death train

Chapter 1096

Ye Cha entered the state of courage, and his physical quality was also greatly improved, and then he rushed forward.

The half stone giant roared, raised his huge palm and patted it down. But before hitting yecha, yecha jumped up, stepped on the arm of the half stone giant, and ran all the way.

Come to the position of the half body stone giant's head, ye Cha raises and rises, mercilessly cuts on the half body stone giant's head.

With a click, the half stone giant's head was cut off.

The half stone giant's body shakes violently and wants to throw the leaf brake down. This hand is really good. The leaf brake's body shakes for a while and then falls down.

However, in mid air, ye Cha twisted his body, and the sword fell to Nanjiang and swept out to the front.

The moon night of the twenty fourth bridge!

The light of the silver sword is as cool as the moon.

The sword light sweeping forward, a 24, dense piece, like stars, continuously hit the body of the half stone giant.

Poof, poof, poof

With the silver sword light hitting, the half body stone giant's body will continue to emit the sound of stone explosion. Just in the blink of an eye, the half body stone giant's huge body, there are 24 more sword holes.

Each sword hole is less than half a meter in diameter, but it directly penetrates the body of the half stone giant, making the body of the half stone giant look pitted.

At the same time, the circle around the sword hole is full of fine cracks, which makes the half stone giant look as if it will break and collapse at any time.

A blow!

At the same time, the leaf brake also falls back to the ground and stands with negative hands.

Half stone giant open mouth, silent roar, I do not know whether to express their anger, and then a palm down.

There was no need to evade that palm, because it was directly patted in the empty place and on the mountain flat.

It looked as if the half stone giant had hit it askew.


Boom, boom, boom!

With the giant palm of the half stone giant falling on the mountain flat, the mountain flat vibrated again, and then continued to crack one by one. Countless stone thorns rose from the ground and spread all around.

Ye Cha kept retreating, seeing that he was forced to the corner, raised his sword to the south of Xinjiang, and swept the thorns to pieces.

This is obviously the dying battle of the half stone giant. The scope of attack actually covers the whole mountain. It looks very fierce.

However, the intensity is not enough!

Ye Cha looked at the stone stab and pushed forward to his side. He punched out directly.


The invisible force pushed forward, constantly bumped with the stone thorns, and then the stone thorns were broken, completely turned into a pile of stones.

At this moment, the consul jumps up, drags his single palm towards the air, condenses the light chain, and smashes down to the half stone giant.

With a roar, the half body stone giant was already injured by Ye Cha, and it was the end of the crossbow. The light chain of the archon fell down, and the half body stone giant's body completely disintegrated, and then collapsed downward.


The roar reappeared, and after smashing on the mountain, a large amount of dust was thrown up.

Ye Cha instinctively lifted his arm to disperse the dust until it was gone.

The leaf Cha not from of Leng Leng, which have what half body stone giant.

Shanping is the same piece of Shanping. There are no cracks, no spines, no gravel, and no half stone giants on the ground.

However, just in front of Shanping, there is a road, which is composed of a huge pile of debris. It crosses the cliff, like a bridge, and can lead to the opposite side.

"Hallucinations?" Ye Cha frowned and said, "it's not an illusion!"

Ye chaxian had some doubts, but he quickly rejected his idea, because ye Cha had fantasy gentian, which was invalid for ye cha.

Since it's invalid, it can't be an illusion. Moreover, the bridge made of huge gravel is in front of itself, which was not there before. It was piled up after the body of the half stone giant was broken.

But what's odd is the battle trail on the plateau? The remaining stones of those spines, and before the spines came out, the mountain flat cracked.

But all these traces seem to have disappeared, all disappeared.

In fact, the possibility of hallucination is still very large. The most reasonable explanation is that the passage has been there all the time. Yecha has entered hallucination since he came to Shanping.

Then there was a battle. The half stone giant was smashed, the illusion disappeared, the passage appeared, and the battle trace disappeared.

However, because ye Cha is not afraid of hallucination, it is a little troublesome.

Ye Cha looked at the three runes on the ground and whispered: "is it the so-called Taoist art?"

Ye Cha shakes his head. It's whimsical. Do those ancient people really exist?

However, ye Cha pondered for a moment, even the existence of death train. If there is Taoist art in this world, it doesn't seem to be a great thing?Ye Cha suddenly felt that he was interested. After he went back this time, he could find out whether there was any selling of Taoist art on the death train.

If there is one for sale, it means that there is Taoist art.

Ye Cha thought as he stepped on the gravel to the other side of the mountain.

It's also a plateau, but it's much smaller. It's about one-third the size of the previous plateau. There's a huge crack in the front of the mountain, like a big mouth.

Ye Cha let the consul illuminate. He looked forward and found that he had returned to Longling.

On this side of the Dragon mausoleum, the traces of construction are more obvious. It turns out to be a courtyard.

Behind the crack is a slope. After going down, there is a huge cave.

The ground of the cave has been excavated. Anyway, ye Cha has never seen any cave. The ground is flat. At the same time, there are cracks and water flowing out on the surrounding mountain walls.

Canals were dug on the ground to allow the water to flow through, forming the appearance of a Jiuqu stream.

Above the Jiuqu stream, stone bridges are built one by one, covering the whole area. Around the stone bridge, there are many rockeries, as well as some trees and plants.

Take a closer look, the trees and plants are carved with jade.

In the far end, there is even a stone pavilion.

It's not easy to carve such a courtyard with stone, not to mention the jade trees.

Yecha stepped on a stone bridge and looked at the surrounding ground. There was a lot of mud in this place. It's hard to guarantee that there were no ancient corpses hidden. But the fact is

Yecha guessed right!

Suddenly, the side of the stone bridge splashed a large amount of mud debris, an ancient corpse suddenly tilted up, hands extended forward, toward the stone bridge.

Ye Cha didn't hesitate to kick forward. Before the ancient corpse jumped on the stone bridge, he kicked this guy back.

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