death train

Chapter 1126

The battle between the Apostle and the dragon and tortoise was accompanied by Nanrong Zhishi's real skills, which also led to the most intense moment.

Since the beginning of the general attack, the apostles could not walk far away from the dragon and tortoise, and would certainly be close to the past.

Then, they will realize the horror of the Dragon turtle!


At first, it was safe, because the four pillars were still blocking the tortoise, but as the Apostle said before, the four pillars would not last long.

In fact, Longzhu is very powerful, and its function is more than that. It was originally the mace prepared by narong Zhishi for yecha. Unfortunately, Longzhu didn't seem to have a good effect on Longgui, and it was even restrained.

So, after a little more support, the four dragon pillars finally collapsed.

When the dragon pillar collapses, the barrier created by the dragon pillar collapses, disintegrates and disappears.

The apostles walking around no longer have the right to attack the tortoise unconditionally, so those apostles walking began to die.

On the tortoise's back shell, the spines suddenly ejected out, huge, falling around, and bumped into the apostles.


The Apostle's chest was stabbed cleanly, and a blood hole was left. He didn't even have the chance to resist. The red blood flowed from under the mask.

Then the Apostle walked and fell to the ground. The only thing he could do was say goodbye to the world.

At the same time, the Dragon turtle finally showed its corpse ability. Under the back shell, countless tentacles suddenly stretched out, with hundreds of tentacles, extending and waving around.

Tentacles are very common variation ability in corpse, but the tentacles of dragon turtles are obviously different. Those tentacles have small heads one by one, no eyes, nose, ears, only one mouth, and sharp teeth. They walk and bite towards the surrounding apostles.

The fierce cry is constantly ringing, and the apostles are constantly walking and being killed.

Of course, the tortoise was not feeling well either. Two moonlight fell from the sky, just like two thunders. They cut the tortoise's back, interwoven a cross shaped wound, and cut the tortoise's back shell open.

The tortoise's body looks more bloody.

In the distance, Gan Lin looked at it for a while and said, "this dragon turtle is very strong, but it has not reached the extraordinary level. It still stays at the rank of 5 stars."

Gan Lin's tone is a bit complicated, seems to be relieved, of course, also mixed with some disappointment.

The reason for the relief is that the Dragon Tortoise is really extraordinary. The battle is absolutely very difficult. Naturally, the disappointment is that if the strength of the Dragon Tortoise can reach the extraordinary level, they will be able to get more valuable things from the Dragon Tortoise.

Ye Cha nodded to one side, and he saw it.

That dragon turtle probably evolved from Zunwang 3 star to Zunwang 5 star. Although it is also a leader in the level of 5 star, it is still a step away from extraordinary.

Don't underestimate the distance. The rating on the death train is not meaningless. If it's a star, it's almost impossible to go beyond the level of fighting and win, although it occasionally happens, but it's almost impossible to go beyond the level of the Star Diamond.

Because, starting from the Star Diamond, every big rating is a threshold, a world, inside the threshold, outside the threshold, in the world, outside the world, there are totally different existence.

Of course, this does not mean that the Dragon turtle is not strong enough. Yecha has just entered the ranks of Zunwang 5 stars. If the Dragon turtle is at the peak of 5 stars, it is actually better than yecha in the rating of death train.

However, to this extent, if ye Cha and Gan Lin join hands, they can still be killed.

In the same way, Nanrong Zhishi is probably not the opponent of the Dragon turtle, but he is also walking with a large group of Apostles, some of whom are good at killing the Dragon turtle.

And this is what Gan Lin wanted to express. In order to avoid the benefits, the apostles should go.

Ye Cha looked at Gan Lin and said, "what should I do? I mean the cooperation between us, as you have said, you will not directly participate in the war. "

Gan Lin took out a knife and cut it on her wrist. Then she handed it to Ye Cha and said, "I will give you my power directly, from the underworld, from the power of death, and then you will kill them."

Gan Lin hands her wrist to Ye Cha's mouth, and ye Cha shows some hesitation.

Gan Lin said with a smile: "maybe I can bite my lips, so you may be more willing to drink my blood."

Gan Lin side said, but also while licking lips, it is very tempting.

Of course, what ye Cha is worried about is definitely not this. He is more worried about what influence Gan Lin's blood will have on him. After all, no one knows what this woman is thinking.

Gan Lin said again: "after you drink it, you will know how much I have paid for it. What I mean is how much risk I have to trust you this time. All you need is a mouthful of my blood, so that we can completely integrate.""Only once

Ye Cha takes a deep breath, then kisses Gan Lin's wrist, and lets the blood flowing from the wound flow into his mouth.

Strong smell of blood, with a fishy smell, like a mixture of metal rust in general.

Even if Ganlin is beautiful, it doesn't make the taste of blood delicious.

Next moment, Gan Lin whispered softly.

"I'm here, watching you, dotted with the night sky. You and I, like two groups of flames, illuminate each other. I once knew your name, I once remembered your face, and I was intoxicated with your voice..."

"Year after year, I feel your call. Even if I sink into the river Styx, I will never let the flame go out. I will no longer accept your embrace, enjoy your love, and sink into your glory. I have no choice but to deliver my soul to you."

Gan Lin's deep narration is like an old minstrel singing there, or an old diviner murmuring an old language that can't be heard.

Then, the leaf brake felt the change.

The blood that flowed into his throat became extremely sweet. It was clear that the astringent smell, with the smell of rust, didn't go away at all, but yecha felt sweet.

Yes, the sweet taste doesn't come from the blood itself. Blood is blood, and it will always be that kind of taste. Yecha didn't get abnormal, so he would feel that blood is so delicious.

That sweet feeling comes from strength!

It's delicious from power!

It's the sweetness of the desire for power!

At the foot of the leaf brake, the black smoke is wrapped in a circle, showing a strange, mysterious and dead feeling!

In front of Ye Cha's eyes, there appeared a long river running through the land of eight thousand miles.

The name of that river is Styx!

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