death train

Chapter 1097

"Go Ye Cha waved his hand and said, "go out!"

Ye Cha had expected what would happen next. These ancient corpses were all in groups. It was absolutely impossible to have one.

Sure enough, all the mud covered places around the stone bridge will have ancient corpses hidden. When an ancient corpse appears, it means that all the ancient corpses are startled and constantly drill out of the mud.

Ye Cha has seen this battle before. There are thirty or forty ancient corpses. It's really a trouble, but it's not a big trouble for ye cha.

Hand up, sword down!

Ye Cha chopped down two ancient corpses with a sword, and then walked forward with a big step.

The consul followed Ye Cha and defended him loyally. He attacked the ancient corpses from both sides of the stone bridge and followed Ye Cha all the way forward.

In fact, in addition to the first appearance of the ancient corpse, ye Cha didn't feel much after killing too many corpses, which was not much different from the ordinary zombies. It was just that he had a rotten armor.

It has the unparalleled effect of sword falling in southern Xinjiang. No armor is useful.

All the way forward quickly, suddenly, ye Cha felt a strong wind coming from his ear. Ye Cha immediately jumped to one side, and then threw his sword to the south of Xinjiang.


The clear and crisp cross sound rings out, the leaf Cha can't help but be startled, righting color many, looking forward.

It's a rusty ancient sword. It collided with the sword when it fell to Nanjiang. It was cut open, but it didn't break. After all, the collision of weapons can't touch the unparalleled effect.

Ye Cha moved his eyes again and found that the ancient corpse was different.

The ancient corpse was much bigger, more than 190 in height, and had a big skeleton. Moreover, the armor he wore was different from that of ordinary ancient corpses.

It was a piece of armor in the color of silver and gray. The armor was thick, and there was a disc on the chest, which was carved into the shape of a tiger's head. There were silver shoulder pads on both sides of the shoulders, dragon head shape, and even a helmet on the other side. Although it was rotten, one piece was missing from the side, and the skylight was opened directly.

But this dress is much better than ordinary ancient corpses.

While ye Cha was watching, the ancient corpse moved again. Instead of scratching and biting, he slashed the rusty sword to Ye cha.

Ye Cha's toes were a little bit sharp, and he leaned back to avoid it. Unexpectedly, the ancient corpse suddenly changed his sweeping to stabbing. The rusty sword chased Ye Cha and stabbed Ye Cha's face.

Ye Cha's pupil shrinks, does not hide the frightened color at all, instinctively falls the sword to the South Xinjiang to the front of the body to erect.


The blades rubbed each other, and there were some golden sparks. Then ye Cha twisted his body and passed the ancient corpse.

Ye Cha frowned. This guy knows how to use sword!

However, the surprise was only for a moment. When ye Cha and ye Yue went to the corpse driving cave to find something, they had met some zombies who knew martial arts. What's surprising about a swordsman now.

Yecha is just a headache for the five thousand year glorious history of China. Although it's a good thing to have historical civilization, it's also because of this that there are always some strange things.

Therefore, on the train of death, those ancient countries that have been handed down for a long time are the places that we most don't want to go, because we can always see something unexpected and especially dangerous.

For example, some countries are only a few hundred years old, and the objects dug out from the fields are absolutely no more than 300 years old. A refrigerator 50 years ago can be regarded as an antique. Where can we get ancient corpses.

Ye Cha was thinking that the ancient corpse had attacked again. He swept forward with his sword. After he was evaded by Ye Cha, he immediately changed the sweeping to picking, and attacked Ye Cha's face with a sword.


Yecha put the sword in the south of Xinjiang, blocking the other side's rusty sword. The ancient corpse didn't mean to retreat. He came forward again, raised the rusty sword and cut it down towards yecha.


The crisp metal cross sound sounded again, but this time, the rusty sword fell on the south of Xinjiang, directly broke, half of the sword head collapsed and fell to the ground.

But the action of the ancient corpse didn't stop. He held up half of the sword and stabbed at Ye Cha again.

Dragon catching crane, two style crane!

At this moment, the leaf brake reached for a push, and a thrust appeared, pushing the ancient corpse out.

The ancient corpse had not yet stood, but the wind was blowing behind it, but the consul solved the problem of other ancient corpses, moved his body horizontally, and appeared coldly behind the ancient corpse.

Clank, clank!

The light chain drags, makes a clear sound, directly wraps around the neck of the ancient corpse, and then tightens.

At this time, ye Cha stepped forward, raised his sword and swept forward.


The sound of the sword blade entering the flesh appeared, and then the head of the ancient corpse flew into the air, but was killed by Ye cha.

"You killed the ancient corpse guard general, the cumulative number: 1, apocalypse reward: broken sword."

The mysterious voice rang out. Ye Cha looked at the broken sword on the ground. It doesn't matter whether you pick it or not. You don't know what to do with it. You just turn around and go.Smoothly through the so-called cemetery courtyard, ye Cha came to the other side.

Ye Cha looked up and saw that it was a long narrow passage, covered with bluestone slabs. It was very long and could not see the end.

Ye Cha took knuckles to knock on the wall, which seemed solid, but for the sake of safety, ye Cha picked a stone and rolled out towards the front.

Bata, Bata.

The stones rolled forward on the ground, making a clear sound, but nothing unusual.

Yecha is still very cautious, mainly worried about the possible mechanism and other things, but at present, it seems that the channel is very normal, and yecha's worry is a little superfluous.

Even so, the blade brake did not relax its vigilance.

Step forward carefully. Just because the stone doesn't touch the mechanism doesn't mean there must be no mechanism here.

The only comfort for yecha is that the structure of the passage is simple, and there is no possibility for ancient corpses to hide, unless there is a secret passage or something.

About five minutes later, ye Cha came out of the passage. There was a cable bridge in front of Ye cha. The bottom was empty. Ye Cha looked down at the bottom of the cable bridge and found dense bones.

After passing the cable bridge, there was a round platform, and ye Cha saw a corpse.

This is an ancient species, which can't be named by yecha. The carcass of beast has black animal hair. Its head looks like a wolf or a lion, and it has a black mane around it. Its face looks like a tiger, and its mouth is slightly longer, like a wolf.

There were a lot of wounds on the body. There were more than ten wounds. The fatal wound was in the abdomen. It was cut with a sharp weapon. There were some blood stains around it. It was still fresh.

Someone's been here!

Ye Cha thought of summer for the first time, and then looked around.

The round platform is built by hand. There are four cable bridges in the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest, leading to the surrounding mountain walls, on which access roads have been dug.

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