death train

Chapter 1101

Ye Cha stepped up the stone steps and walked forward after passing the gate tower. Behind the gate tower was a bronze gate. When ye Cha pressed his palms on the gate, the bronze gate made a harsh sound and pushed back.


Ye Cha looked at the back of the bronze gate, his face was not surprised, because everything in front of him was too spectacular.

In front of Ye Cha's eyes are round stone platforms with different heights. The lowest one is about five or six meters, and the highest one is more than ten meters.

Each round platform is supported by huge white stone columns. The thin one needs to be hugged by five or six people, and the thick one needs to be hugged by ten people. In order to support, there are taut iron chains around, which are directly embedded in the ground below.

At the same time, each round platform is connected by a cable bridge. According to the distance of the round platform, the length is different.

If it's modern construction, of course, this degree is not surprising, because there are instruments to assist, but in ancient times, it was built by manpower. It's incredible to make such a place.

Ye Cha went up the cable bridge and headed for the front.

There are no ancient corpses in this place. Every round platform is empty, but it is unobstructed.

After seven round platforms in a row, ye Cha finally came to the deepest place.

There is one of the most towering and huge round platform, which is supported by eight stone pillars. There are eight dragon pillars on the round platform. The dragon is lifelike and ferocious.

When ye Cha walked across the stone bridge, he saw a sarcophagus in the middle of the platform, and a man was standing in front of the sarcophagus.


When ye Cha and the consul walked across the cable bridge and came to the round platform, summer's eyes moved away from the sarcophagus and looked at Ye cha. There seemed to be no surprise in his eyes.

"It seems that the girl has fooled me again." Ye Cha looked at summer and said, "you seem to know that I will come."

Summer way: "yes, otherwise how can I get the sword to fall south Xinjiang?"

The leaf Cha Leng for a while, immediately understood.

"I see." Ye Cha grinned and said, "this is really the style of that woman."

If ye Cha doesn't come, it's impossible for Xia Xia to get the sword to go down to Nanjiang, because it's not something in this dragon mausoleum at all, and it's absolutely impossible for Xia Xia to find it in this dragon mausoleum.

No matter what kind of deal Gan Lin made in the summer, if he couldn't find the sword to fall in southern Xinjiang, the deal would be meaningless.

However, if the leaf brake comes, it is another matter.

Because the sword fell in the hands of yecha.

Ye Cha feels that he has been fooled by Gan Lin, but this description is not quite correct.

Gan Lin took advantage of what they needed to meet here, and then

One of them will die.

But what is Gan Lin's purpose?

Ye Cha now has some doubts. He now doubts whether what Gan Lin said to herself is true. Does she really want the things in the Dragon mausoleum? Do the two things she told herself really exist?

Ye Cha must admit that he really can't figure out what Gan Lin's woman is thinking, and he suddenly feels a little uneasy about the current situation.

But ye Cha soon calms down. No matter what Gan Lin is planning, her intelligence is that she uses what ye Cha and summer need to plan.

This makes yecha and summer unable to refuse.

In that case

Ye Cha stepped forward, and the sword tip dragged across the ground, making a harsh sound of friction.

Ye Cha said: "it seems that you knew I would come. Then, there must be only one reason why you are here. You want to kill me."

"Yes." Summer grinned grimly and said, "I've thought about how to change my predicament for a long time. Later, I found that there is only one way, that is to kill you."

Ye Cha said: "then you can just find me directly. Why do you need to trade with Gan Lin? So, what is your deal with Ganlin? "

Summer licks the corner of the mouth, the facial expression changes more and more ferocious, looking at the leaf Cha way: "do you think I will tell you?"

"Also, it seems that I said some superfluous words, then..." Ye Cha showed his contempt and said, "come on, try to kill me, if you can do it."

Ye Cha's contemptuous attitude makes Xia Xia Xia extremely angry, as if he is not worth mentioning at all in Ye Cha's eyes. The confrontation between them seems to have become a foregone conclusion before the beginning.

Especially in retrospect, once, twice, every time they met, ye Cha's attitude was the same, which made the anger in summer burn more fiercely.


Summer suddenly low roar a, then toward the direction of leaf brake rushed out.

"Animal mimicry!" Summer roars, "Eagle of the sky!"

"You don't have to do it." Ye Cha said to the consul, "he has to be killed by me."

When ye Cha spoke, summer had already rushed to him.

Ye Cha is still the scornful look on his face. In the battle, ye Cha will not be slighted, but in tactics, ye Cha will not hesitate to despise summer.Because it can make the summer angry, lose calm, even out of control.

Ghost step!

In the summer rush to oneself in front of the moment, leaf brake ankle twist, directly move out of the distance of five meters, easily avoid attack.

"Animal mimicry." Summer low drink way: "gale leopard."

Summer speed suddenly faster, toward the direction of the leaf brake, speed suddenly more than doubled.

Ye Cha hooked the corner of his mouth and said, "you used this move last time. It seems that you can only imitate once at a time, and you can only have one characteristic at the same time, right?"

Summer turns suddenly.

Ye Cha said: "since the speed is increased, it means that your attack and defense are normal."


When ye Cha spoke, he directly met the summer, and jumped up directly, which was a knee bump, directly on the chin of summer.

Summer even back two steps, mouth bleeding, obviously teeth hit the lips or tongue.

The leaf Cha sneers, the horizontal rise sword falls south Xinjiang way: "want to take this sword of words, that quickly kill me."

Ye Cha said as he raised his sword and chopped it down toward the summer.

"Animal mimicry." Summer immediately whispered: "brute force bear!"

Xia Xia imitates the bear's posture, raises his palm and slaps it hard forward. However, he didn't expect that ye's sword was just a shot in vain. When he saw Xia's change of form, he immediately twisted his ankle and moved several meters by ghost step again.


The slap of summer falls on the ground, directly smashes the ground.

Summer clenched his teeth, looking at the banter expression on Ye Cha's face, he was more angry.

Summer is very clear, beast mimicry was Ye Cha to see through.

When you switch to speed mode, you can't beat yecha in summer. When you switch to combat mode, you can't keep up with yecha in summer. Yecha clearly understands the characteristics of beast mimicry and catches the lifeline.

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