death train

Chapter 1125

Yecha stood at the top of the hillside and looked out. Although the Apostle had surrounded the tortoise, the handle didn't do any effective damage.

But in this moment

Boom, boom!

Then ye Cha saw four huge red stone pillars rising from the ground. Each stone pillar needed five or six people to embrace. It was thirty meters high. Five golden dragons wrapped around the pillars surrounded the dragon and turtle in the center.

The next moment, along with the rise of the four dragon pillars, six almost transparent barriers appear. Based on the dragon pillars, a cube is formed, which binds the Dragon turtle in the center.

Of course, it's not the end, it's just the beginning.

The tortoise's huge body constantly bumps against the barrier formed by the dragon pillar.

Bang, Bang

The fierce and dull sound continued to ring, and the huge body of the Dragon turtle constantly bumped into the barrier, making the barrier ripple and shake.

But it can't be broken!

The damage caused by the huge body of the Dragon Turtle was not enough to damage the barrier.

Then, the five clawed Golden Dragon wrapped on the four Dragon Balls seemed to come to life, which was lifelike and ferocious.

The illusory shadow of the five clawed Golden Dragon flew out of the dragon pillar and hit the Dragon turtle fiercely.


The fierce roar rang again. The virtual shadow of a five clawed Golden Dragon hit the tortoise's back. The hard shell on the tortoise's back was torn out.

Roar, roar!

The tortoise roared again like the waves pounding the rocks, showing great anger and pain. The bright red blood continuously seeped out from the crack and spilled down, just like a blood rain.

At this time, the virtual shadow of the second five clawed Golden Dragon fell and hit the tortoise. The tortoise's body, like a mountain, was pushed back and hit the back barrier.

On the transparent barrier, the ripples appear continuously, especially violently, ring by ring, and even, at the speed visible to the naked eye, they sink outward, but they are still unbreakable, supporting the body of the Dragon turtle.

At this moment, the virtual shadow of the third five clawed Golden Dragon falls, the Dragon teeth are ferocious, and it seems to tear the Dragon turtle.

But also at this moment, the prelude to the Dragon turtle's counterattack begins.


The roar reappeared, and then the sharp thorn behind the tortoise suddenly ejected towards the virtual shadow of the five clawed golden dragon, piercing the virtual shadow of the third five clawed Golden Dragon.

Then, the tortoise began to fight back!

The huge body moved forward, and the tortoise directly pushed open the virtual shadow of the fourth five clawed golden dragon, then opened his mouth, exposed his teeth, and bit hard on the virtual shadow of the fifth clawed Golden Dragon.

The Dragon turtle is biting the virtual shadow of the five clawed golden dragon!

Poof, poof, poof

The five clawed golden dragon was just a virtual shadow, but it made a sound like tearing flesh and blood. It was torn by the Dragon turtle madly. Countless flesh and blood fell from the air, smashed on the ground, and turned into a golden halo.

"No way." Nanrong Zhishi's side, an apostle walking around the corner of his mouth bleeding, toward Nanrong Zhishi said: "that dragon turtle's ancient blood contains dragon blood, the dragon pillar can't suppress it."

Nanrong Zhishi said coldly, "dragon? The legendary creature, how can it really belong to the dragon's blood

The Apostle did not dare to refute, but began to smile bitterly. Who can tell clearly about things in ancient times? Why can't the legendary dragon exist in the powerful ancient species in ancient times?

Although, nobody has seen!

But the virtual shadow of the five clawed golden dragon was torn and even gnawed by the Dragon turtle!

In particular, the latter is the prerogative of zombies. Of course, the ancient species of corpses also have the prerogative of the central government. However, the blood of the dragon is not so easy to swallow, unless the Dragon turtle has the same blood.

The Apostle walked helplessly and said, "it doesn't matter whether there is dragon blood in the tortoise, but the dragon pillar really can't trap it."


At the moment when the Apostle's voice fell, a crack appeared in the barrier, which looked very strong. It was like a glass broken by a sword.

The Apostle's passage: "three minutes at most."

Nanrong Zhishi took a deep breath, and then said, "get out of the way, let me do it."

As he spoke, Nan Rong Zhishi walked forward. Instead of using the weapons in the metal sword case, he drew out a knife, a blade that looked like the moon.

If ye Cha saw the knife, he would not be unfamiliar with the weapon named crescent blade.

The next moment, the moon is like a blade.

The moonlight in the sky shines down. If there is substance, it is like a huge knife. It cuts down on the back of the Dragon turtle, and the sharp spines break instantly.

This made the rage of the Dragon turtle reach its climax and roar again. The moonlight falling from the sky was shattered by the roar of the Dragon turtle's anger.Ye Cha put down his telescope and said, "it's so strong!"

Ye Cha won't forget the horror of the crescent blade. If it hadn't been for the dark clouds that covered the moonlight, the night wind and the heavy rain that made his name sit down, ye Cha would have been killed by the moonlight.

Now, with a roar, the tortoise shattered the moonlight, which shows the power of the tortoise.

Of course, Nanrong Zhishi didn't give up because of this. He was still calling the moonlight to attack. At the same time, it was also a signal of attack. The apostles around responded to Nanrong Zhishi and used their own means to attack the dragon and turtle.

Ye Cha said: "I'm afraid it's very difficult for the apostles to fight with the dragon and tortoise. They are not so stupid."

Gan Lin said with a smile, "let's move ahead of time."

Ye Cha glanced at Gan Lin and said, "if that dragon turtle is not seriously injured, even if we two join hands, it's not easy to kill it."

It has terrible destructive power, extremely strong defensive power, and quite good high-speed regeneration ability. The most important thing is that the Dragon turtle has not even shown the ability to get from zombie virus after being corpsed.

"No!" Gan Lin suddenly approached and stood in front of Ye cha. She suddenly held Ye Cha's cheek in her hands and said, "I won't fight, but I can make you incomparably strong. Are you willing to believe me?"

Ye Cha left his mouth and said, "guess what?"

"It's not surprising at all." Gan Lin said with a smile: "however, it doesn't matter. You can trust me this time. I'll trust you. Of course, the old rule, the principle of equal exchange, no matter what you get, I want half."

Ye Cha thought and said, "good!"

"So..." Gan Lin looked into the distance and said, "when the apostles walk, we can launch another attack, or when they die a little, we can do it."

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