death train

Chapter 1102

"If that's all you can do." Ye chaheng Kendo: "now it's my turn."

Whoa, whoa!

Ye Cha took a deep breath, then slowly spit out.

Between breathing and breathing, the momentum of Ye Cha suddenly changed and became sharp, like a sharp sword coming out of the sheath, showing a feeling of arrogance.

Heaven and earth, martial arts supreme!

Ye Cha's toe a little bit, quickly forward jump out, sword down south Xinjiang with evil eye sword at the same time toward the front stab out.

In the blink of an eye, six swords came out together.

In an instant, ye Cha stabbed three swords with his left and right hands. The blade brought out a remnant shadow and swept toward the summer.

"Animal mimicry." Summer immediately switch form again: "spirit jump wolf!"

Summer's figure suddenly becomes smart, beating left and right, continuously avoiding the sword edge.



The evil eye sword suddenly goes down and hits the thigh of summer. Then it brings out a blood flower.

Martial arts is not only about boxing, fencing, but also

Body method!

Ye Cha's body method is faster than summer!

Summer's leg was struck by a sword, the wound is not deep, but the pain still makes summer's body stagnate. In such a moment, ye Cha grabs the sword accurately, and the sword falls on Southern Xinjiang and cuts directly at summer's neck.

In summer, when he looks at the edge of the sword, he has a short blank in his mind. He almost relies on his instinct to react. He tilts his body towards the rear, then makes a force on his toes, and jumps half a meter behind.

After landing on the ground, Xia Xia felt her neck and felt a lingering fear. Because her palms were red, the sword fell on Nanjiang and cut a wound on Xia's neck. If it was slower, Xia believed that the sword had fallen on Nanjiang.

On the other hand, since Ye Cha was at the beginning of the battle, he decisively handed over the trump card of martial arts supremacy. Naturally, it can be seen that ye Cha's heart to kill summer is heavy.

Naturally, it is impossible for ye Cha to keep his hand. Without any delay, ye Cha leans forward and jumps forward again. It is a sudden stab to lift his sword forward.

No words have any meaning at the moment.

The only meaningful thing is


Summer's eyes are awe inspiring. He knows that every sword of yecha wants to kill himself, because every sword greets his own vital point.

Of course, even if not, summer can also feel Ye Cha's strong intention to kill himself, although summer does not know why things become like this.

It's inevitable that there will be competition for the purser. In summer, he always thinks that he can be competent. As long as he has a good grasp of the degree, there will be competition, but he won't turn against each other. To put it bluntly, everything is for the sake of interests.

However, what summer didn't expect was that from the beginning, things didn't develop according to his plan. When he met yecha for the first time, summer could clearly feel yecha's attitude of "killing you".

Maybe things have gone wrong since then.


Summer while thinking, while raising his hand, and then the clear sound of cross sound.

Summer blocked Ye Cha's stab, right sleeve was cut off, exposed wrist, wearing metal snake wrist guard, at the critical moment blocked a blow.

However, when summer looked at the snake shaped wrist guard, his face was rather ugly.

Snake wristband cut off!

Any armor has no significance in the face of the unique effect of sword falling in southern Xinjiang. Because of the existence of the unique effect, sword falling in southern Xinjiang is not defensible.

Ye Cha didn't stop for a long time. He didn't hit the target with a sword. He twisted his body and turned for several times as if he had fallen off. At the same time, every time he turned, the sword would strike forward once.

Clank, clank, clank!

The sound of the crash was continuous.

A moment later, the summer continued to retreat, with the leaf brake distance, and then look at the wrist position, the snake shaped wristband was completely cut, into a section.

Summer's wrist a shake, the snake shape wristband will be completely broken, and then fell to the ground.

Ye Cha grinned coldly and roared in his throat. Then he rushed towards summer again.

Xia Xia retreats again, reaches out his hand behind his waist and touches it. He pulls out a swing stick and throws it hard. After the stick is lengthened, Xia Xia holds the swing stick to meet Ye Cha's fallen sword in southern Xinjiang.


The sword and stick collided. Because the swing stick was a weapon, the matchless effect didn't start, but was taken down.

But just at the moment when the swords and sticks collided, ye Cha was very quick. He jumped up and kicked Xia Xia Xia's chest. He took a step back. Then he handed out the evil eye sword of his left hand and cut it on the outside of his thigh on the other side of Xia Xia.


Summer pants were cut a hole, the red blood quickly penetrated out.Summer's expression twisted for a while, looking at Ye Cha rushing towards him again, suddenly raised his left hand, thumbs up, two fingers forward, two fingers closed, made a pistol gesture.


In summer, he imitates the sound of the gun with his mouth directly. Then the shape of the leaf brake suddenly stagnates, and the strong momentum pushes the leaf brake backward, making the leaf brake fall backward.

Ye Cha was a little surprised. He looked at the position of his shoulder, and there was a bullet hole on his shoulder. He was bleeding constantly, as if he had been shot by a gun.


Summer took the opportunity to roar, toward the leaf brake flying, holding the swing stick, toward the leaf brake hard hit down.

Ye Cha immediately returned to his senses, raised his sword and fell into a fight in southern Xinjiang. With a bang, he swept away his swing stick and directly raised his foot to kick Xia Xia's waist, kicking Xia Xia's back.

When a carp kicks away the summer, ye Cha turns over and jumps up.

Just just jump up, ye Cha will see the summer toward himself again to make pistol gesture.


Looking at the sound that summer opens mouth to imitate to shoot, leaf Cha immediately a flank pounce, shoulder one prop up the ground, rolled to one side.

Looking back, sure enough, ye Cha found that there was an extra bullet hole on the ground where he had stood before.

This is a very strange ability. It seems that with the gesture and sound of the gun, the effect of gun shooting can be simulated, but ye Cha thinks it is not so simple.

Because, if it's that simple, what's the point of this ability? Just buy a pistol to use directly. The speed of shooting is obviously much faster than making gestures and using the mouth to simulate the sound of shooting.

Looking at the summer again make gun gesture, leaf Cha eyebrow tip a pick, immediately forward rushed out.

No matter what special effect that ability has, the best way is not to let the other party use it.

Ghost step!

Before summer raised his hand, ye Cha's figure suddenly disappeared, and then suddenly appeared. But at the moment of disappearance and appearance, ye Cha moved six or seven meters, came directly to summer, raised his sword and chopped.

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