. It was destroyed in the Yuan Dynasty and rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty. Then it was not passive. Until more than 20 years ago, the external walls and statues were built, but the foundation was not moved."

Ye Cha frowned and thought.

Du Lingling said: "first of all, the gem tower doesn't even have an access road. It's hard to imagine what's under the ground. The situation on the other side of nepheline is similar. Only the baopu Taoist temple feels that there will be a secret road or something."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "that's right."

Du Lingling said: "secondly, Taoism has Fengshui theory. Theoretically, it is most likely related to Longling. Modern people don't know about Longling, which doesn't mean ancient people don't know. Maybe the Taoist temple was built there on purpose."

Ye Cha said: "although it was repaired later, it is possible that no one will know as long as the interior of the Taoist temple is not rebuilt or excavated."

Du Lingling said, "that's what I mean. Besides, although I haven't been there, I heard that there is a scenic spot called dragon wall there."

Ye Cha said decisively: "guide the way."

Du Lingling said: "there is a road behind the gem tower. All the way up, there are signs to show the way. Just go to the direction of Geling."

Ye Cha left the gem tower and followed Du Lingling's direction.

One of the most convenient ways to find a place in a tourist attraction is that there are signboards everywhere. It's very convenient. After Du Lingling explains the general direction, ye Cha can easily find the way to baopu Taoist temple.

Standing at the gate of baopu Taoist temple, it is very simple. On the yellow wall on the side, there are four big characters "baopu Taoist temple" written in traditional Chinese.

At the same time, ye Cha silently draws the sword out of Nanjiang.

Because, if there is no accident, ye Cha thinks he has found the right place.

At the gate of baopu Taoist temple, there are two zombies. Ye Cha looks at the blood on the ground, but it's not dry yet. It's obvious that the two zombies were killed not long ago.

It naturally means that someone has been here, and not long ago.The appearance of summer appeared in yecha's head. If there was no accident, it was very likely that it would be summer. Moreover, Longling was probably here.

Ye Cha strides over two corpses, quickly enters the Taoist temple, and then goes inside.

There are more zombies falling down in the Taoist temple, some of them are in casual clothes, probably tourists to the Taoist temple, and some of them are in Taoist clothes, which should be people in the Taoist temple.

Ye Cha grinned, which provided convenience for himself, because these zombies were all recently killed. In this case, you can know the route of the zombies in summer by following the route of the zombies.

And the places where zombies still occupy must be the wrong route.

All the way to the depth of Taoist temple, ye Cha quickly found a stone wall.

Ye Cha pressed down his ear and said, "is this the Dragon Wall?"

"Well." "It's said that this stone wall is formed naturally. The raised rocks and the whole veins are like several dragons," Du said

Ye Cha looked at it a few times, not to mention it. If he didn't find fault, it was really like it. But to put it bluntly, there were several horizontal, long and convex rocks.

Ye Cha didn't have much interest in the dragon wall, but looked at other places, because, with the corpse, ye Cha came all the way to the dragon wall, and there was no road ahead.

But there was nothing special around the dragon wall. Finally, ye Cha put his eyes back on the dragon wall.

Soon, ye Cha's eyes lit up. At the corner, ye Cha saw a crack, which was not formed naturally.

Or, the correct saying is that there was a crack originally, but there should have been rocks in the crack. Now it has been split, and behind the split, there is a dark piece, I don't know how deep it is.

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