death train

Chapter 1093

Ye Cha touched the edge of the crack, determined that the slashing mark was right, and tried to squeeze his body in. He found that the crack could just let people of medium height pass through. After squeezing through, the space inside was obviously not small.

The leaf brake keeps going down. The road is very steep. If there is a dragon mausoleum at the bottom, it is obvious that this place is definitely not a normal place to get in and out.

However, since it is a mausoleum, it is generally right that there is no export. In other words, the import and export must be sealed, otherwise it can not be called a tomb.

The crack is probably something like a tomb robber digging out a hole.

After walking down the ramp for about 50 or 60 meters, the leaf brake finally felt the ground was firmly stepped on. It should be at the bottom.

Ye Cha looked around, although there was an eagle pupil, even in the dark, ye Cha's vision was not bad, but there must be some influence.

At this time, the consul seemed to know what ye Cha thought. Suddenly, he made a loud finger, and his fingertip lit up a fire.

"Thank you."

Ye Cha said with a smile, and then looked around.

This is a place similar to a stone cave. The structure is almost circular, but it is obviously not artificially repaired, but naturally formed. There are some inverted stone columns on the top.

Ye Cha took a step forward, then heard the sound of water, looked down, but it was a puddle, around the stone pillars, there were water drops from time to time.

Ye chaheng holds the sword and goes forward to the south of Xinjiang, looking for the way.

But at this time


Suddenly, ye Cha heard a low roar. He immediately looked for a sound, but only saw a fuzzy figure. Although the consul helped to light with fire, the scope of illumination was limited.

Bang, the dark shadow hit the leaf brake, and then rolled up with the leaf brake.

Leave of so near, leaf Cha nature saw each other's appearance, startled way: "zombie?"? Or zombies? "

It was a moving corpse. The skin color was obviously the skin color of the corpse. At the same time, the cheek was concave, and white bones could be seen. Wearing bronze armor, he opened his mouth and bit it down towards the leaf brake.

The leaf Cha hurriedly falls the sword to South Xinjiang forward a horizontal, that zombie bit in the sword falls on South Xinjiang, immediately full of blood.

"Get out of here!"

Ye Cha raised his fist to hit the other side's temple and rolled out the zombie.

"Roar, roar..."

The zombie got up from the ground with a low roar like a whimper. It looked like a wild animal and continued to rush towards the leaf brake.

Clank, clank!

At this time, the sound of the chain dragging across the ground sounded, but the consul's hand, the white light chain swept forward, directly wrapped around the other side's neck.

The next moment, the consul pulled the zombie to the ground.

Obviously, the zombie didn't want to give up easily. He kept struggling on the ground, trying to earn the shackles of the iron chain. At this time, however, the consul's wrist shook and the iron chain around the Zombie's neck suddenly burned.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the head of the zombie was burnt black and lost its voice.

"You killed the ancient corpse, cumulative number: 1."

A mysterious voice announced the death of the zombie.

Ye Cha went to the edge of the zombie, looked at it for a while, and wondered, "ancient corpse? Is this a zombie? Or zombies? "

Ye Cha looked at each other's clothes and felt like a soldier buried with him in the Dragon mausoleum.

In ancient China, it is not uncommon for living people to be buried with them, not to mention the emperors. After the death of the princes and princes, there will be a grand memorial ceremony, although they will not be buried with them in public.

But usually those who hold the sacrifice can not come out after entering the mausoleum, and then the mausoleum will be sealed.

One of the most famous is the first emperor. It is said that the terracotta warriors and horses are sealed with living people.

So, it's not surprising that there are dead bodies. After the zombie virus mutates, it's not only effective for human beings, but also for dead bodies, because in a certain sense, zombies are already moving bodies, and the correct name should be living dead.

But the strange thing is that there is really a dragon mausoleum in this place. I don't know how many years ago, the people who accompany Tibet have become corpses, and the corpses should have become a pile of dead bones. Even the bones may be weathered.

It's a sudden appearance. It's full of blood and flesh. It always feels strange.

However, the leaf Cha also didn't take this matter seriously, soon no longer tube that corpse.

Anyway, even if you can jump and jump, you can treat it as a zombie. From the previous performance of the other party, this ancient corpse is a little stronger than ordinary zombies, with stronger strength and faster moving speed. Its overall characteristics are similar to zombies.

But it's just this degree. It's better than a zombie, but it can't change into a zombie. If it wasn't for the dim light, yecha just passed by the ancient corpse and attracted attacks, yecha would not be knocked down by the ancient corpse.

Ye Cha no longer paid attention to the ancient corpse, but walked forward and then stopped.

This place should not be the normal entrance and exit of Longling, but there are more passageways than imagined. They are all naturally formed caves, and there are two "Y" shaped forks in front of them.Secondly, there is a cave on the side that seems to lead to the deep.

Ye Cha is a little tangled. Naturally, he wants to go to the caves he went through in summer. First, he came here to kill people. Naturally, he wants to pursue the pace of his goal. Second, he wants to go the way he went in summer. All the ancient corpses must have been cleaned up, which is more convenient.

Yecha observed the ground and the wall for a while. There was no sign of fighting or passing by. It was not a good choice. Finally, yecha chose to walk in the cave on the left side of the Y shape.

Most people choose things close to the right when they make left-right choices, just like most people use their right hand.

However, as ye Cha knows, before the end of the summer, he had a good family background. He received elite education from childhood to cultivate the balance of left and right hands, because the left hand affects the right brain, and the right hand affects the left brain.

Of course, it is also beneficial to improve the ability of logical thinking.

This kind of people usually write with their right hand, but when they work, such as cleaning the table, sweeping the floor, picking up things, they will use their left hand, which is opposite to normal people. Because of deliberate cultivation, they may choose the left side more than the right side.

Therefore, yecha thinks that the cave on the left side of the Y-shaped route is more likely to be chosen in summer.

This all comes from yecha's understanding of summer. After all, they used to be companions.

Tick, tick

Entering the cave on the left, ye Cha found that it was more humid, with water dripping from the top of his head. The ground was full of water and moss, which was very slippery.

All of a sudden, a head straight fell down from the top.

This is really very abrupt. Rao shiye Cha was bold enough and was scared. Then he instinctively grasped the sword and fell to the south of Xinjiang, but he didn't have time to attack, and his head fell to the ground.

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